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The Memory of the Blockade: Original Evidence and the Historical Consciousness of Society presents the results of the research projects realized by the Center for Oral History at the European University in St. Petersburg: The Blockade in the Fates and Memory of the Citizens of Leningrad and The Leningrad Blockade in the Collective and Individual Memory of the Inhabitants of the City (2001–2003). They analyses the image of the Leningrad blockade in the public conscience of the inhabitants of this city after the Second World War. Examination of the collective and individual memory of the blockade — the history of how its image was constructed in the official discourse of the post-War years and the personal recollections of the eyewitnesses — is accompanied by the publication of the interviews with those who survived in the blockade and the younger generation of the Leningrad citizens, whose parents or relatives abode the blockade.