Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

She felt an almost electric charge flowing off him as the fingers of her free hand drifted aimlessly while her other hand did its healing work. His heat seemed to be increasing, if that was possible, and she felt her own body temperature rising with him. Most notably, deep inside her, the more primal heat was now spreading between her legs as her nipples brushed against his back as she leaned closer.

Want surged through her. Need. A desire that was rapidly shutting down her rational brain as instinct took over. Her hands were moving of their own accord now, well past the injuries she had been tending, touching him, reveling in the sensation. Her breath blew ragged on his neck as she drew her fingers down his sides, savoring the ripples of the muscles covering his ribs.

Heydar’s body rumbled like a big cat as a low vibrating groan escaped his chest. His skin tensed and rippled with goosebumps even as his heat increased further. Darla leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his back, her body almost bucking from the warm surge of the increased contact. Her pussy was dripping wet in anticipation, and her lower belly tightened in that most fantastic way.

What the hell are you doing, Dar? she asked herself, shocked at her roaming hands, fully aware of what she was doing yet unable to stop herself.

Was it the new tattoos influencing her? Was the alien pigment living in her skin pushing her to do things she’d never have thought of in her previous life?

The answer didn’t matter.

Heydar turned, locking eyes with her in the flickering firelight, the slight smolder they had contained earlier now burning much, much brighter. His pupils were dilated with desire, his pulse clearly throbbing in the thick veins in his neck. A fine sheen of sweat was beading his brow, but it was not the fire that had caused it.

His massive hand reached out, slowly, gently, sliding up under her shirt, lifting it ever so slowly, the fabric pulling across her nipples sending electric jolts to her pussy. Darla twitched, unable to control her body, her arousal growing exponentially with every passing second.

Heydar pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her exposed to his ravenous gaze. His long, thick fingers touched her skin with a lightness that one would not expect from so massive a man, slowly tracing the lines of her curves and tattoos, the two merged as one on her body.

Darla sucked in a sharp breath as he drew his fingertips along the sides of her breasts, exploring the tender flesh, her skin drawing tight with sensation, her nipples now rock hard and straining for his touch. She glanced down at the markings on her body, watching him explore, savoring every bit of her.

The dark ink appeared even darker in this light, and the powerful white highlights seemed to almost glow under his passing touch.

Did those move? she wondered, but her thoughts on the changing shapes of the designs on her body were purged from her mind when his huge hand cupped her breast, the heat of his palm penetrating deep into her chest. Her breath grew faster, and he moved with skill and intuition, reading her movements and responding in kind.

He shifted his hand, her erect nipple sliding between his thumb and palm as though it had always been meant to be there. He squeezed, somehow knowing just the right pressure to elicit the greatest response. Darla bucked a little, her body no longer hers to control, an electric heat shooting through her down between her legs.

Darla shifted and felt her juices dripping from her swelling folds, her clit straining with need, growing with every little twist of his fingers. Her body felt aflame, the heat warming her limbs, her forehead and neck damp with a surge of aroused sweat.

Heydar paused, putting his rising passion in check, studying this human woman’s responses, silently gauging her. He could take her if he so desired. He was so much larger he could do whatever he wanted with ease, but he held back, his other hand moving to cup her other breast, teasing her nipples until she felt she might burst with want.

Darla’s mouth was watering and her pussy dripping wet, her pupils wide with desire. How he was holding back she had no idea, but she couldn’t control herself any longer. She reached out and grabbed the firm bulge in his pants. His cock was straining against the material, and she could feel the ridges had grown erect from tip to root.

The heat of it radiated through her palm when she squeezed. She was gentle, her eyes locked on his, watching his lips twitch with pleasure. A little smile tugged the corners of her mouth, and she squeezed harder.

The fire in his eyes flared bright, his passion surging to a full blaze. He shifted his attention from his teasing and pushed her firmly onto her back. Darla marveled at his hands, so large and so strong, she couldn’t have stopped him even if she tried. But she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted this and so much more.

Heydar propped himself up on one arm and leaned in close, wrapping his lips around her left nipple, sucking while his hand teased her right one, sending jolts of ecstasy shooting through her, making her body writhe in spite of herself.

Darla almost didn’t realize what was happening when his hands slid to her trousers and unfastened them, but then with the greatest ease he lifted her ass in the air and deftly pulled them off her with one fluid motion.

How did he do that so—

The thought fell from her mind as his fingers traced the folds of her swollen labia, exploring her, teasing her, his fingers slick with her juices from the first touch. His fingertips grazed her engorged clit and she bucked hard, her hips rocketing up with so much force he hesitated, looking at her a little bit alarmed.

“No, it’s good,” she managed to say, her voice husky with desire.

He smiled at her. A sexy, wicked smile, and lowered his head, lapping at her skin, tasting her sweat and her excitement as he trailed lower until she could feel his hot breath on her sensitive sex. Darla could hardly contain herself, every nerve blazing with arousal.

The sexy alien held off a moment, feeling her react to his breath, then could wait no longer. He fastened his mouth over her clit and suckled her with gusto, a groan of pleasure escaping his lips as he tasted her juices coating his tongue. Darla’s hips jolted again, totally out of control, but he held on tight, working her sex in his mouth, his rumbling grunts of joy vibrating inside of her.

Darla climaxed in an instant, coming so hard she felt her limbs go numb and her vision go dark as her bones melted into the ground and her mind exploded into a million stars, their sparkling trails flowing through every inch of her body as she floated in blissful oblivion.

She didn’t know how long she was like that, but eventually she drifted back to reality. Her vision slowly returned, the sparkles fading and her body once more coming under her control. She looked down at him, chest heaving from her orgasm.

“Holy fuck. I’ve never come that hard. What the hell did you do?”

He simply smiled at her, a wicked, pleased gleam in his eyes. He licked his lips, his forked tongue tasting her juices on him, then gently lay into her again, his tongue swirling and sucking, working its magic in a way no human possibly could.

Oh my God. That tongue! I never knew I needed this until right now.

Heydar licked gently, reveling in the taste of her sensitive clit and labia. Darla felt something new pressing through the folds. Something hot and hard. She gasped as two of his long fingers slid inside of her, their heat warming her from the inside like she’d never felt before.

He began sucking her clit, his tongue swirling and pulling, wrapping around it in ways no human could ever hope to achieve. The sensation was amazing, and the pressure of his fingers inside her was enough to make her positively drenched, coating his hand and face as he brought her ecstasy back from a smolder to a full blaze.
