Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, she felt as if a ball of flame was ignited inside her. She had no idea what he was doing, but it was unlike any fingering she’d ever experienced. Not just rubbing in all the right ways, her pussy clenching against his fingers with mounting lust, but also rippling, pulsing against her G-Spot as he sucked her clit, sending her over the top again and again.

Darla’s entire body tensed and quivered as she came again and again. The world stopped around her and time ceased to have meaning as her orgasms engulfed her. She was blind, and deaf, and out of her senses, and she loved every second of it, not wanting to ever come down.

She had come more times than she could count as he maintained a steady rhythm within her, pushing her over the edge again and again, her orgasms building even stronger until she thought she might actually die from the pleasure.

Finally, Heydar lifted his head from between her legs and pulled his fingers out of her quivering pussy. Darla’s eyes struggled to open, just long enough to see him licking them clean with a satisfied grin plastered to his face.

Still rubber limbed, Darla groped for his cock, fumbling with her sex-addled touch.

“Not now, Malaika,” he said, gently moving her hand and sliding up beside her, pulling her close in his arms.

“What does that mean,” she mumbled, already drifting off.

“Later. Now, rest. Gather your strength.”

She tried to object but his arms were so warm, so strong, holding her safe and close. The tiny spoon to his massive one. She felt his cock hot and hard against her ass, but he made no attempt to mount her. The pressure of his manhood was the last thing wandering through her mind as she drifted off into a deep sleep in his welcoming embrace.



Darla slept the kind of sleep she’d only experienced a few times in her life. It was the “dead to the world” variety that bordered on sleep paralysis, it was so intense. But unlike this blissful post-coital slumber, in her past life the few similar occurrences had happened after some grueling ordeal or another.

Once, while on vacation in Italy, she’d learned the Italian word for strike was scioppero when all forms of transit abruptly shut down, leaving her stranded with just her backpack dozens of kilometers from her destination. She had hiked through the night, unable to sleep out in public for obvious reasons.

By the time she had made it to her hotel, it was late the following afternoon. She’d been on the move for over fifteen hours, and had been awake far longer than that. She’d checked in with only a few brain cells functioning, made it to her room, and passed out for thirteen hours straight, missing the museum tour she’d already paid for.

This time, however, her deep slumber was under far more pleasant circumstances. Yes, her body was tired from the hike, but that sexy alien had finger banged her to unconsciousness. The memory of the countless orgasms warmed her belly as she slowly roused from her sleep, still nude beneath the furs, a wetness already forming in hopes of more before her brain was even fully engaged.

Holy shit, that was hot, she marveled as her mental fog lifted. That guy is fucking talented.

A flash of doubt suddenly hit her, disrupting her pleasant thoughts and leaving her cold. Heydar had left her as she slept, carrying on the quest without her, she just knew it. Enough men had fucked and run in her life that she knew better than to keep her hopes up. She felt the warmth in her belly dim as disappointment set in.

Darla opened her eyes, ready to figure out what to do next, when an unexpected sight greeted her. A pair of gold-rimmed, violet eyes staring at her, heavy-lidded and full of emotion.

Heydar reached out and gently brushed her hair from her eyes, trailing his fingers along her head, behind her ear, and down to her collarbone, where he let them linger, her pulse thrumming under his touch.

“You wake, Malaika. You slept a long time. I hope you are well rested.”

“Uh, yeah,” she said, unexpectedly in that awkward moment after sex where future interactions would be decided. “I slept great. Did you?”

“Yes, I did. We were both in need of rest after all of yesterday’s activities.”

He was talking about the hike, naturally, but there was no way their sexytime wasn’t figuring into his statement. He slid his hand lower, lifting the fur from Darla’s bare flesh, exposing her to his searching gaze.

His fingertips traced the lines of her tattoos, drifting over the sweeping lines, lingering on the runes, their pigment and light highlights having settled into more complex patterns than he had originally inked her with. She shuddered, but not from cold.

“Your pigment is settling in nicely, and your runes have mostly formed, and far more developed than one so recently marked would show.”

He continued touching her, so brutally strong out in the world, but so gentle with her. A tranquil beast, tame and calm, except when it was time to not be. She had seen him dispatch those attacking animals and had no illusions as to his potential, but with her, he was a different man. One she wanted more than anything right about now.

Darla rolled over to face the other way then scooted back against him, nestling into the warm curve of his big spoon. He draped his arm over her, resting his hand on her breast, cupping it in his meaty paw, his fingers teasing her nipple as he gently kissed her shoulder, his breath warm on her skin.

“To develop runes like this requires much energy,” he said. “Even for my own kind, this would be a massively draining process. But you are handling it exceptionally well.”

“I do my best,” she said, scooting her ass back against him.

He let out a tiny groan. “You are a remarkable woman, Darla.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she purred, reaching behind her and grabbing his cock. Any hesitation or uncertainty she may have had now long gone. In one swift motion, she pulled him free from his trousers, her bare palm shocked by the radiant heat of his member.

He was already partially hard, her backing into him clearly rousing the beast between his legs. Now, in her hand, he grew instantly erect as she pumped his length. The heat increased and the ridges around his girthy member grew more prominent the harder he became.

In no time, his cock swelled up to an impressive length, rigid and standing at attention, straining under her touch. A grower and a shower, she mused, her fingers running over the swelling ridges, making him twitch from the sensation.

This one’s built for both our pleasure, she noted, her fingertip collecting the droplet of pre-cum glistening on the broad tip of his cock.

He squeezed her nipple as he cupped her breast, biting her neck, gently for the moment, though she could sense his animalistic passion building. Darla gasped as he latched onto her neck, his tongue tasting her sweat as she pumped his cock with her hand, faster and faster until she didn’t think it could get any harder.

She shifted her hips, lifting one leg and positioning his sex between her legs, her juices already flowing freely, coating him from tip to base. She pressed it against her clit, the heat giving her an electric jolt of pleasure.

Slowly she lowered her leg, squeezing his cock tight between her folds, sliding freely over its ridged length, every thrust making her clit jump with pleasure. They both let out low groans of ecstasy, Darla pushing her ass back harder and Heydar thrusting his hips forward to meet her, his cum-heavy balls slapping against her with every stroke.

Darla had never been so wet, so completely and utterly aroused. She clenched harder, squeezing him against her clit as his arms pulled her in tight, his other hand weaving around her body as he lifted her slightly from the furs, sliding up her chest until it rested on her neck.
