There was then one last discovered text, which appeared to have been etched the most recently. It spoke of an experiment by "God" (for lack of a better term in the translations), in which he inserted his essence into a human female to produce a hybrid offspring, in the event that anything were to happen to him. At first, Hyperman believed this to be nothing more than some sort of cultural legend, but he then thought it to be odd that it would be written down in a place which was seemingly intended to be a laboratory. Furthermore, Hyperman also found it odd that seemingly ancient ruins would have such a new carving. Prismus, upon further analyzing it, revealed that the etching was made shortly just before the time of Hyperman's birth. This seemed like nothing more than a mere coincidence, but Prismus then revealed something else. It told Hyperman that, yes, there was in fact a Multiverse. And in each universe, there was usually a God who created it, and therefore most likely this universe also had a God behind its creation. Prismus knew this because it had originated from a place far beyond the Universe. When Hyperman asked for further information, Prismus told him that it did not know much else, most likely because of the aforementioned damage to its systems. Even with this knowledge that Hyperman now had, he still didn't believe there to be any correlation between himself and the etching beyond a simple coincidence.
It was then that Prismus asked if it could "tag along" with Hyperman. Hyperman, already knowing that it would've been harder to get rid of Prismus, as well as seeing much use for it, accepted the offer.
Into The Multiverse
Prismus told Hyperman that it could be of more use, if its computing power was increased. Hyperman asked how he could do this, to which Prismus replied that by absorbing more physical space within itself, it could have more room to "think". That gave Hyperman an idea for how to exit the Universe. He asked if Prismus could absorb universes while within them, to which Prismus answered that it could. And so, Hyperman made Prismus absorb the entirety of the Universe into itself. As Prismus prepared to do this, it told Hyperman to "buckle up". Before Hyperman had the chance to ask what for, Prismus was already proceeding with the absorption. This event was not noticeable to any other inhabitants of the Universe, who continued to proceed with life as normal. However from the outside, Prismus now contained Hyperman's entire Universe. What Hyperman failed to anticipate, however, (primarily due to Prismus' lack of warning) was that now he was ejected into the void of the Multiverse, trapped within the space between universes. Although Hyperman was wearing a spacesuit, this void was nothing like space within a universe. It was beyond the normal 3 dimensions. Hyperman was nearly torn to shreds by the sheer pressure (or lack thereof) that he found himself in, but somehow he never got to that point. Prismus then solved the issue by projecting a bubble around both itself and Hyperman. As Hyperman caught his breath, he chastised Prismus for not telling him what would happen. Prismus apologized, before explaining that in any other case, any normal human would have instantly been obliterated within Multiversal space. Something in Hyperman was most definitely different – and more powerful – than any mortal human.
With the vantage point that he now possessed, Hyperman was able to use Prismus to absorb countless Universes en masse at once. There were some hostile Multiversal creatures that he encountered along the way, but they became easier and easier to defeat the more that Hyperman fought them, as he almost seemed to "adapt" whenever faced by a new threat. Eventually, two thirds of all the universes in the Multiverse had been absorbed by Prismus, and Hyperman had befallen every threat within them.
It was then that the pair suddenly encountered a being. His figure was crippled and emaciated, shrouded in the tatters of etheric robes. He possessed a face that resembled the eye of a storm, and a gaping square-shaped resided in his chest, glowing as if it was burned into him.
"The Seventh"
Hyperman was of course frightened by the appearance of this being, and he prepared to flee. However, the being weakly called out for Hyperman to not leave him, stated that he needed help. He spoke to them in a way that sounded as if he already knew Hyperman and Primus as intimately as an old longtime friend. Prismus itself told Hyperman that it faintly recognized the being, but its memory systems were currently too damaged for it to identify how exactly it knew him. Hyperman, now starting to instead feel pity for the being, returned to him, asking who he was and what had happened to him. The entity introduced himself as "The Seventh", before proceeding to drop the bombshell revelation that he was in fact Hyperman’s biological father. Caught off guard by this, Hyperman began to feel disoriented, almost fainting. He managed to get his bearings however, and continued to listen to The Seventh’s explanation.
The Seventh went on to explain that the reason he was in this state was because he had been struck down by six ruthless entities called The Hexagon Lords, which he formerly was a part of. Apparently, the Hexagon Lords had a pact which forbade any of its members to have a child, especially not with a mortal. The Seventh, however, eventually met a mortal human woman and fell in love with her. He loved the woman so much that he chose to defy the Hexagon Lords’ rules and have a child with her – Hyperman. The Hexagon Lords, displeased by this error, planned to kill the woman and the unborn Hyperman to correct The Seventh’s mistakes. The Seventh opposed this, and a violent confrontation between him and the Hexagon Lords resulted. The Seventh had been gravely injured by the battle, but he had been able to save Hyperman and his mother from being killed. All this time, The Seventh had been watching Hyperman’s life from afar, able to use his power to see him but unable to physically be there.
Hyperman spent a moment processing all this new information. He felt a mixture of many emotions, most notably a strange combination of passionate joy and rage. He was grateful to have finally found his father and learned the truth of his origins, but now he was angered by what had been done to his father by these Hexagon Lords. Hyperman made a promise to The Seventh that he would avenge him and kill the Hexagon Lords himself. The Seventh was quick to advise against this, stating that the Hexagon Lords were far too powerful for Hyperman to combat in his current state. Hyperman needed to train first.
Together with his father, Hyperman would be trained in the development and usage of his powers, as well as learning new techniques. They travelled through many universes and even Multiverses, battling foes of increasing caliber. As the complexity of his environment and enemies increased, so too did Hyperman’s perception of reality and the cosmos. His mind expanded, adopting a clear understanding of multi-universality. This soon evolved into an understanding of multi-multiversality, as Hyperman ascended to the status of a Megaversal entity. The Seventh believed Hyperman to finally be powerful enough to take on the Hexagon Lords at this point, and gave his blessings for his son to go forth. Before Hyperman departed however, The Seventh said that he had one last gift to leave him with. The Seventh split off a portion of his own essence (and therefore his power as well) from his form, and merged it into Hyperman’s being. He claimed that it would provide Hyperman with a significant boost in power, something he would need when fighting the Hexagon Lords.