Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

36. J. R. Hale, ed., The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis…, trans. J. R. Hale and J. M.A. Lindon (London, 1979), 82; James Casey, The Kingdom of Valencia in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1979), 212; Moryson, Unpublished Itinerary, 463, 163; Cleone Knox, The Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in the Year 1764–1765 (New York, 1926), 220; Ménétra, Journal, 86; S. Johnson, London: A Poem… (London, 1739), 17; James Hervey, Meditations and Contemplations (New York, 1848), II, 33; J. S. Cockbum, "Patterns of Violence in English Society: Homicide in Kent, 1560–1985," PP 103 (1991), 86; Matthiessen, Natten, 141.

37. Dec. 21,1494, Luca Landucci, ed., A Florentine Diary from 1450 to 1516…, trans. Alice De Rosen Jervis (1927; rpt. edn., Freeport, N. Y., 1971), 77; Remarks 1717, 238, 241; Ruff, Violence, 75–76; Jonathan Walker, "Bravi and Venetian Nobles, C. 1550–1650," Studi Veneziani 36 (1998), 85—113.

38. Aug. 18,1692, Wood, Life, V, 398; G. C. Faber, The Poetical Works of John Gay… (London, 1926), 81; Robert Shoemaker, "Male Honour and the Decline of Public Violence in Eighteenth-Century London," SH 26 (2001), 190–208.

39. The Rules of Civility (London, 1685), 114–115, passim; Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process: The Development of Manners…, trans. Edmond Jephcott, 2 vols. (New York, 1978–1982); Ruff, Violence, 7–8; Penelope Corfield, "Walking the City Streets: The Urban Odyssey in Eighteenth-Century England," JUH 16 (1990), 132–174; Jan Bremmer and Herman Roodenburg, eds., A Cultural History of Gesture (Ithaca, N.Y., 1992), passim.

40. Sir Thomas Overbury, His Wife (London, 1622); Feb. 8, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 46; Schindler, "Youthful Culture," 275; Thomas Bell, May 2,1666, York Depositions, 142; WJ, Mar. 23,1723.

41. Richard A. Page and Martin K. Moss, "Environmental Influences on Aggression: The Effects of Darkness and Proximity of Victim," Journal of Applied Social Psychology 6 (1976), 126–133.

42. Francis Lenton, Characterismi: or, Lemons Leasures… (London, 1631); Robert E. Thayer, The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress (New York, 1996), passim.

43. Carolyn Pouncy, ed., The “Domostroi": Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible (Ithaca, N. Y., 1994), 81; Arne Jansson, From Swords to Sorrow: Homicide and Suicide in Early Modern Stockholm (Stockholm, 1998), 125.

44. F. G. Emmison, ed., Elizabethan Life: Disorder; Mainly from Essex Sessions and Assize Records (Chelmsford, Eng., 1970), 206; Matthiessen, Natten, 133; Ruff, Violence, 126; Muchembled, Violence, 31–32.

45. Francis Henderson, June 11, 1777, Assi 45/33/l/14а; Plain Advice to Hard-Drinkers… (London, 1796), 10; Pieter Spierenburg, "Knife Fighting and Popular Codes of Honor in Early Modem Amsterdam," in Pieter Spierenburg, ed., Men and Violence: Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America (Columbus, Ohio, 1998), 109; Julius R. Ruff, Crime, Justice and Public Order in Old Regime France: The Sénéchaussées of Libourne and Bazas, 1696–1789 (London, 1984), 80–81.

46. Dietz, Surgeon, 194; Johnson, London, 17; Muchembled, Violence, 32; Beattie, Crime, 93; Schindler, Rebellion, 215–216.

47. Matthiessen, Natten, 96.

48. "Palladio," Middlesex Journal, or, Chronicle of Liberty (London), July 30,1769; Shakespeare, Othello, 1,1,75; William Devenant, The Wits (London, 1636); Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 15; Johan Goudsblom, Fire and Civilization (London, 1992), 144–145.

