Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

1. Fletcher and Francis Beaumont, Fifty Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1679), 217.

2. Lorus Johnson Milne and Margery Joan Milne, The World of Night (New York, 1956), 22; Thomas Hardy, The Return of the Native (1880; rpt. edn., London, 1993), 19; Nov. 5, 1830, Michael McGrath, ed., Cinnine Amhiaoibh Ui Shuileabhain: The Diary of Humphrey O'Sullivan (London, 1936), II, 355–356; John Florio, comp., Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues (London, 1611), 79. Традиционно считалось, что крики сипухи [совообразная птица] предвещают смерть. Gilbert White, The Natural History and Antiquities ofSelborne (London, 1994), 142–143; Brand 1848, III, 209–210.

3. Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, V, 1,124, and Measure for Measure, TV, 1,56–57.


1. Daniel Boorstin, The Discoverers (New York, 1983), 26.

2. Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757; rpt. edn., New York, 1971), 272–281; John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ed. Peter H. Nidditch (Oxford, 1975), 397–398.

3. Juliette Favez-Boutonier, L'Angoisse (Paris, 1945), 134–150.

4. The Iliad, trans. Robert Fitzgerald (New York, 1992), 338; Kevin Coyne, A Day in the Night of America (New York, 1992), 35; Richard Cavendish, The Powers of Evil in Western Religion, Magic, and Folk Belief (New York, 1975), 88–89; Geoffrey Parrinder, Witchcraft: European and African (London, 1970), 123–124; Norman Cohn, Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch-Hunt (New York, 1975), 206–207.

5. Psalms 23:4; John 1:5; Matthew 27:45; Cavendish, Powers of Evil, 87–91; Ernst Cassirer. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, trans. Ralph Manheim (New Haven, 1964), 98–99.

6. Alan Macfarlane, Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: A Regional and Comparative Study (London, 1970), 212; Lucy Mair, Witchcraft (New York, 1969), 42–43; B. Malinowski, "The Natives of Mailu: Preliminary Results of the Robert Mond Research Work in British New Guinea," in Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 39 (1915), 647–648; Parrinder, Witchcraft, 134–146; John Middleton and E. H. Winter, eds., Witchcraft and Sorcery in East Africa (London, 1969), passim.

7. Rolfe Humphries, trans., The Satires of Juvenal (Bloomington, Ind., 1966), 43–44; Mark J. Bouman, "Luxury and Control: The Urbanity of Street Lighting in Nineteenth-Century Cities," JUH 14 (1987), 9; Hazel Rossotti, Fire (Oxford, 1993), 59; O'Dea, Lighting, 14–16, 220.

8. Richard M. Dorson, ed., America Begins: Early American Writing (Bloomington, Ind., 1971), 280, 282; Theodore M. Andersson, "The Discovery of Darkness in Northern Literature," in Robert B. Burlin and Edward B. Irving, Jr., eds., Old English Studies in Honour of John C. Pope (Toronto, 1974), 9—12.

Глава первая

1. Nashe, Works, 1,345.

2. J. P. Arival, The Historic of this Iron Age: Wherein is Set Down the True State of Europe as It Was in the Year 1500…, trans. B. Harris (London, 1659), 2; George Herbert, Jaculum Prudentium: or Outlandish Proverbs… (London, 1651), 70; "Quid Tunc," SJC, Aug. 29, 1767; Honore de Balzac, The Human Comedy (New York, 1893), II, 6; William G. Na-phy and Penny Roberts, eds., Fear in Early Modem Society (Manchester, 1997).

3. Richard Steele, The Husbandmans Calling… (London, 1670), 270; Shakespeare, Henry V, IV, 0, 4; Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece, 764–767; Anthony J. Lewis, "The Dog, Lion, and Wolf in Shakespeare's Descriptions of Night," Modem Language Review 66 (1971), 1—11; Anthony Harris, Night's Black Agents: Witchcraft and Magic in Seventeenth-Century English Drama (Manchester, 1980); Jean-Marie Maguin, La Nuit dans le Theatre de Shakespeare et de ses Predecesseurs, 2 vols. (Lille, 1980).

