After observing this, Hyperman finally realized how to weaken Ultraman enough to be killed. He had to get them in a spot where he would be unable to replenish himself with an archverse, which would weaken him with starvation and slow the rate of his regeneration. Hyperman led Ultraman along in a chase, luring him into the most remote region of Destroyer's Godverse which he could access. When he finally had him in the right spot, he ordered Prismus to terminate all the lower-level archverses and repel whatever archverses were beyond Prismus' capability to destroy. As this happened, Hyperman aggressively fought against Ultraman to keep him occupied. The two clashed, “brother” against “brother”, each with their own storied past and weight of destiny upon their shoulders. Hyperman fighting Ultraman was not at all similar to when he fought the other clones of The Seventh in his pocket dimension. Ultraman was different from them. He had aspirations, goals, and a plight that garnered more sympathy from him than the mindless drones that swarmed towards Hyperman at The Seventh's beck and call. For this reason, Hyperman found it more difficult to have the will to kill Ultraman, who he felt could have – and still possibly could – lead a life that was not destructive or harmful to himself or others. Hyperman thus wavered, and attempted to convince Ultraman that he could still be his own person, that didn't need the title or identity of another being to be fulfilled. Ultraman too seemed to waver, as his appendages lowered themselves. Slowly, he approached Hyperman, and quietly whispered that it wasn't about taking Hyperman's title or identity – it was about taking his life. The appendages suddenly sprang to life and shot forward, and although Hyperman attempted to dodge it, he was still impaled through the waist by one of them. Hyperman felt an intense rage and embarrassment course through him, more-so from Ultraman's betrayal than the actual impalation. He dislodged himself from the appendage, gripping his wounded waist with one hand as he hacked at Ultraman in a blind fury with his folded stringshard sword using the other hand. One by one, all of Ultraman's Demon Thread connections were severed, before Hyperman painfully used the hand gripping his side to instead slash at Ultraman with another folded stringshard sword, dual-wielding them. Hyperman fought against the pain he felt as he then sliced away all of Ultraman's extra appendages, before wildly hacking and slashing at the entire front of his body in a melee flurry.
Ultraman finally lashed out and retaliated by shooting a strand of Demon Thread from his mouth which struck Hyperman in the chest, and then tugged on the thread to make Hyperman fall on his back. Ultraman then retracted the thread and pulled it back into him, pulling Hyperman closer to him in the process. Hyperman was dragged along by the thread helplessly, as the jaws of Ultraman neared ever closer to him. Hyperman was within an inch of his life as Ultraman was about to bite into him, and so thinking quickly, he grabbed his stringshard blade and stabbed it vertically upward through Ultraman's head. Ultraman choked out as his body suddenly went limp, and Hyperman followed up by running Ultraman through the chest with his other Stringshard blade. Ultraman's body fell backwards, plunging into the infinite abyss. Ultraman internally called out to Destroyer for help within his mind, seeking salvation. However, Destroyer scorned him, stating that he was the least worthy of saving, especially after failing to kill Hyperman. Ultraman was left in shock as everything within his perception infinitely shrunk down, and his form disappeared from existence. His consciousness still persisted however, but it was rendered useless due to infinitely warping and distorting itself, and lacking a physical body.
The Architecture is a Multiverse birthed from an Oblivious Entity known as The Architect. It is comprised of infinite unique universes.
Before the Architecture, there was only The Architect, who inhabited an empty void absent of any life or existence.
From The Architect, the Architecture was born in an explosion of universes, dimensions, and realities. Five fractions of The Architect's essence scattered throughout The Architecture, each taking on a unique form and manifesting into five respective races of sub-Oblivious entities.
Each of the five races held a specific purpose. The First's was to create, observe and maintain lifeforms, planets, and universes within The Architecture. The Second's was to destroy or imprison those deemed too destructive or unstable. The Third's was to represent and uphold certain aspects of civilization, philosophy, and nature. The Fourth's was to develop and maintain an overall moral code for The Architecture and its inhabitants. And the Fifth was tasked with the purpose of learning and compiling all scholarly and academic knowledge in The Architecture.
Many Aeons later, The Architecture had been heavily damaged by The Second's invasion, which destroyed the barriers between universes. However, this damage was eventually reversed and The Architecture's barriers were restored to normal…at least somewhat.
Later, following the defeat of Queen Kreel, the leader of the Second race, The Architect regained consciousness, His essence having been fully reconcentrated. However, seeing all the strife and violence occurring throughout The Architecture, The Architect decided that He wanted to destroy it, intending to start over and create an entirely new, more "perfect" Multiverse. However, this was stopped by the combined efforts of The Architecture's greatest warriors, who defeated The Architect with The Blade of Destiny and placed Him in a coma by destroying His cosmic egg.
This act repaired all prior damaged caused by the Second Race's war, with the aid of the Alom contained in the cosmic egg.
The Architect is an Oblivious Entity who is the creator, personification and embodiment of The Architecture, residing as the single most powerful being within His Multiverse. Currently, the Architect lies comatose, as the beings He created turned against Him and defeated Him.
The Architect
The Architect was born of an Infinite Primordial Chaos known as Oblivion. He was but a single fragment of the semi-sentient collective consciousness that comprised Oblivion, known as "Oblivious Entities".
There came a metatime when all Oblivious Entities became aware of each-other's existence, leading Oblivion to turn on itself. What followed was a war among the Oblivious Entities, as they all collectively tried to annihilate each-other. The result of this was Oblivion's eventual self-destruction as it collapsed on itself and imploded, giving way to the Void. Finding Himself expelled into an empty abysmal void with no other form of life or existence present, The Architect believed Himself to have been the only survivor of Oblivion's demise. Furthermore, He believed Himself to have been the strongest Oblivious Entity, since to Him that clearly could have been the only reason for being the "sole survivor". He would remain blissfully unaware of the other surviving Oblivious Entities.
In the eons that followed, there was only The Architect and the Void which surrounded Him. For a time, The Architect was satisfied, in fact proud of being the sole inhabitant of this Void, with there being no opposition to Him. In fact, He thought so highly of Himself, that He manipulated the laws of His own personal reality to always capitalize His pronouns. However, The Architect eventually had an abrupt "epiphany". He felt a crushing sense of loneliness and isolation, being all on His own with no other entities to share in His pride or any supplicants to bask in His glory. But worst of all, nobody to refer to Him in His always-capitalized pronouns.