Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


Сталин И. В. Беседа с английским писателем Г. Д. Уэллсом 23 июля 1934 года // Сталин И. В. Сочинения: в 3 т. (XIV-XVI). Стэнфорд, 1967.


HP. В 5. № 45. Р. 7; В 10. Mb 45. Р. 19.


Bourdieu P. The School as a Conservative Force: Scholastic and Cultural Inequalities // Knowledge and Values in Social and Educational Research / Ed. E. Bredo, W. Feinberg. Philadelphia, 1982. P. 391-403; Carlson D. Teachers as Political Actors: From Reproductive Theory to the Crisis of Schooling // Harvard Educational Review. 1987. Vol. 57, No. 3. P. 283-306.


Bergen B. Only a Schoolmaster: Gender, Class, and the Effort to Professionalize Elementary Teaching in England, 1870-1910 // History of Education Quarterly. 1982. Vol. 22, No. 1. P. 1-21; Fraser J. W. Agents of Democracy: Urban Elementary School Teachers and the Conditions of Teaching // American Teachers / Ed. Warren. P. 128-143; Tropp A. The School Teachers. The Growth of the Teaching Profession in England and Wales. London, 1957; Holcombe L. Victorian Ladies at Work. Middle Class Working Women in England and Wales, 1850-1914. Hamden, 1973. P. 44-58.


Jarausch K. The Unfree Professions: German Lawyers, Teachers and Engineers. New York, 1990. P. 17; Lamberti M. Elementary School Teachers and the Struggle against Social Democracy in Wilhelmine Germany // History of Education Quarterly. 1992. Vol. 32, No. 1. P. 72-97.


Education and Social Transition in the Third World / Ed. M. Carnoy, J. Samoff. Princeton, 1990; Kelly G. P. Teachers and the Transmission of State Knowledge: A Case Study of Colonial Vietnam // Comparative Education / Ed. G. Kelly, P. Altbach, R. Amove. New York, 1982. P. 176-194.


Seregny S. Russian Teachers and Peasant Revolution. P. 108-145; Ruane C. Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Russian City Teachers. P. 87-127.


Lortie D. Schoolteacher. A Sociological Study. Chicago, 1975. P. 134-161.


Women Who Taught: Perspectives on the History of Women and Teaching / Ed. A. Prentice, M. Theobald. Toronto, 1991. P. 13.


О советских профессиях см.: Professions and the State. Expertise and Autonomy in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe / Ed. A.Jones. Philadelphia, 1991.


Waller W. The Sociology of Teaching. New York, published 1934, reprinted 1961. P. 1.


Warren D. Teachers, Reformers, and Historians // American Teachers / Ed. D. Warren. P. 3.


Altenbaugh R. Introduction // The Teacher's Voice. A Social History of Teaching in Twentieth Century America / Ed. R. Altenbaugh. London, 1992. P. 4.


Gardner P. Reconstructing the Classroom Teacher, 1903-1945 // Silences and Images. The Social History of the Classroom / Ed. I. Grosvenor, M. Lawn, K. Rousmaniere. New York, 1999. P. 125-144.


Nelson M. K. Female Schoolteachers as Community Builders // Teacher's Voice / Ed. Altenbaugh. P. 78-89.


Sewell J., William H. A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation // American Journal of Sociology. 1992. Vol. 98, No. 1. P. 1-29.


Fainsod M. How Russia is Ruled. Cambridge, 1965; Tucker R. C. Stalin in Power. Revolution from Above, 1929-1941. New York, 1990; Conquest R. The Great Terror.


Lewin M. The Making of the Soviet System. New York, 1985; Фицпатрик Ш. Повседневный сталинизм; она же. Сталинские крестьяне; Fitzpatrick S. The Cultural Front. Ithaca, 1992; Rittersporn G. T. Stalinist Simplifications and Soviet Complications. Social Tensions and Political Conflicts in the USSR, 1933-1953. Chur, 1991; Хлевнюк О. В. 1937-й: Сталин, НКВД и советское общество. М., 1992; Davies S. Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia. Terror, Propaganda, and Dissent, 1934-1941. New York, 1997; Rimmel L. A. Another Kind of Fear: The Kirov Murder and the End of Bread Rationing in Leningrad // Slavic Review. 1997. Vol. 56, No. 3. P. 481-499; Thurston R. W. Fear and Belief in the USSR's «Great Terror»: Response to Arrest, 1935-1939 // Slavic Review. 1986. Vol. 45, No. 2. P. 213-234.


Kotkin S. Magnetic Mountain. P. 22-23; Viola L. Peasant Rebels… P. 14, 38; Фицпатрик III. Повседневный сталинизм. С. 7-8; Volkov V. The Concept of KuFturnost': Notes on the Stalinist Civilizing Process // Stalinism / Ed. S. Fitzpatrick. P. 216-217; Rossman J. J. The Teikovo Cotton Workers' Strike of April 1932: Class, Gender and Identity Politics in Stalin's Russia // Russian Review. 1997. Vol. 56, No. 1. P. 69.


Кузин Н. П., Колмакова Н. М., Равкин 3. И. Очерки истории школы и педагогической мысли народов СССР. 19171941 гг. М., 1980; Медынский Е. Н. Народное образование в СССР. М., 1952; Равкин 3. И. Советская школа в период борьбы за завершение строительства социалистического общества и постепенного перехода от социализма к коммунизму (19351941 гг.) // Советская педагогика. 1950. № 6. С. 97110; Веселов В. Р. Идеологическая работа партии среди учительской интеллигенции в 19171937 гг. // Вопросы истории КПСС. 1980. № 12. С. 6170; Зимин П., Сунцов Н. Советский учитель // Советская педагогика. 1967. № 6. С. 819.


Bowen J. Soviet Education: Anton Makarenko and the Years of Experiment. Madison, 1962; Lapidus G. W. Educational Strategies and Cultural Revolution: The Politics of Soviet Development // Cultural Revolution / Ed. S. Fitzpatrick. P. 99-103; Lapidus G. W. Socialism and Modernity: Education, Industrialization and Social Change in the U.S.S.R. // The Dynamics of Soviet Politics / Ed. P. Cocks, R. Daniels, N. Heer. Cambridge, 1976. P. 195-220; Fitzpatrick S. Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union. P. 158-232; Shturman D. The Soviet Secondary School. New York, 1979. P. 50-60; Hechinger F. The Big Red Schoolhouse. New York, 1959. P. 37-55.


Карпова Г. Ф. Образовательная ситуация в России в первой половине XX века. Ростов, 1994; Фрадкин Ф. А., Плохова М. Г. Проблемы дисциплины в советской школе // Советская педагогика. 1991. Mb 6. С. 91-98; Tsinilnikov A. What to Study? Notes on the Margin of Pedagogy // Soviet Education. 1989. August. P. 3-37; Макаев В. Классовый враг проникает в школу // Народное образование. 1990. Mb 2. С. 142-144.


Holmes L. E. Stalin's School. Moscow's Model School No. 25, 1931-1937. Pittsburgh, 1999; Holmes L. E. The Kremlin and the Schoolhouse; Johnson M. S. Russian Educators, the Stalinist Party-State, and the Politics of Soviet Education.


О «голосе учителя» см.: The Teacher's Voice / Ed. R. Altenbaugh; Studying Teachers' Lives / Ed. I. Goodson. New York, 1992; Gardner P. Reconstructing the Classroom Teacher. P. 126-129.


Нижний А. Рассказ о сельском учителе // Известия. 1931.17 янв. С. 3.


ГА РФ. Ф. 5462. Оп. 13. Д. 148. Л. 54-65.
