1. M. Chatelain, «Nos ancetres venus du cosmos». Ed. Robert Laffont, P., 1975.
2. Robert Charroux, Histoire inconnue des hommes depuis cent mille ans, Ed. Robert Laffont, P., 1979.
3. Jean-Claude Bourret, La science face aux extra-terrestres, Ed. France-Empire, 1977, р. 243...261.
4. Jean-Claude Bourret, Le nouveau defi des OVNI, France Loisire, 1979 p. 110...134.
5. Garreau et Larier, Face aux extra-terrestres, Jean-Pierre Delarge, Mame, 1975.
6. Hynek, J. Alien, The UFO Experience. A Scientific Inquiry, Henry Regnery Co., Chicago, USA, 1972.
7. Edwards Frank, Flying saucers – serious business, Toronto, Bantam books, 1966.
8. Donald Н. Menzel and Ernest Н. Taves, The UFO Enigma. The Definitive Explanation of the UFO Phenomenon, Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y., 1977.
9. Garreau, Charles, Alerte dans ie ciel! (Documents officiels sur les objets volants non identifies), Ed. du Grand Damier, 1956.
10. Georges Lehr, Les soucoupes volantes. Contre, Berger – Levrault, Nancy, 1969.
11. Michel Monnerie, Et si les O.V.N.I.S. n'existaient pas? Les Humanoides associes, L. F. Editions, 1977.
12. Philip J. Klass, UFO's explained. Random House, N.Y., 1974.
13. FSR (Flying Saucer Review), Vol. 24, No. 6 (apr. 1979).
14. Condon E.U. (Director), Gflimor D.S. (Editor), «Scientific study of Unidentified Flying Objects», London, Vision, 1969.
15. Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, p. 133...140.
16. A. Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, N.Y., 1977.
17. Jacobs, David Michael, The UFO controversy in America, Indiana unir. press, Bloomington – L., 1975.
18. Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space. The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, Doubleday Company, Inc., N.Y., 1973.
19. Lumieres dans la nuit, 1977, №166; Phenomenes Spatiaux, mars 1977.
20. Stendek, 1972, №9.
21. David R. Saunders and R. Roger Harknis, UFO's? Yes: Where the Condon Committee went wrong. The inside story by an ex-member of the official study group, 1968.
22. Vallee, Jacques and Vallee, Janine, Challenge to science. The UFO enigma, 1966.
23. Lorenzen, Coral Е., Flying Saucers. The startling evidence of the invasion from outer space, 1966.
24. Jon Hobana, Julien Weverbergh, Les O.V.N.I. en U.R.S.S. et dans les pays de l'est. Ed. Robert Laffont, P., 1976.
25. Arthur Shuttlewood, The Flying Saucerers, Sphere Books Limited, L., 1976.
26. William Reed, The Phantom of the Poles, N.Y., 1906.
27. Marchall B. Gardner, A journey to the Earth's interior, or have the poles really been discovered? Illinois, 1920.
28. Raymond Bernard, Flying Saucers from the Earth's interior.
29. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Secret of the ages. UFOs from inside the Earth, L., 1974.
30. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 24, №6, p. 8.
31. Lumieres dans la nuit, №164, 1977.
32. Jacques Vallee. Le college Invisible, Ed. Albin Michel, P., 1975, p. 241.
33. Charles Garreau et Raymond Lavier, Face aux extra-terrestres, Mame, 1978.
34. James М. Мс Campbell, Ufology. New Insights from Science and Common Sense, 1973.
35. Феликс Р. Патури, Зодчие XXI века, с. 119...130.
36. Hynek Allen J. The UFO Experience. A Scientific Inquiry. Chicago, Regnery, 1972.
37. Historia, №395, P., 1979.
38. Robert Emenegger, UFO's Past and Future, Ballantine Books, N.Y., 1974.
39. Playboy, vol. 6, 1978, №8.
40. Rudolph G. Aicardi, La CIA vs los O.V.N.I.S. Historia de una conspiracion secreta, Ed. Posada, Mexico, 1977.