Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

In order to rectify this, The Architect sought to fill the void. This He accomplished by hatching his Cosmic Egg, and act which scattered His essence all throughout the void. This triggered a chain reaction resulting in a multiversal Big Bang, creating The Architecture. The creation of The Architecture split The Architect's essence into Five major fragments, which were spread across the newborn Multiverse. These fragments soon adopted on their own individual identities, and from them a group of five races (aptly named "The Five") were self-created.

However, The Architect's creation of The Architecture had come at a cost. Since He had used His own essence to accomplish it, The Architect's conscious mind was scrambled and scattered across existence and rendered Him comatose as The Architecture continued to proceeded without Him, unaware that He had even existed in the first place.

Over the course of The Architecture's existence, The Architect's essence gradually reformed and collected itself together.

Reformation and Defeat

The Architect had fully reformed just in time to witness the climax of a brutal war waged by the Second race in an attempt to conquer The Architecture. Kreel, their queen, had been defeated and killed. As The Architect witnessed all the chaos and destruction unfolding throughout existence, He realized that He had made a mistake in creating The Architecture. Just like His previous home, Oblivion, this one seemed doomed to just tear itself apart in the end. Deciding that The Architecture was too imperfect to be kept in existence, The Architect decided to destroy it. However, this decision was met with heavy resistance, as all of The Architecture's greatest warriors united in a final stand against Him. The battle was long and intense, but the heroes won in the end when they impaled The Architect in the chest with The Blade of Destiny, a powerful weapon made entirely of pure Alom – his own essence.

Although The Architect was not killed in this battle, due to there being nothing within The Architecture capable of truly killing Him, He yet again fell into a coma, likely permanently this time.


Multiversal Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment of The Architecture itself, and therefore He has absolute control over everything inside of it- time, space, reality, causality, probability and everything else – without limits.

Existential Embodiment: The Architect is the embodiment and personification of all existence within the Architecture, including the state of being and living.

Local Omniscience: The Architect's mind is unblocked to the entirety of the Architecture. There is absolutely nothing within his -verse which He does not know and understand, and therefore He knows every answer to every question, past and present, of every universe and their inhabitants. However, the Architect does not have the power to see beyond the Architecture, nor does he have the power to see the future within it.

Local Omnipotence: The Architect has complete power within his multiverse, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle". He possesses all powers achievable within the Architecture, existing on level inconceivably above/beyond any other entity within his -verse.

Local Omnipresence: The Architect is present in every aspect of the Architecture, from its locations to its entities. Being related to the concept of ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

Oblivion is an infinite, semi-sentient Primordial chaos composed of Alom and contained within a Monocosm. After eventually imploding in self-destruction upon gaining sentience, it technically no longer exists.

The Supergod Council

The Rise, Fall, and Decay of the Original Council

The SuperGod Council of Beyond was founded by an entity known to many as Xenixel. Xenixel was well-known among his kind for his outspokenness against his perceived sworn enemy the Guardian Of The 5th Wall, his large and dominant Beyond bubble, his immense power, and his great knowledge of the hierarchy of archverses below and above him.

Xenixel stood for nothing but balance and order and would do everything in his power to preserve balance within his home. He believed that absolutely everything in his reality should be uniform and orderly or else reality was not worth living in. As the Transcendentem grew more and more chaotic as a mass Beyond bubble collapse was set to occur, Xenixel wanted his grand Beyond bubble to remain stable and strong throughout the collapse as smaller, less stable Beyond bubbles would fade. If his plan succeeded, Xenixel would try to round up survivors and have them join his established faction of the Transcendentem that would demand order, subordination, coordination, unity, selfless actions, and consideration of consequences. Xenixel's subordinates would have to turn to him whenever an imbalance was noticed, entities would have to work together to resolve issues, the balance of Beyond had to be considered before all else, and his subordinates would have to consider any consequences of their actions that may result in an imbalance in any form. Any entity that caused what Xenixel considered enough of an imbalance to Beyond—regardless of whether or not they were mortal, god, or SuperGod—would either be erased or exiled.

However, before establishing his faction, Xenixel wanted to build a body of entities with similar prowess to him that would help manage and form important decisions regarding his Beyond bubble and eventually his Beyond bubble cohort. Xenixel wanted a Council. Such entities that would be members of his Council—"CouncilGods"—at the very least needed either his strength or his intelligence.

Xenixel possessed a body of knowledge he called "omniscience^3" and a level of strength he called "omnipotence^3". Initially, such names were a means of putting down weaker entities but a standard for labeling infinite strength or intelligence as "omnipotence" or "omniscience" would eventually be developed from the standard Xenixel set.

Xenixel would eventually search for "like-minded SuperGods" that had omnipotence^3 and/or omniscience^3 throughout his region of the Transcendentem using carefully selected parties of brainwashed omnipotent^1 entities. In metatime, Xenixel would find two other entities that fit his criteria of having "omnipotence^3"—though Xenixel noted that the two only possessed omniscience^2. The entities were known as Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus and Abstractil were partners who, similar to Xenixel, disliked chaos and disorder so they found it fair to join up with Xenixel. However, unlike Xenixel, the two of them saw it as somewhat necessary for Xenixel's subordinates such as themselves, the omnipotent^1 monocosmal balancing entities, and perhaps the mortals living within the atoms of Beyond bubbles known as small omniverses, to at least have some amount of independent thought and free will. Empiroxus and Abstractil also disliked Xenixel's proposed strategy to immediately erase entities that stepped out of line. Xenixel reluctantly complied with their suggestions but was eventually satisfied when his bubble remained balanced, though he still had a somewhat low opinion of the new members of his Council. If Empiroxus or Abstractil were to go out of line, Xenixel would have no qualms with exiling them on the spot. Many entities that knew Empiroxus and Abstractil disapproved of their decision to join Xenixel as they saw the SuperGod as corrupt and his ideology as incredibly flawed. Empiroxus was tasked to gather the stability agent Staterium, and along his journey, he was questioned by his former allies as to why he decided to move. Empiroxus had told them that life was overall better for him and Abstractil in Xenixel's Beyond bubble.
