Paradoxus's view on Creators and Destroyers—the very entities he and Logixel create and maintain—is that they are important tools for maintaining balance within Beyond. This contrasts with Logixel's view that "Creators and Destroyers are people too".
Logixel is Conceptilum and Matharin's second-created SuperGod. Logixel holds omnipotence^2—an ability that helps him regulate Conceptilum's home Beyond bubble. Logixel and his brother Paradoxus are in charge of managing the creation of Creators and Destroyers and preservation of logical laws to preserve the existence of everything inside of the beyond bubble. Logixel wants to do his task well but he thinks that his brother Paradoxus is making the situation regarding it harder and wishes that the issue would be resolved.
Logixel is a compassionate and thoughtful SuperGod and when dealing with monocosmal disputes without his brother, he tries to find logical solutions to problems that don't involve violence or erasure. However, when things get out of his control, he retaliates in fear as he is a timid and sensitive individual. Paradoxus sees Logixel as weak and thinks that he is hindering the Council's progress.
Logixel loves all mortal lifeforms and considers them very important to the stability of Beyond. However, this contrasts greatly with Paradoxus view that the lives of mortals don't matter and can often lead to scenarios where very abusive lifeforms are left alive to destroy and cause imbalance.
Unthil is Conceptilum and Matharin’s third-created SuperGod and the only one to inherit Matharin’s omniscience^3–which made him far more knowledgeable than his siblings very early on into his life. For example, he knew virtually all the solutions to problems littered throughout his Beyond bubble quickly after hatching from his egg and had a very strong understanding of the structure of his cosmology from his Beyond bubble all the way down to the subunreal particles comprising everything he knows of from the beginning. He is currently very fully aware of his current Council’s poor organization and of the many different versions of himself. Three of the few things he cannot know about no matter how many loopholes he tries to find are the future of his own Council, anything regarding how to properly handle his gift like the mother he was told could do so, and anything regarding parallel versions of his Council succeeding in their goals. Unthil also had the capability to know everything about Transcendentem. However, as Unthil found out for himself when peering upon a parallel version of himself who tried to know everything, to know so much would literally destroy his mind. As such, he knows that he shouldn’t know everything and has to limit his knowledge, at the very least, he should know everything about the Beyond bubble he lives in. Because of such factors, he is very frustrated at himself and his pretty limited “omniscience” that he refuses to call “omniscience” or even a “gift” as his father puts it.
Unthil knowing pretty much everything except what he truly wants to know made him grow somewhat bitter and resentful of his siblings all while his siblings Paradoxus and Realitus are jealous of the special attention he gets from his father Conceptilum, though for different reasons. Logixel and Imaginatim, on the other hand, don’t have issues with Unthil’s treatment from Conceptilum and understand to some extent why Conceptilum cares about his gift. The two consider Unthil wise and whenever Unthil is available, they will try to turn to him for advice or a 100% successful strategy to deal with monocosmal problems regardless of how stupid Unthil thinks the problems are. However, they do have qualms with his attitude towards himself and the Council, his rather pessimistic view on the ultimate fate of the Council, and what they see as disingenuity he has when talking.
Unthil is not only resentful that his siblings get to know less than him, but he also sees them as annoying idiots in general. He views Paradoxus as far too temperamental for his own good; Logixel as too much of a giant pushover; Realitus as stuck-up, pretentious and insecure about his image; and Imaginatim as so stupid, the only reason she's survived this long is because she was coddled as a child after Conceptilum raised the failures that were Paradoxus, Logixel, and especially Realitus. Unthil always remarks that he's surprised that it was, in fact, Realitus who was dropped as an egg and not her. Conceptilum would constantly try to reassure Unthil that his siblings are just going through a phase and will grow to be great CouncilGods soon enough. Unthil doesn't believe him.
While Unthil has omnipotence^2, it is naturally weaker than his siblings, and knowing the many fates where this lack of physical strength will get him into trouble, he tries to use it only when he’s absolutely sure that his risk for causing casualties is as low as it gets.
Conceptilum is the current leader of the SuperGod Council and the father of the other members. He and Unthil are responsible for more general Beyond bubble maintenance and resource management rather than the more specialized jobs the other current members partake in. Conceptilum was one of the members of the Original Council along with Matharin, Xenixel, Abstractil, Empiroxus, and Peralitus. Conceptilum was hatched omnipotent^2 but was uplifted to omnipotence^3 by Abstractil after an extensive period of being a member of the Council.
Conceptilum and the omniscient^3 Matharin were partners and have maintained a close relationship for as long as Conceptilum could remember, even before the two joined the Council. Conceptilum had always loved and cared for Matharin, however, did not go as far as the obsessive and self-destructive extent his partner indulged in. Conceptilum hated that Matharin had to destroy herself to protect him, but considering the hostile environment they lived in before they did join, he accepted that Matharin’s usage of her powers was necessary. Though Conceptilum was “inferior in every aspect” to him, Xenixel allowed Conceptilum to join the Council. This was not because Conceptilum was particularly special to him in any way. Rather, the decision was made to take advantage of Matharin’s unhealthy attachment to her partner. Conceptilum, like his partner, was thrilled to live in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble as it was a place of stability and was safely guarded from the hostile Transcendent ecosystem.
Conceptilum got along very well with the older SuperGods Empiroxus and Abstractil. Empiroxus was admired as a hero by Conceptilum and the younger SuperGod never grew tired of Empiroxus’ stories about his missions and adventures. Abstractil was somewhat of the motherly figure Conceptilum never had and cared deeply about Conceptilum’s well-being. In return, Conceptilum cared a lot about Abstractil and would willingly help her create entities and structures. Eventually, Abstractil and Conceptilum agreed that an uplift to omnipotence^3 would be a great idea as the younger SuperGod was somewhat lacking in abilities when compared to his colleagues. After the decision was approved by Xenixel, Conceptilum was uplifted.
Conceptilum was glad to be living in Xenixel’s Beyond bubble, but much like the other members of the Council was not too keen on Xenixel’s authoritarian leadership. Conceptilum would often participate in secret meetings held by Empiroxus and Abstractil, and discuss the state of Beyond.