Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“You’re saying I’m strong? I mean, like, my power is going to be strong?”

“Incredibly. You have connected with the pigment more than I had ever imagined a human capable of.”

“Wild,” she said, her pulse rising as his fingers continued tracing their way around her body, lingering on her breasts, barely brushing her straining nipples, sending electric jolts to her clit.

A painfully sexy smile creased his lips as he watched her react to his touch. His fingers slid to the dark ink on her clavicle, lingering there with unspoken intent.

“This also means your pigment is very nearly settled. Soon you will develop your final Infala rune.”

Darla’s stomach tightened a little at his words. The Infala rune. The powered symbol that would draw her close and bind her to her mate. It was a little overwhelming if she was honest with herself.

She hadn’t really placed much credence in the whole magical rune thing when she first received her ink. It was something she had to do to fit in with her rescuers, so she simply accepted it as such. But as she saw the power the living pigment endowed her the more she came to believe that maybe, just maybe, the tales were true.

Perhaps a human female really could be bonded to her lover just like they’d described.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the pair of warm, large hands now cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples until her juices began to flow and her knees felt weak. She felt her labia slicken with desire, swelling in anticipation, her clit throbbing with her every heartbeat.

Heydar’s erection was clear through the fabric barely containing it. A fire flared in his eyes and a moment later it was freed, springing up in the open air, fully engorged and hard as a steel rod. The ridges were pulsating, raised and radiating heat. His lids drooped slightly with lust, matching Darla’s wanting gaze.

Without a word his grip shifted, grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around. A warm hand pressed firmly against her back, bending her over until her hands rested on the nearest tree.

Darla’s stance widened, opening herself for the massive cock she felt slide across her ass as it moved almost with a mind of its own, seeking the welcoming warmth of the place it so desperately wanted to call home.

Heydar’s hands grabbed each of her ass cheeks and pulled firmly, spreading her even wider as she felt the head of his cock slip into her as if it had always been meant to be there. It was so perfect. So right. So fucking hot.

He slid one hand to her hips, the other to her shoulders, and pressed forward, hard.

“Oh, God! Yes!” she gasped as he pushed into her.

Heydar was near mad with want, driving into her, each ridge of his cock making her entire body shake as it forced its way into her waiting pussy. He hadn’t taken it slow, gently teasing her until she could take no more. Not this time. This was pure, animalistic need.

She was wet, but even so his girthy length made ripples of the most exquisitely painful pleasure course through her body. He thrust deep, giving her his entire length in long strokes, each one easier to take than the last as her juices coated him all the way down his shaft.

The wet smacking against her ass rang out like a clap of thunder, growing faster and more intense as their bodies fell into a delicious rhythm. His balls swung forward, slapping against her clit with every stroke, making her entire body shake.

Darla cried out in pleasure as the first of what promised to be many orgasms rocked through her from head to toe.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me harder!” she groaned, her fingers digging hard into the tree, the bark cracking under the pressure of her rune-strengthened grip.

Heydar’s cock swelled with excitement as he felt her climax on his length, driving even harder. His right hand stayed on her hips, but his left shifted from her shoulder, sliding up the base of her head and grabbing ahold of her hair, pulling her back into him hard to match every thrust.

“Incredible,” he managed to growl, the word barely forming through his clenched teeth. “It has never been like this.”

“Don’t stop!” she grunted, incapable of more coherent speech.

Heydar’s hand pulled her head back and to the side, taking her, owning her with every quickening thrust. He leaned forward and latched his mouth to her shoulder, biting her as the hand on her hips coiled around her like a powerful serpent, wrapping her up tight as he cupped her breast, pulling her hard against him.

The shift in position drove his cock right into her G-Spot even more, his balls slapping her clit simultaneously. Another sensation flooded through her. New, different, and intense. A surge of tingling nerve endings pulsed, shooting pleasure through her back door.

The rune on Heydar’s pelvis was hard at work, churning with activity, reading her body and reacting, every impact against her ass sending sensation to her asshole. She’d tried anal before and had found she could take or leave it, but this was different. The sensation was pure sexual ecstasy teasing every nerve ending every time the rune pressed up against her.

The trio of sensations, clitoral, vaginal, and anal, was just too much for Darla, driving her over the edge in a combination of massive orgasms, her clit shooting electric bursts of warm joy through her body while her pussy quivered and clamped down hard on his manhood.

Heydar couldn’t hold back any longer, a gush of hot cum shooting up inside her as his cock jerked and twitched as the orgasm rolled through his body. As he came, his arms squeezed her so tight, but the new runes on her body made her stronger, tougher. There was no injury here. No pain. Only pure, unbridled bliss.

Darla’s orgasms layered on top of each other, building higher and higher until she cried out loud enough to send the nearby animals running, clenching so hard she actually forced his cock out just as another climax rocked her lover as well, sending his hot geyser of cum spraying across her ass and up her back.

The sensation was too much, too intense. Darla was blacking out, her mind and body in another world. She tried to hold onto the tree, but her fingers were like wet noodles. But rather than falling, she felt Heydar’s powerful arms encircling her body, holding her tight against him as she twitched and jerked uncontrollably.

“I have you, Malaika,” he purred in her ear, even the low rumble of his voice and the heat of his breath on her over-sensitive skin sending her into yet another delicious orgasm.

How long he held her, she wasn’t sure, but when she finally felt her disembodied self floating back into her body and gradually regaining control of her limbs, she forced open her sweat-drenched eyelids to find him staring at her with such a gaze it threatened to make her entire heart melt.


“Shh, regain your strength,” he said quietly, a wicked gleam flaring in his eye and a devious grin blessing his delicious lips. “You will need it again, and soon.”

Eventually, the pair donned enough of their clothing to make the trek to the nearest stream they had crossed when heading the other direction. There they stripped completely, submerging in the clear waters then moving to a shallower, thigh-deep portion, taking their sweet time washing each other clean.

Or, at least that was the intention. But once their hands were upon one another their passions flared again. Heydar, amazingly, was rock hard in an instant, and despite all the orgasms that had just rocked her body, Darla was once again wetter than any stream could manage.

Heydar wrapped his hands under her ass and effortlessly lifted her up, lowering her straining pussy onto his waiting cock.

“Mine,” she whispered, her voice quavering as he raised and lowered her with his enormous hands, his muscles flexing under the greedy touch of her roaming fingertips. “All mine.”
