With all the signs thus far, it was now abundantly clear to Trigonum that he should pursue the path laid out before him. After finally allowing himself to remove his self-imposed limitations, Trigonum began realizing his full physical, mental and genetic potential. He physically trained his mind and body in secret, building up his strength and performing feats of increasing caliber . Despite his unsuspecting appearance, Trigonum soon was already far stronger than the most muscularly built human. Trigonum spent periods in deep meditation, cultivating intelligence and mental stability. Eventually, after training for long enough, Trigonum decided that the time was finally right for the truth about him to be made known to Earth.
After revealing his true abilities to the rest of humanity, Trigonum was met with a standing ovation. Of course, not every human was keen on Trigonum and the implications of his existence, but the positive reception largely outweighed the negative. Trigonum became a hero to humanity, serving as a guardian and a protector as he helped to combat criminal and terroristic threats wherever they could be found. When asked by the public what he should be known as, he smugly told them to call him “Hyperman” – before silently cringing and briefly realizing that he would probably regret this later. Nonetheless, that was the name everyone stuck with.
Trigonum took advantage of those who worshipped him, using his influence and connections to ascend governmental ranks before becoming the president of his country, and soon ruling all of Gaea. He would then conquer Terra, and proceed to physically reunify both halves of the planet back into Earth using the technological connection points along the equators. He did not stop there, however. Trigonum realized he could go further than just that. He went on to continue expanding his "empire", taking control of various established colonies throughout the solar system such as those on Mars and The Moon. Soon, all of the Solar system was unified under Trigonum’s rule.
After taking over the entire solar system, Trigonum still felt that he could do more. At this point, there was no real goal behind his campaign. He simply wanted to expand his empire just because he could. At least, that was the conscious motivation. Subconsciously, the true reason that Trigonum wished to continue expanding was that he believed he could finally obtain the answers he sought once he had the highest possible "vantage point" over the entire Universe.
Hyperman further expanded into other Galaxies and star systems. However, at many times he found that the conquest was not a pretty one. Those who refused to willingly become part of Hyperman's empire were instead forcibly conquered anyways. This of course made many enemies, and at nearly every corner Hyperman found himself having to make many decisions which did not sit well with him. He found himself questioning his decisions at times, but another part of Hyperman would convince him that remorse was a sign of weakness, and that the only true way was forward. Soon, nearly every Galaxy in the Universe, as well as all their civilizations and races, were under the command and control of Hyperman. Nearly every race submitted to his will, and worshipped him as God.
However, even after conquering all of what many beings would perceive to be the entirety of Existence, Hyperman still was not satisfied. It all felt so…anticlimactic to him. It felt too easy, and Hyperman had difficulty believing that one could conquer literally all of Existence just like that. Furthermore, even after discovering all that he had in the Universe, Hyperman still hadn't the slightest clue as to his true origin. However, there still remained one last part of the Universe that was not yet conquered or even explored. It was a single unsuspecting planet, located in the outermost galaxy of the Universe. And so, Hyperman travelled there, hoping to finally discover the answers he had been seeking.
Unfortunately, the expedition did not go as planned for Hyperman. The planet was like a site of ancient ruins. It was completely devoid of life, but ancient structures were left behind. There were runes and scriptures inscribed onto many of the walls, but it was apparently written in some previously-unrecorded language and thus seemed impossible to translate. Hyperman was extremely frustrated, but soon things went from bad to worse. The environment of the planet was extremely harsh, too much for even his highly advanced space suit – the Universe's top of the line – to handle. Hyperman became heavily weakened by the near-Absolute Zero temperatures of the desolate planet, and was becoming delirious. In a fit of hypothermic exhaustion, Hyperman stumbled and plummeted into a deep arctic chasm. Upon landing on the ground, he sustained several grave injuries. The only thing which prevented him from instantly dying was the extremely low temperatures, which thinned Hyperman's blood and slowed his heart rate.
As he laid there, Hyperman thought he saw a glow emanate from one of the ice walls. He at first dismissed it as some sort of near-death hallucination, but then the light shined brighter as a shape began breaking out from it. From the ice, a small geometrical object appeared and hovered above him. The object was shaped like a rectangular prism, and was about the size of a brick. What was more was that it seemed to contain pieces of the cosmos themselves. What surprised Hyperman the most, however, was when the object spoke, introducing itself in a chirpy voice as "Prismus".
Before Hyperman had much time to process what was now happening, Prismus scanned his body before proceeding to project a mysterious beam on him, which near-instantly healed all of Hyperman's injuries. Hyperman was incredibly bewildered. Even after all he had seen and witnessed in his travels, never before had he discovered a thing such as this. He humbly thanked Prismus for saving his life, before asking what it was, and why/how it was on this planet. Prismus explained that it was a computer system, and that it had been created for the purpose of serving…someone. It didn't exactly know or remember its original master, most likely due to the fact that it was damaged from spending so long embedded within the ice. Nonetheless, Prismus assured Hyperman that it possessed an abundance of knowledge. As Hyperman began navigating through the ice chasm and searching for a possible way to escape, Prismus followed behind him closely. It seemed as if Prismus was attached to Hyperman, as it would never hover further than a few inches from his body. Hyperman was agitated by Prismus' adamant attachment, similar to how a person would be annoyed by a fly buzzing around their head. However, this was when Hyperman had an idea. Upon finding a climbing route and escaping from the chasm, he thought of a way to make Prismus useful. He directed Prismus to the ruins of an ancient temple he had passed by prior.
Inside, Hyperman had Prismus scan the ancient language inscribed on the walls, and to his surprise it was successfully translated. It seemed that the language was already registered in Prismus' database, but as to how/why, not even Prismus knew. The runes etched into the wall seemed to be…some form of research records. Although the method of recording it seemed primitive, the beings who wrote them possessed highly advanced knowledge. The texts spoke of entire alternate universes, and even contained hard scientific proof of their existence. Although this was something Hyperman already had suspicions of, it was still surprising to him for it to be outright confirmed.