39. William Cobbett, Rural Rides in Surrey, Kent, and Other Counties (London, 1948), II, 139; Winslow C. Watson, ed., Men and Times of the Revolution; or, Memoirs ofElkartah Watson, Including Journals of Travels (New York, 1856), 59. См. также: Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders (1887; rpt. edn., London, 1991), 12.
40. George Edward Dartnell and Edward Hungerford Goddard, comps., A Glossary of Words Used in the County of Wiltshire (London, 1893), 192; Autobiography of the Rev. Dr Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk… (Edinburgh, 1860), 125–126; Barber, "Traveller," 48.
41. Burton E. Stevenson, ed., The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases (New York, 1948), 168; Walter W. Skeat, ed., Five Reprinted Glossaries… (London, 1879), 95; Bernard J. Hibbitts, "Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse," Cardozo Law Review 16 (1994), 229–356; Donald M. Lowe, History of Bourgeois Perception (Brighton, Eng., 1982), 6–8.
42. Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, III, 2; Bruce R. Smith, The Acoustic World of Early Modern England: Attending to the О-Factor (Chicago, 1999), 58–59.
43. John M. Hull, Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness (New York, 1990), 166, 83; Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Boston, 1977), 96–97.
44. Barber, "Traveller," 39; Diary of Rev. William Bennet, 1785, Bodl., Eng. Mise. f. 54, fo. 74; E. P. Thompson, Customs in Common (New York, 1991), 362; Joshua Lucock Wilkinson, The Wanderer… through France, Germany and Italy in 1791 and 1793 (London, 1798), I, 58; Jasper Danckaerts, Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679–1680, ed. and trans. Henry C. Murphy (New York, 1867), 125.
45. Sept. 20,1791, Walter Johnson, ed., Gilbert White's Journals (1931; rpt. edn., New York, 1970), 394; Milne and Milne, World of Night, 13–14,94; Claire Murphy and William Cain, "Odor Identification: The Blind are Better," Physiology & Behavior 37 (1986), 177–180. Воспоминания о резких запахах остаются в памяти гораздо дольше, чем большая часть образов, однажды виденных нами. J. Douglas Porteous, Landscapes of the Mind: Worlds of Sense and Metaphor (Toronto, 1990), 34–36.
46. W. Carew Hazlitt, ed., English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases… (London, 1882), 94; Edward Ward, The London Spy (1709; rpt. edn., New York, 1985), 40; Barber, "Traveller," 39; M. Betham-Edwards, ed., The Autobiography of Arthur Young (1898; rpt. edn., New York, 1967), 194. См. также: Sept. 15, 1779, Andrew Oliver, ed., The Journal of Samuel Curwen, Loyalist (Cambridge, Mass., 1972), 560.
47. OED, s. V. "blind road"; Sept. 16,1795, "Dr. Pierce's Manuscript Journal," Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, 2nd Ser., 3 (1886–1887), 52; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard, Based on Her Diary, 1785–1812 (New York, 1990), 202; Hull, Touching the Rock, 103.
48. Faber, ed., Gay Works, 83.
49. Descartes, Selected Philosophical Writings, trans. John Cottingham et al. (Cambridge, 1988), 58; Harry Porter, The Pleasant History of the Two Angry Women ofAbington (n. p., 1599); Oct. 2,1724, Parkman, Diary, 6.
50. Cecil Aspinall-Oglander, ed., Admiral’s Wife: Being the Life and Letters of the Hon. Mrs. Edward Boscawen from 1719 to 1761 (London, 1940), 235; Monique Savoy, Lumières sur la Ville: Introduction et Promotion de l'Elecricité en Suisse: L'Éclairage Lausannois, 1881–1921 (Lausanne, 1988), 50.
51. L'Estrange, Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflections (London, 1699), 1,103.
52. Torrey, ed., Thoreau Writings, III, 340.
53. Farley's Bristol Journal, Feb. 18, 17°9; Ward, London Spy, III, 48–49; Aileen Riberio, Dress in Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1715–1789 (New Haven, 2002), 85.