4. John Hayward, Hell's Everlasting Flames Avoided… (London, 1712), 30; Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost, IV, 3, 252; Thomas Granger, The Light of the World… (London, 1616), 29; Piero Camporesi, The Fear of Hell: Images of Damnation and Salvation in Early Modern Europe, trans. Lucinda Byatt (University Park, Pa., 1991), 42; Nashe, Works, 1,346; John Dryden and Nathaniel Lee, Oedipus (London, 1679), 27; Jean Delumeau, La Peur en Occident, XlVe — XVlIIe Siecles: Une Cite Assiegee (Paris, 1978), 97; Robert Muchembled, "La Violence et la Nuit sous l'Anrien Regime," Ethnologie Franqaise 21 (1991), 241.

5. Anthony Synnott, "The Eye and the I: A Sociology of Sight," International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 5 (1992), 619, 618; Constance Classen, Worlds of Sense: Exploring the Senses in History and Across Cultures (NewYork, 1993), 58.

6. Maria Bogucka, "Gesture, Ritual, and Social Order in Sixteenth- to Eighteenth-century Poland," in Jan Bremmer and Herman Roodenburg, eds., A Cultural History of Gesture (Ithaca, N. Y., 1992), 191.

7. См., например, US and WJ, July 9,1737.

8. Thomson, The Seasons, ed. James Sambrook (Oxford, 1981), 192.

9. Mill, A Nights Search: Discovering the Nature and Condition of all Sorts of Night Walkers… (London, 1639); Herberts Devotions… (London, 1657), 231; Mark Warr, "Dangerous Situations: Social Context and Fear of Victimization," Social Forces 68 (1990), 892–894.

10. R. В., "A Serious Address to the Common Council of the City of London," G and NDA, July 16,1768; Thomas Middleton, The Wisdome of Solomon Paraphrased (London, 1597); July 18,1709, Cowper, Diary. См. также: Henry Chettle, Piers Plainnes Seauen Yeres Prentiship (London, 1595); Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, II, 1, 77.

11. Lavater, Spirites, 10.

12. Richard Jackson, June 7,1656, York Depositions, 74; Heywood, Diaries, III, 187.

13. Mar. 3, 1727, "The Diary of George Booth," Journal of the Chester and North Wales Architectural Archaeogical and Historic Society, New Ser., 28 (1928), 38; Perpetual and Natural Prognostications… (London, 1591), 27; T. F. Thiselton-Dyer, Old English Social Life as Told by the Parish Registers (1898; rpt. edn., New York, 1972), 233; Heywood, Diaries, II, 218; Sara Schechner Genuth, Comets, Popular Culture, and the Birth of Modern Cosmology (Princeton, 1997).

14.1719, Lewis, Diary, 25; June 5,1742, "Diary of Rev. Jacob Eliot," Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries…, 2nd Ser., 5 (1869), 34.

15. May 21,1668, Pepys, Diary, 208; Walter L. Strauss, ed., The German Single-Leaf Woodcut, 1550–1600 (New York, 1975), III, 968–969; T. Platter, Journal, 217; Heywood, Diaries, П, 232; Steven Ozment, Three Behaim Boys Growing up in Early Modern Germany: A Chronicle of Their Lives (New Haven, 1990), 52.

16. M. de Fontenelle, Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, trans. H. A. Hargreaves (Berkeley, Calif., 1990), 130; Charles Stevens and John Liebault, Maison Rustique, or, the Countrey Farme, trans. Richard Surflet (London, 1616), 30; Thomas B. Forbes, "By What Disease or Casualty: The Changing Face of Death in London," Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 31 (1976), 408; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 296–297.
