The Twins
Onu and Dei, collectively known as "The Twins", are two SuperGod siblings with a very strong bond to each other that allows them to always know each other's feelings, location, and health even when they are parted significantly. This ability is known as "Mind Link". The Twins lived in a small Beyond bubble called "Anarchaon" that is very chaotic and self-destructive in nature and often separated the two, but their powers will always allow them to reunite so long as neither of them die.
Onu is very focused on the survival and well-being of himself and his sister and can come across as more hotheaded and rash in spite of how careful he tries to be. Dei prioritizes her well-being significantly less than her brother and is instead more intrigued by the nature of Mind Link. Dei comes across as more content and collected than her brother in spite of how careless and hyper she is. Dei's carelessness and tendency to wander is a point of contention among the two siblings.
Onu is a SuperGod and Dei's brother. Onu is incredibly focused on the survival of himself and his sister and is paranoid of what might potentially erase the SuperGods from existence. This contrasts with his sister, who is not afraid of "dangerous" entities, does not particularly care about her well-being all that much, and is more interested about the very nature of Mind Link. Onu sees Mind Link as a very useful asset to monitor his sister’s health and location. He does not care at all about Mind Link’s origins—Onu is just very grateful that he had the ability and takes advantage of it to help protect his sister. But in his opinion, knowing the origins of Mind Link is substantially less useful than making actual use of the ability.
In spite of how careful Onu tries to be in any given situation, he always sustains many injuries from his surroundings and frequently gets attacked by wild organisms from the Transcendent Ecosystem. In one such incident, Onu was swarmed by a large swarm of angry Paxgods who apparently decided that omnipotent^1 alomic entities were not big enough meals for them. Onu does not know why he gets attacked so often or why he often trips when navigating. Onu tries his absolute best to watch his surroundings and to never provoke other entities in order to prevent injuries in the future, but this cautiousness rarely aids him successfully. Because of how often he has to heal himself after getting hurt often, Onu has essentially become a self-taught SuperGod medic. Unfortunately, this expertise came at the cost of any hint of Dei being actually worried over Onu’s health—seeing as he almost always fully repairs himself even after receiving severe injuries that would normally completely incapacitate or kill other SuperGods. Onu resents Dei for somehow very rarely coming into harm in spite of her recklessness and lack of thought when approaching situations. However, he was also secretly glad that Dei never took the abuse he always had to face. Onu still fears that sooner or later, Dei would sustain a severe injury and possibly perish so whenever Dei runs off, Onu always tries to follow her so that he could protect her if he can.
If Onu had his way, the Twins would stay within the confines of their safe home cohort of monocosms, sheltered from the dangers that lay beyond. Similar to his sister, Onu is aware of his twin’s emotions always, even from afar. Onu is not particularly sympathetic towards Dei though and sees her as an idiot with a universe for a brain who invested in silly hobbies that waste valuable metatime. In return, Dei thinks that Onu is overprotective, clingy, and desperately needs to relax.
Onu often complains toward his elderly and incredibly patient neighbour Tris about his sister. It’s possible that Tris had learned to tune out Onu’s complaints so that they did not register, but the experienced SuperGod always maintains his stances and tries to provide the much younger SuperGod with advice that he learned from his experiences. When the advice does not work out for Onu, the young SuperGod would often complain about Tris to Dei for never providing useful advice.
Dei is a SuperGod and Onu’s sister. Dei has always been very interested in the history and nature of her ability Mind Link, frequently visiting Qorter’s Library outside of Anarchaon as often as she can to research whilst also unintentionally being very obnoxious towards other visitors of the Library. Qorter is not fond of her at all. The route and tunnels that connect the Library’s bubble and Anarchaon is not a particularly safe path and is home to many hostile entities of the Transcendent ecosystem. However, Dei does not care and unusually, has never once been seriously injured. Onu remains paranoid about his sister’s safety and thinks she is setting herself up to be killed, but Dei thinks that her brother is being silly. Onu was the only Twin that would nearly die whenever they exited their monocosmal cohort so if anyone had to be cooped up safe at home, it really had to be him and him alone.
Dei is allegedly “hypernaturally lucky” and physical harm is very rarely inflicted to her. When she did get hurt, the injuries were typically so minor that they never actually mattered very much despite the fuss Onu makes over them. This has led her to be very careless and carefree when traversing Anarchaon, nearby Beyond bubbles, and tunnels. Her carelessness never seems to pay off, making her detested by many SuperGods—including Onu and Qorter. Qorter has often tried to assassinate Dei but she always catches on and avoids his traps. Dei thinks Qorter is just playing hard-to-get and flirts with him in return.
Dei is able to know Onu’s feelings. However, much like her brother, she does not sympathize with what motivates her twin. Dei is also aware of her brother’s health. Normally being aware of when a sibling was severely injured would be a cause for concern, but considering how much Onu puts himself back together after incidents, Dei remains unconcerned about Onu’s general health much to his disdain. Though Dei is generally much calmer and more collected than her more hotheaded brother who was prone to having breakdowns and outbursts, Dei can often get a bit too excited over her passions for her own good much to the annoyance of other SuperGods.
Dei is very kind towards Tris and Tris is kind to her in return. Whenever she gets the chance (often when the Library was closed for some unknown reason), Dei would ask Tris to tell her stories about the past and hopefully find missing pieces of the puzzle that was the origin of her powers. Usually Dei gets misled by nonexistent links and goes on wild arelari chases afterwards, much to the annoyance of Onu and Tris. Dei wonders about the many stories and secrets Tris harbours and wonders if he truly knows of any links to her powers. Onu thinks that Dei is being ridiculous with her theories and should focus more on surviving in her hostile surroundings.
The Elder
The Elder is a relatively well-known legendary figure among many Transcendent Ecosystem species such as SuperGods often credited for the creation of the Transcendentem Continuum or Transcendentem depending on the group that discusses him. He is often described as a very powerful Aspect Lord, though few cultures estimate that the Elder's power may have been actually closer to that of a Transcendental Guardian or Greater Guardian. The creation of the eponymous pseudolifeform "Elder's Fire" is also very often credited to the Elder, though it is not actually known if the Fire had Aspect Lord origins due to the lack of substantial, replicable evidence that suggested anything of the sort. The majority of stories about the Elder consistently agreed that he created a deity vaguely similar to those of Least, Lesser, Greater, and Transcendental Guardians creatively dubbed "the Higher Guardian". The story of the Elder and his child is one of the oldest known stories to SuperGods and it is not known when the first inscripverses that recorded the story were created.