54. OBP, July 9—11,1740,174; Joseph Lawson, Letters to the Young on Progress in Pudsey during the Last Sixty Years (Stanningley, Eng., 1887), 33; Tornano, Proverbi, 170.
55. Hadrianus Junius, The Nomenclator… (London, 1585), 160–161; OED, s. v. "greatcoat"; John Owen, Travels into Different Parts of Europe, in the Years 1791 and 1792… (London, 1796), II, 81; Tobias Smollett, The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves (London, 1762), 239; Daniel Defoe, The Life of… Robinson Crusoe (London, 1729), 180; Henry Swinburne, Travels in the Two Sicilies… (London, 1783), II, 308; Jonas Hanway, An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea… (London, 1753), II, 336; Riberio, Dress, 22–24,30—31,87.
56. W. Hooper, ed., Letters of Baron Bielfeld… (London, 1768), IV, 166; OED, s.v. "night-kerchief," "mob"; Tilley, Proverbs in England, 296; John Owen, Travels into Different Parts of Europe, in the Years 1791 and 1792… (London, 1796), II, 81; Apr. 24, 25,1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 89; F. Pomey and A. Lovell, Indiculus Universalis; or, the Universe in Epitome… (London, 1679), 68; Riberio, Dress, 49.
57. Thomas Burke, English Night-Life: From Norman Curfew to Present Black-Out (New York, 1971), 54; Andrew Henderson, ed., Scottish Proverbs (Edinburgh, 1832), 69; OBP, Oct. 4,1719,6; Cohens, Italy, 49.
58. Torrington, Diaries, III, 290.
59. Nov. 28, 1785, Woodforde, Diary, II, 216; James Peller Malcolm, Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century… (London, 1810), 1,145. См. также: July 30,1755, Parkman, Diary, 293.
60. LC, Aug. 18,1785.
61. Varrò, On the Latin Language, trans. Roland G. Kent (Cambridge, Mass., 1957), I, 177–179; Censorinus, De Die Natale, trans. William Maude (New York, 1900), 40; Henry Hibbert, Syntagma Theologicum… (London, 1662), 30.
62. Augustin Gallo, Secrets de la Vraye Agriculture… (Paris, 1572), 213; Leonard Lawrence, A Small Treatise betwixt Arnalte and Lucenda (London, 1639), 7; Nina Gockerell, "Telling Time without a Clock," in Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr, eds., The Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata, 1550–1650 (New York, 1980), 137. Эта хронология составлена на основе многочисленных первоисточников.
63. Ralph Knevet, Rhodon and Iris… (London, 1631); OED, s. v. "hen and chickens," "seven stars"; Weinsberg, Diary, 1,59; Gockerell, "Telling Time," 137.
64. Barber, "Traveller," 42; Crusius, Node, ch. 3.12; Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1, 2, 198; The RapeofLucrece, 113–119.
65. OBP, Oct. 12,1737, 205; M. D'Archenholz, A Picture of England… (London, 1789), II, 79; Ménétra, Journal, 195–196.
66. SWP, I, 99; Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1, 1, 143; Bourne, Antiquitatecs Vulgares, 38; Alan Gailey, "The Bonfire in North Irish Tradition," Folklore 88 (1977), 18; Crusius, Node, ch. 3.36.
67. William Howitt, The Boy's Country Book (London, n.d), 196; Bourne, Antiquitates Vulgares, 87, 84, passim; Francis Grose, A Provincial Glossary (1787; rpt. edn., Menston, Eng., 1968), 3, 2. См. также: James Dawson Bum, The Autobiography of a Beggar Boy, ed. David Vincent (London, 1978), 67; Bartholomäus Sastrow et al., Social Germany in Luther's Time: Being the Memoirs of Bartholomew Sastrow, trans. H. A. L. Fisher (Westminster, Eng., 1902), 291.