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Ultraman's rebirth

Creator had banished all the Demon Thread into The Outside, a neutral space separate from any -verses in The Barrel. However, this act came with unintended side effects. Due to Demon Thread being so greatly intertwined with Ultraman to an inseparable degree, he too had been banished into the Outside along with all the Demon Thread. As this occured, Ultraman’s perception of reality folded inwards upon itself in multiple directions. Ultraman tried to scream out as he felt intense agony ripping his physical form apart, but no sound could be made in the complete vacuum of The Outside. He lost every sense with which he could perceive reality, and the overwhelming forces pressing upon Ultraman led to him losing consciousness.

When Ultraman later regained consciousness, he was in a chaotic realm, where destruction infinitely persisted and thrived. The next thing he knew, an enormous ethereal black-red "hand" descended upon Ultraman, scooping up what remained of his tattered form. A voice from which spoke the hand assured Ultraman that he was safe, that this hand was a friend who was here to help. As strands of Demon Thread intelligently wrapped and intertwined themselves around Ultraman's form, the voice stated that his exposure to the Outside had transformed him into a completely new being, known as a Devil. This was not a bad thing, however. In fact, the voice explained, it was a good thing for Ultraman. His powers and capability for destruction were exponentially increased by his transformation, and his form was not anymore weak or endangered. Many strings of the demon thread covered Ultraman, weaving a form for himself that was most imposing. He had several limbs of Demon Thread augmented onto his body, the finely-woven formation of the thread appearing like muscle tendons. Ultraman's mouth had been transformed into a set of mandibles, with which he could spin new demon thread by expelling it from his mouth.

Ultraman's Devil form

When the transformation was complete, the being which the hand belonged to manifested their true form to Ultraman. The large god that loomed above introduced "himself" as Destroyer, and said that Ultraman could provide great use to him as a champion. Destroyer explained that as he observed the fight between Hyperman and Ultraman, there was something that he felt within Hyperman. He didn't know exactly what it was, but whatever it may have been, he did not like it. He believed that Hyperman was a potential threat to his rule if he became powerful enough, and he also was sick of his valuable “work” being undone by Creator. Destroyer felt that it was his metatime to shine, and he perceived Ultraman as the perfect tool to carry out his plan. Ultraman, feeling an ever-burning hatred for Hyperman and a wish for his demise, eagerly pledged himself to his new master.


Hyperman, meanwhile, was still in the Omniverse with Creator. Creator was fascinated with Hyperman, intrigued by his nature. Creator may not have personally known many of The Omniverse's inhabitants, but he could sense within Hyperman a certain level of ambition, one that distinguished him from many others. Before this could be dwelled on any further, however, Hyperman’s body was constructed as some strangling force had latched itself to him. Creator knew from the conceptual attributes of the strangling force that it was demon thread, somehow within The Omniverse once again. Hyperman thrashed about, and Creator attempted to sever the thread, but found himself unable to do so. It was now beyond his influence and immune to his will. Creator traced the origin of this instance of demon thread, and discovered that Ultraman was remotely manipulating it. He knew that Ultraman could not have recovered so easily, and been able to regain control over the material so soon. Only one being could have been behind the sudden return of the Demon Thread: Destroyer. Creator knew that Destroyer had been scheming against him for some metatime, and now he was finally emboldened enough to strike. Creator wished to retaliate, but he also was aware of the devastation that could be caused to the Omniverse if he were to directly confront Destroyer himself. However, he then realized that Hyperman could do his work for him instead. Creator enlisted Hyperman’s help in combating Ultraman, who was now Destroyer's champion – using Hyperman as Creator's own champion. Hyperman, desperate to escape from this thread however he could, quickly accepted as he preferred any other circumstance besides death. Creator used what power he could to teleport Hyperman and Prismus into Destroyer's Godverse, freeing him from the demon thread's snare. Immediately upon entering Destroyer's Godverse, Hyperman knew that he was not welcome here. Destroyer himself was nowhere to be found; remotely observing the event about to unfold for his own entertainment. A large intricate configuration of demon thread rested at the center of the Godverse. Residing in the center of the formation was Ultraman – sitting as though he awaited prey. Hyperman was about to traverse the demon thread configuration, but suddenly stopped when he noticed something. At the opposite end of the formation, a universe intersected with a single strand of demon thread. Upon this happening, Ultraman instantly sensed the signal emitted from the thread and lunged towards the universe, completely wrapping demon thread around it before vampirically draining all the life and energy from it. As this happened, some of his more gaunt features filled themselves and he took on a more robust figure, the universe seeming to have replenished his vitality. Ultraman had become predatory, instinctual, and enhanced in his senses. Hyperman thus knew that casually traversing the demon thread was a certain death sentence, and he needed to take a careful approach instead. So, Hyperman created a distraction by striking one of the threads with an energy blast, causing Ultraman to instinctually investigate it and try to find caught prey. With him occupied, Hyperman lunged at him from behind, attacking him wildly . Ultraman spun around and bucked Hyperman away, pushing him down against the thread. Hyperman instantly became stuck to the demon thread, unable to move his body. He was at Ultraman's mercy now.

Ultraman lowered himself as he began to recite his monologue, which he had rehearsed on many occasions in preparation for this. He told Hyperman that he could never have been as great as The Seventh, that only Ultraman could was worthy of that role. He improvised numerous allusions, such as this being the "web" that Hyperman had "weaved" for himself. Then, with his large spindly appendages, Ultraman hoisted up the form of Hyperman, and viciously sunk his fangs into him. Hyperman gasped for a moment, and then went limp, dead. Ultraman began attempting to drain the essence from him, but found difficulty doing so. The body of "Hyperman" became distorted, before blinking out of existence. Before Ultraman could process what was happening, explosions ruptured all around him, dismantling his configuration of demon thread as it fell into the void. Ultraman too fell, but he was able to halt his descent by attaching demon thread to a large archverse. After scaling the Archverse’s exterior, Ultraman saw Hyperman – the real Hyperman. The one he had killed was a decoy, a projection created by Prismus as a diversion to allow Hyperman to destroy the demon thread formation and balance the environmental advantages between them. Ultraman was enraged as he pounced at Hyperman, scampering along the various archverses with the appendages on his back. He lunged the appendages forward, attempting to stab Hyperman with their sharp ends. Hyperman, however, blocked and parried all of these blows with folded stringshard blades that he formed in his hands, before dealing some of his own to Ultraman. Hyperman managed to sever an arm, but Ultraman just as quickly rejoined it to his form by consuming a nearby archverse and stitching the limb to himself with Demon Thread, allowing it to heal and regenerate rather quickly.