49. James Gabriel Fyfe, ed., Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, 1550–1746 (Stirling, Scot., 1928), 259; Samuel H. Baron, ed. and trans., The Travels of Olearius in Seventeenth Century Russia (Stanford, Calif., 1967), 112; Penny Roberts, "Agencies Human and Divine: Fire in French Cities, 1520–1720," in William G. Naphy and Penny Roberts, eds., Fear in Early Modem Society (Manchester, 1997), 9.

50. Stephen Porter, "Fires in Stratford-upon-Avon in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries," Warwickshire History 3 (1976), 103, passim.

51. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 333; Mar. 16, 1701, Cowper, Diary; Matthiessen, Natten, 121–122.

52. Sir Richard Blackmore, Prince Arthur (London, 1695), 190; E. L. Jones et al., A Gazetteer of English Urban Fire Disasters, 1500–1900 (Norwich, 1984).

53. Roy Porter, London, a Social History (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), 85; Sept. 4,1666, Evelyn, Diary, III, 454; Neil Hanson, The Great Fire of London: In that Apocalyptic Year (Hoboken, N. J., 2002).

54. NYWJ, Sept. 26,1737; SJC, Aug. 4,1785; Roberts, "Fire in French Cities," 9—27.

55. Mar. 30,1760, "Stow, and John Gate's Diary," Worcester Society of Antiquity Proceedings (1898), 270; Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in the Wilderness: The First Century of Urban Life in America, 1625–1742 (Oxford, 1971), 55–63,206–213,364-372; Carl Bridenbaugh, Cities in Revolt: Urban Life in America, 1743–1776 (Oxford, 1971), 18,100–105, 292–294.

56. Ludwig Holberg, Moral Reflections & Epistles, ed. P. M. Mitchell (Norvik, Eng., 1991), 169; "The Diary of George Booth," Journal of the Chester and North Wales Architectural Archaeological and Historic Society, New Ser., 28 (1928), 40; Enid Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (New York, 1969), 205.

57. John Bancroft, The Tragedy of Sertonius (London, 1679), 20. См. также: Benjamin Keach, Spiritual Melody (London, 1691), 28; Rowlands, Night Raven.

58. Benjamin Franklin, Writings, ed. J. A Leo Lemay, ed. (New York, 1987), 220–221; "Philanthropos," LEP, Jan. 25,1763; Carl Bridenbaugh, Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590–1642 (New York, 1967), 144; The Life and Errors of John Dunton… (London, 1818), 11,606.

59. Paroimiographia (English), 5; Thomas Tusser, Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, eds. V. Payne and J. Sidney (London, 1878), 179; Jan. 13, 1669, Josselin, Diary, 545; Nov. 3, 1710, Raymond A. Anselment, ed., The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke, 1671–1714 (London, 2001), 270; Mar. 22,1683, J. E. Foster, ed., The Diary of Samuel Newton (Cambridge, 1890), 84; PG, Feb. 18,1729.

60. Hugh Platte, The Jewell House of Art and Nature… (1594; rpt. edn., Amsterdam, 1979), 50.

61. July 20,1709, Sewall, Diary, II, 622; George Lyman Kittredge, The Old Farmer and His Almanack… (Cambridge, Mass., ca. 1904), 147; DUR, July 11,1787.

62. Matybeth Carlson, "Domestic Service in a Changing City Economy: Rotterdam, 1680–1780" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1993), 157–158; Wilson, English Proverbs, 167.

63. Grub Street Journal (London), May 16,1734.

64. PA, July 15, 1763; William Langland's Piers Plowman: The C Version, trans. George Economou (Philadelphia, 1996), 25; Christopher R. Friedrichs, The Early Modern City, 1450–1750 (London, 1995), 276–277.

65. William Hector, ed., Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire… (Paisley, Scot., 1876), 239; Bernard Capp, "Arson, Threats of Arson, and Incivility in Early Modem England," in Peter Burke et al., eds.. Civil Histories: Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford, 2000), 197–213; Matthiessen, Natten, 121.

66. Goudsblom, Fire and Civilization, 158; Roberts, "Fire in French Cities," 22; Country Journal: or the Craftsman (London), June 24,1738.
