Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Heartbreak house Ш-85

Heavy Metal Б-256

Heil Hitler Ан-218

Hell’s Angel’s Ан-304

Het volkommen huwelijk В-44

(The) Hidden Persuaders П-6

Hirochima, mon amour Г-247

His Master’s Voice Ан-235

(The) hollow men Э-27

(L’)Homme révolté К-13

Homo ludens Х-37

Hot Line Ан-362

How to Steal a Million Н-85

How to stop worrying and start living К-26

Hugo – hélas! Ж-55

(The) Human Factor С-82

(L’)humor noir Б-300

Hurrapatriotismus Ан-586


I’ll be back Х-60

I am the greatest А-43

I chose freedom К-222

I do, I do, I do, I do, I do А-56

I Have a Dream К-65

I want to be alone Г-60

Ich bin ein Berliner К-50

Ich bin von Kopf zu Fuss auf Liebe eingestellt Х-91

Ideal Marriage В-44

Idiot box Ан-614

If anything can go wrong, it will Ан-391

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it Л-5

Il est interdit d’interdire Ан-157

Il ne passeront pas! Ан-185

Il treno arriva all’orario Ан-524

Im Westen nichts Neues Р-37

(L’)imagination prend le pouvoir Ан-134

Imperium et Libertas Ф-30

In bed with Madonna П-197

In war there can be no substitute for victory М-18

Information highway Г-144

Intelligenzbestie К-223

(The) invisible man У-33

(The) iron heel Л-281

(The) Iron Lady Ан-386

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Н-210

It can’t happen here Л-306


Jak być kochaną Б-290

Jazz Age Ф-39

Jedem das Seine Ан-160

Jeder stirbt für sich allein Ф-5

Jesus Christ Superstar Н-214

(La) jeune garde Б-82

Jo ballo da sola Н-189

Just rattle your jewellery Л-228


(Der) Kaiser ging, die Generale blieben П-133

Kanonen statt Butter! Ан-194

Kill the Man Л-285

Kinder, Küche, Kirche В-76

King Coal С-116

Kiss Me Kate Н-218

Kiss of death С-145

Kleiner Mann, was nun? Ф-6

Kraft durch Freude Ан-206

Kraft und Schönheit Ан-552

Krajobraz po bitwie Б-259

Krieg dem Kriege! Ан-131

Kristаllnаcht Ан-593


(Das) Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten Г-142

Land of opportunity Г-142

(The) Law of the Jungle К-74

Lebensraum Г-271

Leri, ogi, domani Н-46

Lern to think Imperially Ч-8

Less is more М-457

Let’s make things better Ан-247

Let them bring me prisoners, and I’ll find them law Ан-327

Licence to kill Ф-41

Lie back and enjoy it Ан-537

Life after life М-520

Life begins at forty П-117

Like a rolling stone Д-62

(The) Limits to Growth Ан-520

Lingua Tertii Imperii К-89

Littéature engagée С-16

(The) little brown brother Ан-564

Little green men Ан-441

(A) little lady of the big house Л-283

Live and let die Ф-43

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Н-86

(La) loi c’est la loi Н-69

Lone Ranger Ан-476

(The) loneliness of the long-distance runner С-89

(The) lonely crowd Р-47

Lonely Hearts Club Л-234

(The) Long Hot Summer Ан-380

(The) Longest Day Р-3

Look back in anger О-118

Look homeward, angel В-155

(The) lost world Д-81

Love me tender, love me true М-188

Love story С-83

(The) Low of Raspberry Jam Х-6

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Л-235

Lust for life С-306

(Die) lustige Witwe Н-213


May the force be with you Л-294а

(Die) Mörder sind unter uns Н-187

Macht mit, macht nach, macht besser! Ан-236

Magisches Realismus Р-50

(The) Magnificent Seven Н-32

(Une) maison est une machine-а-habiter Л-90

Make it a green peace Д-13

Make love, not war Ан-156

(A) man for all seasons Б-249

(The) man who knew too much Ч-47

(The) managerial revolution Б-124

(Der) Mann ohne Eigencshaften М-521

Mass Culture Ан-444

Masse-Mensch Т-95

Massive retaliation Д-9

Masskult Ан-444

Matrimonio all’italiana Н-25

(The) Medium Is a Message М-24

(The) melting pot З-23

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus Г-259

Men in Black Н-100

Men like gods У-27

Men without women Х-46

Merchants of death Э-32

Microbe hunters Д-19

(Ein) militanter Humanismus М-116

(The) military-industrial complex Э-11

Mission: Impossible Н-104

Mit der Bombe leben В-5

Mobilitate viget Г-193

Modern Times Н-122

Moi ou chaos Г-137

Molotov cocktail Ан-412

(El) momento de la verdad Ан-451

Money, money, money Э-1

Monkey trial Ан-474

(Les) monstres sacré К-114

Moral Rearmament Б-415

More Stars than in Heaven Ан-227

Mort d’auteur Б-38

(La) mort est mon métie М-440

Mourir pour Dantzig? Д-16

(A) moveable feast Х-49

Muckrakers Р-96

Mujeros al borde de un ataque de nervios Н-65

Multipolar world Ан-448

(La) musique concrиte Ш-63

My fair lady Л-241

My Fair Lady Н-215

(Der) Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts Р-79


(Die) Nacht der langen Messer Ан-472

Nacht und Nebel Ан-473

Nackt unter Wölfen А-78

Nation Shall Speak Peace unto Nation Р-38

Nesnesitelná lehkost byti К-257

(Der) neue Kurs Р-100

Neue Ordnung Г-107

Neue Sachlichkeit Х-32

Never Again Ан-223

Never Say Never Again Н-120

(The) New Age Ан-468

New Deal Р-100

(The) New Frontier К-46

New Left М-444

New Look Д-64

New Right Б-93

New Russians С-146

New world economic order Ан-469

New world order Б-419

Newspeak О-102

(The) Next Generation Н-141

Nie wieder! Ан-223

(A) Nightmare on Elm Street Н-91

No comment Ан-467

No pasarán! Ан-185

Nobody’s perfect У-2

(Le) Nњd de vipиres М-510

Non c’e pace fra gli ulivi Н-119

Non, je ne regrette rien В-126

Non-violence Г-58

Nostalgie n’est plus ce quelle était В-8

(Le) Nouveau roman А-75

Nouvelle vague Ж-61

Novus ordo seculorum Г-107

Now it can be told Г-276


Of human bondage М-518

Oiseau bleu М-442

(The) old man and the sea Х-54

On les aura! П-97

One-dimensional man М-134

(L’)Opium des intellectuels А-90

Otono del patriarca Г-62

Otto e mezzo Н-40

Our case is just М-505

Our man in Havana Г-274

Overkill К-16


Pan-Europe К-242
