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Positev is a very supportive, encouraging and quiet Supergod who seems to treat life as if it were a movie he were watching as opposed to a progression of events he is directly involved in. Instead of appreciating someone for having decent morals, Positev values people who make life around him more interesting. Positev loves Schematus's creative experiments and their often hilariously disastrous results and finds Monopolum's philosophy extremely interesting and incredibly ironic. He appreciates Abnull's constant support and leadership qualities but especially enjoys her constant arguments with Peralitus, who he also finds endearing due to how strange and humorous his obsession with his presumed past is.

Positev loves everyone for their unique and dysfunctional personality traits except Negatil, as he believes her constant complaining significantly worsens the experience for everyone, especially him since he's forced to listen to it literally all the time. Few things bother Postiev more than people like Negatil who spend their time souring the fun of life for everyone else by complaining non-stop. You only live once, and she wants to waste her one shot moaning and making everything miserable? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Positev generally likes to sit by and watch things occur around him rather than getting directly involved. Usually he finds this to be a very enjoyable experience, though he could really do without Negatil's commentary. Most of his direct involvement is spent defending those around him from Negatil's harsh and quite frankly unnecessary criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's optimism and kindness, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

Negatil is a very critical, pragmatic and outspoken Supergod who seems to be the only one in her Beyond Bubble who realizes just how miserable their situation is. Negatil is profoundly confused at how Abnull is able to remain constantly upbeat in the face of imminent demise, or how Schematus is able to stay so focused on a pointless goal he'll never accomplish, or how Peralitus is able to spend so much time fantasizing about his "heritage" despite likely dying tomorrow. Negatil believes these behaviors are truly absurd and loudly complains about such behavior whenever she notices it.

But more than anything else, Negatil especially doesn't understand how Positev is able to enjoy his life so much despite his horrible circumstances, nor how he is willing to encourage people with clearly self-destructive behaviors. Few things bother Negatil more than people like Positev who refuse to stand up and point out just how wrong a situation is, and decide instead of just keep living in it. You only live once, and he's happy to waste his one shot sitting by and improving nothing around him? It's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Negatil generally likes to loudly voice her complaints about the other Supergods and their horrific situation whenever possible, constantly ranting and complaining about their stupid behaviors and actions, along with the stupid things outside of their control. Negatil also detests just how willing Positev is to praise anyone, even if they are very clearly worthy of criticism. This will often lead to arguments when Negatil gets annoyed at Positev's clearly disingenuous support which is surely just an attempt to disagree with Negatil, which Abnull will then have to solve before it becomes life-threatening to the two of them.

On the rare occasions that Positev and Negatil can fully agree to act in unity, Binauris can act as a fully functional and healthy Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 Supergod. However, as soon as Positev and Negatil have a disagreement on what action to take, the entity will begin to break down.

Unlike all of the other currently surviving Broken Supergods, Positev and Negatil's hazy pre-Calamity memories are vastly different from each-other, which of course is yet another source of arguments. Curiously, Negatil's memories much more consistently align with the other Supergods' memories than Positev's do.


Barelitil is a powerful, proud and charismatic Supergod who sadly perished during the unknown events of the Calamity. All currently surviving Broken Supergods (except Monopolum) have vague memories of what he was like, how he acted and how he treated them, but nothing concrete about the events of his life or his death.

Whatever Barelitil's death involved, it must have been exceedingly violent as small pieces of Barelitil's constituent -verses can still be found across the Beyond Bubble. Under normal conditions, the constituent -verses of deceased Supergods would take the form of useless decaying Archverses. However, for unknown reasons the Barelitil fragments are able to retain perfect structural integrity.

In fact, the pieces seem to hold some small fragments of Barelitil's mind and personality, which can still speak to and hold conversations with the other Supergods. It was initially hoped that Schematus would be able to reassemble and resurrect Barelitil, however it turns out these pieces only held mere echoes of Barelitil's mind, and the original seems to be permanently lost. It also doesn't help that they still haven't found a large chunk of Barelitil's head.

Schematus has confiscated most of the Barelitil fragments for his experiments, mostly involving performing ludicrous tests on the Godsmoke and mental echoes within, along with questioning the echoes for information about the calamity. (To which the answer is always "I don't know" because they don't have memories.) Abnull has begun hiding the ones she finds so that she, Binauris and Peralitus are free to use them when they wish, although Peralitus is just as bad about hoarding them as Schematus is so Abnull has stopped offering them to him.

The Barelitil echoes only hold the appearance of consciousness and sentience without actually being a real mind; talking to them could be compared in human terms to talking to a learning A.I. with Barelitil's personality traits. Nevertheless, the Broken Supergods consider it a valuable way to 'keep him close by', even though Abnull and Negatil both agree Peralitus takes it way too far. Positev doesn't really see the problem.

Barelitil was classed as Omnipotent^3 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy. Judging from the surviving Supergods' memories combined with conversations with the fragments, it can be gathered that Barelitil had great respect for the Supergods and acted as somewhat of a mentor and father figure to them.

Barelitil was apparently a great leader and legendary adventurer who Abnull, Binauris and Peralitus had seemingly once served under. He is remembered for his extreme pride in himself and his 'group' along with his utter devotion to ensuring their success. The Barelitil fragments often mention such a group and while they are unable to elaborate due to their lack of memories, they seem to refer to the Broken Supergods and the 'group' as different things. Strangely, none of the Broken Supergods have any memories of Barelitil ever mentioning this 'group'. References to it come exclusively from the Barelitil fragments.

Abnull can't help but feel encouraged whenever she listens to the Barelitil fragments and can quickly understand why he is remembered as a great leader. Negatil is annoyed at his constant obsession with himself and his 'group', an obsession she believes to be completely delusional, but nevertheless admits he has redeeming qualities. Positev likes Barelitil's charisma and leadership skills but does not find him as captivating as the others do. (Still, he is quick to defend him from Negatil's complaints.)
