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Разновидности женских имущественных прав в Европе рассматриваются в гл. 2.
Zirin M.F. Introduction // Durova N. The Cavalry Maiden: Journals of a Russian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars. Trans., intro. and notes by M.F. Zirin. Bloomington, 1989. P. XVI. Сходную оценку см. в работе: Edmondson L.H. Feminism in Russia, 1900—1917. Stanford, 1984. P. 11.
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Вот некоторые примеры обширной литературы по этому вопросу: Barnes S.T. Women, Property and Power // Beyond the Second Sex: New Directions in the Anthropology of Gender / Ed. PR. Sanday, R.G. Goodenough. Philadelphia, 1990. P. 255—280; Goody J. Inheritance, Property and Women: Some Comparative Considerations // Family and Inheritance: Rural Society in Western Europe, 1200—1280 / Ed. J. Goody, J. Thirsk, E.P Thompson. Cam-bridge, 1976. P. 10—36; Marcus A. Men, Women, and Property: Dealers in Real Estate in 18th Century Aleppo // Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 1983. Vol. 26. Pt. 2. P. 137—163; Meriweather M.L. Women and Waqf Revisited: The Case of Aleppo, 1770—1840 // Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Earle Modern Era / Ed. M.C. Zilfi. N.Y., 1997. P. 128—152; Nicholls K. Irishwomen and Property in the Sixteenth Century // Women in Early Modern Ireland / Ed. M. MacCurtain, M. O'Dowd. Edinburgh, 1991. P. 17—31; Riemer E.S. Women, Dowries and Capital Investment in Thirteenth-Century Siena // Women and History. 1985. № 10. P. 59—79; Ulrich L. T. Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750. N.Y, 1982. P. 35-50; Zarinebaf-Shahr F. Ottoman Women and the Tradition of Seeking Justice in the Eighteenth Century // Women in the Ottoman Empire: Middle Eastern Women in the Earle Modern Era / Ed. M.C. Zilfi. N.Y, 1997. P. 253—263. О видах имущественных прав женщин в императорском Китае см.: Ebrey Р. В. The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period. Berkeley, 1993. P. 6, 100—113; Bernhardt К Women and Property in Cina, 960—1949. Stanford, 1999.