Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Oh, this is really good,” she mumbled.

“Your runes are working, then. Without them, it would not have so pleasant a flavor.”

“Hang on, this was a trick?”

“Trick? No. A test, yes. There is no way of telling how your species will react to the pigments and runes. I adapted them as best I could figure, but you are still an enigma, and one that requires special attention.”

“Well, maybe warn me next time,” she shot back, taking a drink from the cup of water before her.

“Warning implies a danger, and there was none. And now your meal is more enjoyable. An all-around positive outcome, in my opinion.”

Darla was considering a sharp reply but ultimately decided to just let it go. It wouldn’t accomplish anything anyway. She was stuck here with this troubling man, like it or not. Instead of arguing, she took a bite of the pancake on her plate.

“Hmm,” she murmured.

It wasn’t at all what she’d expected. Where Earth pastry was sweet and fluffy, this was savory, with an interesting umami flavor lending it a distinctly alien taste. There were several layers to its complexity, each unfolding as she chewed.

Heydar watched her with interest.

“What? Was that another test?”

He chuckled. “No. I was simply curious if you would enjoy the Rammisti cakes. They are something of an acquired taste.”

“Consider it acquired. You know, I could get used to this stuff.”

“Good. Eat well and replenish your strength,” he said, rising to his feet and gathering his plates. “Your tattoos should be fully healed when I return.”

Darla jumped out of her seat. “Whoa, hang on a minute. What do you mean, when you return? You can’t just leave me here.”

“I have considered what you said,” the alien replied.

“What do you mean?”

“You said it yourself, others held aboard the Raxxian ship may have survived. Some may even have been from my world, held in separate locations. I am going to search for them. If they crashed down close by, I may be able to retrieve them before a Raxxian recovery party reaches this world.”

Darla picked up her plates, following him to the washing station. “No way. I’m coming with.”

“You are too small. Too weak. This trek will not be an easy one.”

“You’re talking about me as if I’m some kind of child.”

“I do not mean to offen—”

“And I’ll have you know, I’m stronger than you think. So I’m coming with, and you can’t talk me out of it.”

Heydar’s eyes flashed amusement, along with a bit of admiration at the fire within this human woman. Full of surprises, she was, even for one so small and soft. His mind flashed to the way her body reacted to his hands the prior day. He quickly forced those thoughts down. There was a task at hand, and it would not be an easy one.

“Very well,” he finally said. “But you will need to carry your own weight. I will be moving quickly and will not slow for you.”

“Fine. Whatever,” she grumbled.

Darla shoveled her food into her mouth, eating as they walked to deposit their soiled dishes. From across the dining area, Zepharos watched with a curious gaze. One that while hot, was also a little disconcerting now that she had heard of his exploits.

But still hot, there was no denying.

She looked to Heydar, his calm eyes watching with a disapproving look.

“What?” she asked, defenses on high.


“Go on. You want to say something, so say it.”

The tall alien took a deep breath and sighed. “I know his type and would offer one bit of advice. Be careful.”

“Oh? And what’s his type as opposed to yours? You’re both big alien men.”

“We are complete opposites, he and I.”

“Then tell me about yourself.”

Heydar hesitated, locking eyes with her then breaking from her gaze. “Perhaps another time. Now, come. We must be on our way to make the most of the daylight.”



Strangely, Darla found herself a bit torn as they trekked out of the village. Sure, Zepharos had a bit of a reputation. Okay, a lot of a reputation, but who didn’t? And who was she to judge without having all of the details firsthand? And it was nice having someone show such interest in her.

Then again, she had also been given that warning from someone who had nothing whatsoever to gain from it. Rohanna was just doing her a solid, as far as she could tell. But damn, he was one sexy son of a bitch. And unlike Heydar, Zepharos was actually available. Available and interested.

Ugh. This is all just so messed up.

She adjusted the small pack she had been given as she walked, the pressure of the straps annoying her tender shoulders. Heydar had taken care to ensure it was not overloaded, taking all the heavier items in his own backpack, sparing her newly inked skin from the inevitable abrasions and sweat it would otherwise cause.

Even so, she felt her skin drying out as the pigment set in. And boy was it itching.

A lot.

“Do not scratch,” Heydar said as she finally gave in to the urge. “You must let the pigment bond uninterrupted for it to properly take hold.”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s annoying.”

“As is complaining,” he shot back.

Darla flashed an angry glare his way, and amazingly, it seemed to land. Heydar hesitated, stopping in his tracks. “Very well. Drop your pack and come here.”

She did so, more because the straps were itchy as hell than from a desire to do as he asked. In any case, that one action alone provided a modicum of relief. Heydar’s own pack remained on his broad shoulders, riding there as easily as if it was weightless to the massive alien. He stepped to her and took her arms one at a time, surveying the condition of her newly inked skin.

He nodded, satisfied, then unceremoniously lifted her top, surveying his work, tracing his fingers over the rapidly healing designs. He followed one of them up her flank, curving along the side of her breast where it rose to her collarbone.

Darla’s nipples had gone hard the second he had lifted her top, the skin straining and tight in the open air. Heydar didn’t seem to notice, but as his fingers followed the line higher, his thick wrist grazed the erect nub, sending a wild, electric buzz directly to her clit.

Darla forced down a gasp, clenching her teeth and flexing her legs and abs hard to remain in control. This was something new. She’d always had sensitive breasts, and she’d loved nipple play as long as she could remember, but this? This was a whole new level. It was like walking around resonating like a goddamn tuning fork.

Is it always going to be like this now? ‘Cause I don’t know if I’ll ever get anything done if it is.

She let out her breath, willing her pulse to slow. Heydar looked at her curiously.

“Are you ill? You look as though you may faint. Do you need to sit?”

Darla blushed. “I’m fine. Can we just get on with it?”

“In a moment,” he replied, turning her to study the ink on her back and hips. “Your pigment is settling in much faster than normal. How very unusual.”

“Good unusual, though, right? Not something bad.”

“It is not bad. Just something I have not encountered in my years. The pigment is not only binding to your flesh, it is thriving, starting to move on its own.”

“What does that mean?”

“I told you the pigment is a living reservoir of power. It becomes a symbiotic part of your body in time, even shifting to form new runes, allowing you to tap into the galaxy’s power.”

“Okay, you already mentioned that before.”

“I did. But this process normally takes time. And you, my unusual human, are already showing progress most do not see for months if not years. It is no wonder your flesh itches as it does.” He slid the pack off his shoulders and dug inside. A moment later he produced a small tin with a painted lid. He popped it open revealing a thick salve of some sort. A musky-sweet aroma wafted from the container.
