Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

[43] Corbinianus. "Firmamentum Firmianum", 1731. (Книгохранилище Пулковской обсерватории).

[44] Dorman P.E, The Tombs of Senenmut. The Architecture and Decoration of Tombs 71 and 353, Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition, New York, 1991.

[45] Goss John. "KartenKunst: Die Geschichte der Kartographie". - Der Deutschen Ausgabe: Georg Westermann Verlag GmbH, Braunschweig 1994. Немецкий перевод с английского издания: Goss John. The Mapmaker's Art. A History of Cartography. - Studio Editions Ltd., London.

[46] Maso Finiguerra. "A Florentine Picture-Chronicle". Reproduced from the originals in the British Museum by the Imperial Press, Berlin. - A critical and descriptive text by Sidney Colvin, M.A. Keeper of the prints and drawings of the British Museum. New York, Benjamin Blom Inc. 1970.

[47] Padova. Guide to the city. — Издательство Medoacus, Italy, 2007.

[48] "Philipp Apian und die Kartographie der Renaissance". Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. - Anton H.Konrad Verlag. München, 1989.

[49] Signorini Rodolfo. "Lo Zodiaco di Palazzo d'Arco in Mantova".

Amministrazione Provinciale di Mantova — Assessorato Cultura e Turismo, Mantova, 1989.

[50] Siliotti Alberto. "Guide to the Valley of the Kings and to the Theban Necropolises and Temples". - A.A.Gaddis&Sons Publishers, 1996.

[51] "The Treasures of the Valley of the Kings. Tombs and Temples of the Theban West Bank in Luxor". Edited by Kent R.Weeks. - The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, Egypt, 2001. Издательство White Star S.r.l. Verceili, Italy.
