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Hyperman began to have a sick feeling in his stomach, and was about to run when he turned to see The Seventh standing right before him. Although his face gave no physical expression of emotion as a human’s would, Hyperman could understand that The Seventh felt very irate and frustrated. He demanded to know why Hyperman had returned without destroying the Hexagon Lords, and more importantly why he was wearing his old gear. Hyperman, put off by The Seventh’s sudden shift in demeanor, became confrontational and told him that he was his father – not his boss. He then told The Seventh what the Hexagon Lords had told him, and demanded The Seventh to tell him whether it was actually true. The Seventh unapologetically nodded, before vaguely grumbling to himself about how “the transition could have been easier” if the Hexagon Lords were already dead, but that he “would have to make do this way”. The Seventh then disappeared from sight as all the tanks activated and opened themselves. Several of The Seventh’s hybrid-clone servants, under his psychic influence, spilled forth towards Hyperman and Prismus liked a horde of zombies. As Hyperman befell his "brothers", he felt no sense of guilt towards it. As far as he was concerned, they were not his family, even if related by blood. The Seventh only cackled, claiming that they were never strong-enough beings to contain his power in the first place anyways.

This was when The Seventh revealed his true plan to Hyperman. He told of how he had transmuted a part of his essence into a human woman who lived in one of his universes, birthing a hybrid offspring. And this offspring – was Hyperman himself. The Seventh planned to transport the rest of his essence into Hyperman's body, essentially using him as a vessel with which to reincarnate himself, and return to his full power. At that moment, The Seventh's "physical" form appeared, and he proceeded to fight against Hyperman and Prismus himself. Hyperman was surprised by the amount of power and force that The Seventh was using, and then realized that he had been exaggerating his weakened state this entire time. As Hyperman fought his father, The Seventh went on to monologue about how he had been with Hyperman since the very beginning, guiding his path throughout life from behind the scenes without him ever knowing. He then went on to say that they were more alike than Hyperman wanted to think. Both of them desired power, and were willing to go to immense lengths to achieve their goals. This comment caused Hyperman to briefly hesitate, questioning if he really was in fact alike with The Seventh. The Seventh took advantage of this, pointing a singled finger at Hyperman. Hyperman was suddenly overcome with a crippling pain as he fell to his knees and retched on the ground. Red cracks of corruption appeared on Hyperman’s chest, as The Seventh claimed that either way, his influence was already taking root within Hyperman. He explained that the portion of his power he imbued in Hyperman earlier was also a way to exert his influence over him, incubating within him like a virus or parasite. Hyperman tried resisting against the invisible force, but he screamed in pain as he was pushed down even harder. The Seventh was amused by this sight, remarking that Hyperman may have been powerful but that power meant nothing to him, Hyperman’s creator. Hyperman tapped into his rage, and ignoring The Seventh’s taunts, he was able to muster all of his strength and willpower to deal a fatal blow to The Seventh, killing him.

As Hyperman looked on at The Seventh's dead body, he realized that the fight ended up being easier than it should've been. And it was then that The Seventh's remains liquified into pure essence, slithering towards Hyperman and crawling up his body. Hyperman realized with horror that The Seventh actually wanted him to kill him, as it was the key to The Seventh's essence being transferred into Hyperman's body.

Hyperman tried to stop The Seventh's essence from spreading onto him, but it was far too aggressive and invasive to be driven back. Hyperman began suffocating as the black essence spread over his face, and he felt his mind and soul slip away as it was replaced by that of another.

The Final Battle

The Seventh, now possessing Hyperman, was more powerful than he had ever been before. The Seventh's next course of action was to arrive to the Folded Cascade, where he planned to return to his position of power and reform the Heptagon Lords as their leader. This, of course, was not met without resistance. The Hexagon Lords enacted all of the Folded Cascade's security protocols, but to The Seventh such a thing was inconsequential. And in his display, The Seventh physically broke through the security systems, many of which he himself oversaw the installation of, and was able to gain entry into The Folded Cascade, showing that now he was finally at his peak power.

Here, The Hexagon Lords attempted to ambush The Seventh with a trap they had set for him, not unlike the trap they set for Hyperman, but this only angered The Seventh more as he broke from the trap. If he had still planned on showing any form of mercy to the Hexagon Lords before, those chances were completely diminished now. The Seventh fought hard against his former teammates, those he once helped in their time of need. The Hexagon Lords viewed The Seventh as their friend who lost himself in power, while The Seventh viewed the Hexagon Lords as being too soft to rule "properly" like him.

The battle eventually began causing collateral damage to the Folded Cascade, damaging its structures. But The Seventh was too caught up in his bloodlust to notice or care. Then, one of the Cascade's prisons were destroyed, releasing all the dangerous entities contained within.

The escaped monstrosities began causing chaos and carnage all throughout the Folded Cascade, and the Hexagon Lords looked on in horror. Even The Seventh stopped his fighting to stare in shock at the sheer destruction. Not even the combined effort of the Hexagon Lords were enough to stop the invaders. As The Seventh watched in disgust and mortification, he realized that this sight was all too familiar. He suddenly remembered why he wanted this power in the first place: he wanted to protect the Folded Cascade. The Seventh looked down at his hands, hands which weren't actually even his. He found himself sobered all of a sudden. He realized just how much of his existence he wasted on his cause, and how truly horrible acts he committed. However, there was at least one thing that could redeem himself. Clenching his fists, The Seventh took a deep breath, savoring these few fleeting moments which he knew would be his last. Then, he turned back to the Hexagon Lords, and quietly asked them to take care of Hyperman for him. Suddenly, he charged forth at the monsters and detonated his essence into a nova blast, which lashed out into a series of bolts that systematically struck and destroyed every threat within the Folded Cascade, killing them all and himself at the same time. Hyperman's body was left behind, and was intact but still heavily banged up and damaged from what it had been put through.

Hyperman remained in a short temporary coma, and was soon nursed back to full health by the Hexagon Lords. Upon coming back to, and hearing of the events which the lords relayed to him, Hyperman felt an emotion which he had not expected to: he grieved for The Seventh. He grieved for his father, or perhaps he grieved for the lack thereof. He didn't exactly know, but at this point it was moot. The Seventh was gone as far as everyone knew, and was no longer a threat.
