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Abnull is generally pretty good at coping with her awful circumstances, mostly through how little she cares about them anymore. To her, their situation is so hopeless anyway that the best she can do is make things enjoyable while it lasts. Thus, she is able to remain positive by basically just ruling out the possibility of anything good happening.

Abnull bases a lot of her external personality traits on what will best help the other Supergods. She is much more upfront about her negative outlook when talking to Schematus than when talking to Binauris, for example. Despite viewing herself as the leader, she doesn't have a particularly high opinion of herself and actually considers Schematus the most competent of them, though she is very openly critical of his priorities. (At least, whenever Binauris isn't in earshot.)

Despite her Omnipotence disorders making combat very difficult, Abnull actually finds defending the Beyond Bubble from literally starving Transcendent Ecosystem creatures to be the easier and more relaxing part of her day compared to caring for Monopolum and Binauris, which she considers to be excruciatingly difficult tasks.

Abnull deeply cares for Monopolum and Binauris and fully understands their conditions aren't their fault, but nevertheless finds taking care of them extremely aggravating. Abnull generally thinks highly in some way, shape or form of just about everyone but Peralitus. Abnull considers Peralitus a lazy and selfish child fantasizing over a legacy he can't even remember. It probably doesn't help that she, the horribly deformed one, has to do nearly everything while he, the only Supergod in full health, does nothing but talk to the Supergod equivalent of a piece of dead skin.

Monopolum (The True God)

Monopolum is a small Pygmy Supergod living in one of the Beyond Bubble's only Monocosms who is completely detached from reality around him. Nobody is quite sure what happened to Monopolum during the Calamity, but it left him with a horrible mental condition referred to as 'Omniscience^0'.

Monopolum is completely unable to observe or recognize anything happening beyond his own existence. As far as he is concerned, Monopolum is the entirety of existence. He believes himself to be The True God and believes the -verses that make up his physical form to be The Box in its entirety. One might assume he has a large ego, but when you think about it, from his perspective this is just the logical conclusion. Monopolum is not even aware of the Monocosm he resides in, nor anything else residing in it. Just himself.

Monopolum has rearranged many of his constituent -verses that compose him into Archverses which can harbor life. (All smaller forms of himself, of course.) Effectively, Monopolum has turned himself into a Godverse which he is the god of.

The problem is that these entities and Archverses can and do react to outside events, which Monopolum is physically incapable of observing. This creates severe logical contradictions and paradoxes when, for example, one of his constituent Archverses reacts to an Aphanoverse that has entered Monopolum, yet Monopolum cannot observe the Aphanoverse nor his Archverse's reaction to it, yet can observe the Archverse itself, which will surely be affected by the event. This makes literally any aspect of outside existence a threat to Monopolum and forces Abnull to work tirelessly to keep things away from him so that too many paradoxes do not arise. Abnull finds this work especially aggravating since Monopolum literally doesn't even know Abnull exists, or that he is only alive because of her help.

Monopolum can often be heard talking to himself in his Monocosm, musing and contemplating his existence as the True God of everything. It seems that Monopolum is very interested in how he can have feelings, emotions, strengths and weaknesses despite being the divine deity that embodies all of existence. He will often get into long philosophical discussions with himself, attempting to ascertain the nature of his life. Once or twice, he has indulged the conclusion that he is one of many gods who happens to be incapable of comprehending anything besides himself, however has brushed this off as one of many, many outlandish ideas not worth further investigation.

Not all logical contradictions caused by outside influences are actually dangerous to Monopolum. If minor enough, and executed carefully enough, his reactions to the strange impossible occurrences and paradoxes can get him to reveal much needed information. The reason it's dangerous to inject him with an Aphanoverse or poke him with a sharp logical solid is that those events are wild and uncontrollable, so it's impossible to know just how much damage they'll do.

Abnull uses Schematus's discoveries about Omniscience^0 to intentionally create minor interferences which she knows will lead to Monopolum revealing a piece of information she needs to know. Since she obviously can't just ask him a question, this is the next best thing. Abnull has tried on numerous occasions to use this technique to speak to Monopolum and explain his situation to him, but has achieved no success.

Negatil dismisses Monopolum as a self-absorbed idiot and wishes she were able to slap some sense into him. Positev meanwhile greatly appreciates his philosophical ideas and thinks that even if they were capable of talking to him, they shouldn't, because finding out how average his existence is would be a horrible realization indeed.

Schematus is incredibly interested in Monopolum because he thinks studying his condition could reveal some information about the Calamity, but doesn't care about him or his situation beyond that. Peralitus doesn't think negatively of Monopolum but doesn't really think anything of him at all and would more than happily leave Monopolum to die if it benefited him.

Abnull doesn't blame Monopolum for any of his more irritating traits and feels sorry for him more than anything, but is nonetheless annoyed by how highly he thinks of himself despite the fact that if it weren't for her, Monopolum would've been dead metayears ago. Abnull hopes that if Monopolum's condition ever subsided, he would become a very reasonable individual indeed, but whenever she listens in to Monopolum's theories about himself and philosophical conclusions about his Godverse, she struggles to hold on to that hope.


Binauris is a strange creature composed of two Supergods named Positev and Negatil who, during the calamity, somehow had their constituent -verses spliced together. While Schematus is fully capable of separating them, many pieces of their constituent -verses were destroyed during the merger and both Supergods rely on pieces from the other to survive and not fall apart immediately. As such, separating the two would kill them both.

The splice appears to have been performed very violently and imprecisely, leaving Binauris constantly destabilized and on the verge of falling apart. The two Supergods generally have to try and act as one, working together in union, to keep their body together, or risk disintegrating. Fights, contradictory actions and arguments can seriously threaten their stability and they have to be careful to avoid having them.

This is unfortunate, because Positev and Negatil tend to disagree on just about everything. Almost any discussion can quickly turn into a life-threatening argument and Abnull has to work tirelessly to try and keep the two calm and quickly solve any disputes that arise. The other Supergods have to be very careful what they say around Binauris, lest they indirectly cause the two to tear themselves apart.
