Logical Deserts are inherently inhospitable places, as they are devoid of many valuable logical liquids which are necessary for life to progress beyond simple mortal forms. As such, few would willingly choose to enter one or search for life within. Because of this, the Broken Supergods remained almost completely isolated from all outside Omniscient^2 life prior to the arrival of a Fourth Wall named [O].
[O] was a Fourth Wall living in a Fourth House near the local Cohort and adjacent Logical Desert. Along with two other Fourth Walls known as [R] and [H], [O] created a device known as a Beyond Scanner, the purpose of which was to collect information about the interior of Beyond Bubbles, areas usually inaccessible to Fourth Walls. The first few Beyond Scanners were incredible poorly optimized however, and could only scan exceedingly unstable Beyond Bubbles. One such Beyond Bubble was isolated in the middle of the Logical Desert.
The strange results from the Beyond Scanner, showing the horribly malformed Supergods clinging to life, shocked [O]. Immediately, he directed many more Beyond Scanners at this Bubble to examine it more thoroughly and see if there was some way he could reach out to these Supergods. [R] had absolutely no interest in the Beyond Bubble whatsoever and considered [O]'s sympathy for these backwards creatures ridiculous, however [H] was curious about them and aided [O] in creating an Elastic-based device that allowed him to transmit messages into the Beyond Bubble.
By transmitting instructions on basic Elastic manipulation, [O] was able to speak to a Supergod named Abnull. Abnull appeared to be the closest thing the group had to a 'leader', though she seemingly didn't consider her own role to be particularly valuable. Abnull explained their unique situation and after hearing about what had happened, [O] quickly began attempting to come up with solutions to their issues. Abnull, however, denied his suggestions, claiming their situation was already hopeless. In contrast to this, Schematus and Peralitus were quick to seek [O]'s help. Schematus thought his incredible technology could help unlock his lost memories, while Peralitus believed they might be able to help him escape and make it to the Cohort. After much discussion, [O] and [H] both agreed they were going to attempt to help these Broken Supergods escape and safely reach the Cohort.
The Broken SuperGods short stories
Schematus is an incredibly intelligent yet obsessive Supergod(?) who spends most of his metatime conducting experiments in futile attempts to regain his lost memories. Schematus is utterly obsessed with finding out just what happened to his Beyond Bubble and friends, particularly his own past. Schematus will exert absurd amounts of energy looking for any possible clues as to what happened, along with conducting just about every conceivable experiment possible in hopes they might help him in some way.
None of his research ever actually works, leading Abnull to question why he even tries at all. Especially the fact that many of the results of his experiments and research are utterly incredible and revolutionary in their own right, yet Schematus discards them as 'failures' purely because they don't help him regain his memories. Among his discarded 'failures' have been manipulatable Metaslime, the indestructible compound Delgam and a cure for Omniscience^3. Despite Abnull's great respect for Schematus, she is utterly infuriated at his absurd obsession and complete lack of perspective. Negatil's view of him is significantly less charitable.
Nobody is completely sure what Schematus actually is. While he certainly resembles a Supergod and is composed of Godsmoke, his biology is nothing like any Supergod known and defies more conventions than considered possible. Despite this, he still resembles a Supergod more closely than any other Transcendent Ecosystem creature, and is thus considered a Supergod.
Schematus is classed as Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^3 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy, however his form of Omniscience^3 acts nothing like the standard Omniscience^3 held by Supergods such as Xenixel, Unthil and Matharin. Instead, his Omniscience^3 appears to act as a wealth of pre-existing knowledge which he does not have to 'tap into' at all but is much more limited in scope than the standard condition. (Although the actual quantity of information is roughly the same.) It is suspected that he has a completely different condition which just so happens to place his Omniscience at a similar level on the Omnipotence Hierarchy.
Schematus's strange obsession with uncovering his past means he very rarely if at all interacts with or speaks to his fellow Supergods. The only one he has any kind of actual relationship with is Abnull. Abnull greatly respects Schematus and considers him the most competent Supergod in the Bubble, though she wishes he would put his amazing intelligence to better use. Schematus neither appreciates nor dislikes Abnull's support, though he's significantly more annoyed by Positev's blind support, which he suspects to be completely disingenuous and merely an attempt to disagree with Negatil.
Schematus's only interactions with Monopolum and Binauris are studying their strange conditions as part of his experiments and often forgets Peralitus exists entirely. Abnull is amazed by his ability to ignore Peralitus, which she considers to be more impressive than any of his experiments and deeply wishes she could learn such a skill.
Strangely, Schematus has significantly fewer memories of his life before the Calamity compared to the others, and is especially lacking in memories related to the deceased Supergod Barelitil. Nobody is quite sure why, though Schematus has done an uncountably infinite amount of research into this detail regardless.
Abnull is a horribly deformed and nihilistic but caring and pragmatic Supergod who is the closest thing her Beyond Bubble has to a leader. Abnull was literally torn apart during the calamity, leaving her Godsmoke broken and jagged. Strangely, most Supergods in this state (such as Empiroxus) would quickly fade from existence, however Abnull has remained completely stable for as long as she can remember. Nobody, including herself, is quite sure why.
Unlike Schematus, Abnull really doesn't care at all what happened to her or her Beyond Bubble, and prefers to focus on the present. Abnull spends much of her metatime caring for Monopolum and Binauris, the Supergods most badly damaged by the calamity. (With the exception of Barelitil of course.) Alongside helping them, Abnull is effectively the only one who makes any attempt to maintain the stability of their Beyond Bubble, despite being almost certain the Broken Supergods are doomed to succumb to their circumstances very soon indeed.
Abnull is classed as an Omnipotent^2 and Omniscient^2 on the Omnipotence Hierarchy, however her Omnipotence is highly irregular, presumably due to her physical deformities. Abnull is physically very vulnerable, more so than even Supergods such as Unthil, and many weak attacks from other Supergods could likely kill her. Despite this, she has insanely high attack potency for an Omnipotent^2 and could likely put up a serious fight against some weaker Omnipotent^3 Supergods. Engaging in any form of combat whatsoever for her is a very dangerous balancing act.