Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Глава 21. Радар

1. New York Times, March 18, 1916, p. 8, col. 3.

2. Speech by Millikan at Chemists' Club, New York, October 7, 1928.

3. The Royal Bank of Canada, Monthly Letter, Vol. 59, No. 11 (November 1978).

4. New York Times, December 8, 1915, p. 8, col. 3, See New York Herald, April 15, 1917.

5. Dr. Emil Girardeau, «Nikola Tesla, Radar Pioneer», translation from the French, presented at Nikola Tesla — Kongress, Vienna, September 1953.

6. Ibid. See also, Nikola Tesla, «The Problem of Increasing Human Energy», Century magazine, June 1900, pp. 208 — 09; New York Times, «America's Invisible Airplane», September 7, 1980, p. 20 E.

Глава 22. Почетный гость

1. O'Neill, Genius, p. 230.

2. Ibid., p. 231.

3. Minutes, Edison Medal Meeting, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, May 18, 1917, Smithsonian Institution.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Petkovic, «A Visit to Nikola Tesla».

8. Letter, Tesla to Scherff, March 3,1918, Butler Library, Columbia University.

9. Letter, ScherfTto Tesla, June 23, 1916, Butler Library, Columbia University.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Scherff, October 15, 1918, Library of Congress.

11. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Robert U. Johnson, December 27, 1914, Library of Congress.

12. Microfilm letter, Robert U. Johnson to Tesla, December 30, 1919, Library of Congress.

13. Letter, Katharine Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Tesla Museum, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Глава 23. Голуби

1. Microfilm letter, Tesla to E. M. Herr, president of Westinghouse, November 13, 1920, Library of Congress.

2. Microfilm letter, Westinghouse Electric Company to Tesla, November 28, 1921, Library of Congress.

3. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Westinghouse Electric Company, 1921, Library of Congress.

4. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Westinghouse, January 22, 1922, Library of Congress. Also February 23 and March 11, 1922.

5. Microfilm letter, Tripp to Tesla, early 1922, Library of Congress.

6. «Hundredth Anniversary Nikola Tesla — and Ivan Mestrovic», Enjednicar, Serbian Cultural Society Education, Croatian Serbs, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, April 11, 1956, pp. 1—2.

7. «Secanja na Teslu Kenet Suizia» («Kenneth Swezey's Recollections of Nikola Tesla»), Tesla — Belgrade, IV (1957), 38-39, pp. 45-48.

8. К. M. Swezey, «Nikola Tesla», Psychology, October 1927, p. 60.

9. Nikola Tesla, «А Story of Youth Told by Age», Smithsonian Institution.

10. O'Neill, Genius, pp. 309—10.

11. Ibid., pp. 311-12.

12. Ibid., pp. 315-17.

13. Jule Eisenbud, «Two Approaches to Spontaneous Case Material», Journal of American Society for Psychic Research, July 1963.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

Глава 24. Перемены

1. Detroit free Press, August 10, 1924, Feature sec, p. 4. See also, Collier's, «When Woman Is Boss», January 30, 1926.

2. Collier's, op. cit.

3. Ibid.

4. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, April 9, 1925, Library of Congress.

5. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Johnson, June 3, 1925, Library of Congress.

6. Letter, Johnson to Tesla, spring 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

7. Letter, Tesla to Johnson, April 6, 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

8. Letter, Johnson to Tesla, 1926, Butler Library, Columbia University.

9. Colorado Springs Gazette, May 30, 1924, p. 1.

10. Microfilm letter, Tesla to Johnson, 1929, Library of Congress.

Глава 25. Дни рождения

1. Kaempffert, «Electrical Sorcerer».

2. «Tesla at 75», Time, July 20, 1931, pp. 27, 30; New York Times, July 5, 1931, II, p. 1; «Tesla, Electrical Wizard», Montreal Herald, July 10, 1931; «Father of Radio, 75», Detroit News, July 10, 1931; Kosta Kulisic, «Sedamdeset-petogodisnjica Nikole Tesle», Politika, Belgrade, July 11, 20, 21, 1931.

3. Time, July 20, 1931.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Nikola Tesla, «Our Future Motive Power», Everyday Science and Mechanics, December 1931, p. 26.

9. Letter, Prof. Warren Rice to author, September 5, 1980.

10. Dr. Gustave Kolischer, «Further Consideration of Diathermy and Malignancy», Archives of Physical Therapy, X-Ray, Radium, Vol. 13 (December 1932), pp. 780-81.

Глава 26. Поплавки на воде

1. Letter, Tesla to Viereck, April 7,1934.

2. Letter, Tesla to Viereck, December 17, 1934.

3. Nikola Tesla, «А Machine to End War», Liberty MagazineFebruary 1935.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid. See also, New York Sun, «Invents Peace Ray — Tesla Describes Beam of Destructive Energy», July 10, 1934; New York Times, «Tesla Bares New 'Death Beam'», July 11, 1934; Time, «Tesla's Ray», July 23, 1934; New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1934; New York World Telegram, July 10, 1937.

7. Letter, Tesla to New York Times, «Tribute to King Alexander», October 21, 1934, IV, p. 5.

8. Microfilm letter, Tesla to J. P. Morgan, November 29, 1934, Library of Congress.

9. Ibid.

10. Microfilm letter, Kintner to Tesla, April 5, 1934, Library of Congress.

11. Letter, Dr. Albert J. Phillips to author, February 10, 1979.


13. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

14. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

15. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d. (mid-1930s), Library of Congress.

16. Microfilm letter, Johnson to Tesla, n.d., Library of Congress.

17. O'Neill, Genius, p. 313.

18. Microfilm letters, Westinghouse Company to Tesla, April 29, 1938, Library of Congress. See also: Nikola Tesla. Spomenica povodom njegove 80 godisnjice. Livre commemoratif а l' occasion de son 80ите anniversaire. Gedenkbuch anldsslich seines 80sten Geburtstages. Memorandum book on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Belgrade, Priredilo i izdalo Dru'stvo za podizanje Instituta Nikole Tesle; Belgrade, Edition de la S o c i u ' t u ' pour la fondation de l' Institut Nikola Tesla, 1 3 6 , 5 1 9 pp. (tributes in original languages in which written).

Глава 27. Космическое сообщество

1. Nikola Tesla, unpublished paper, 1936, part appears in New York Herald Tribune, July 9, 1937, «Tesla Devises Vacuum Tube Atom-Smasher». Nikola Tesla, «German Cosmic Ray Theory Questioned», letter to New York Herald Tribune, March 3,1935. See also, «Tesla, 79... New Inventions», New York Times, July 7, 1935, II, p. 4.

2. «Tesla Has Plans to Signal Mars». New York Sun, July 12, 1937, p. 6; «Sending Messages to Planets», New York Times, July 11, 1937, II, p. 1; Detroit News, July 11, 1937.

3. Ibid, New York Sun.

4. Science News, April 30, 1977, Vol. III.

5. New York Herald Tribune, July 11, 1937; New York Times, July 11, 1937, II, p. 1.

6. William L. Laurence, New York Times, September 22, 1940, II, p. 7.

Глава 28. Смерть и преображение

1. Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, A King's Heritage (New York, Putnam, 1954). See also, The Balkans, Life World Library (New York, Time, Inc., 1964). Yugoslavia, Background Notes, Department of State Publication 7773, Rev. February 1978, U.S. Government Printing Office. M. Djilas, Memoir of a Revolutionary (New York, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973).
