Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“We do not dine for some time,” a deep voice said from behind her, catching her unaware.

Darla turned around and watched Zepharos approach, his musculature clearly visible through the light tunic he had changed into since she’d last seen him. Then he had been laboring, carrying a table for Tikanna, but now he had cleaned up, and quite nicely at that.

His features were a bit more angular than a human’s, and of course he was well over six feet tall with pale green skin and those dazzling amber eyes. But from what she’d seen so far, his kind was remarkably similar to her own species.

“May I join you?”

“Of course,” Darla said, admiring the way he moved as he sat beside her. Smooth, yet powerful. The heat that had settled into a dim glow inside her flared slightly.

Zepharos was grinning at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling deliciously. Unlike her forced companion, this male seemed full of mirth and cheerful energy. That, and a healthy dose of masculine heat that radiated through his gaze and made the warmth in her belly flutter and spread.

“I see you are admiring our sunset.”

“The colors are amazing. And the air is so clear on your world. And the way it reflects off of the high clouds.”

“Yes, it is quite beautiful,” he agreed, “though it pales in comparison to your stunning complexion. Are all women of your world as lovely as you?”

Darla felt heat rise in her cheeks. “I’m just a normal person,” she objected.

“Nonsense. You are too hard on yourself,” he countered, stressing the word. “Encountering the likes of one such as you has been an unexpected pleasure.”

Oh yeah, he’s sure coming on strong, she thought, enjoying the attention, her body humming with growing interest.

“So, uh, what exactly do you all do around here?” she asked, regretting the question at once. Lame, Dar. What kind of stupid small talk is that?

He just smiled at her, unfazed. “I cannot speak for the others, but as for me, I find physical activities to be most stimulating.”

Zepharos held her gaze a long moment then rose to his feet. “I really should be going. I should shed these clothes for something more dinner appropriate.”

“Oh, okay.”

“I enjoy your company, Darla. My home is just over there. If you ever care to, I would be more than happy to offer you my hospitality.”

He walked away, slowly, turning and glancing back at her over his shoulder then continuing on his way.

“Making friends, I see,” the elderly woman said, walking to meet the newcomer.

“Uh, yeah, I guess.”

“Zepharos is a fine specimen,” the woman said. “If I were younger… but those days have passed. I am Niala. You are obviously Darla, the offworld visitor.”

“Guilty as charged.”

“And you have caught someone’s eye already. Well done, girl. Zepharos clearly admires you. Why do you not pursue him?”

Darla was a little shocked by the woman’s frankness, but then she’d had some rather risqué conversations with her own grandmother. It was sometimes easy to forget, old women had seen and done a lot in their primes, and sometimes far kinkier things than anyone would expect. Darla chuckled to herself.

“Well? What’s stopping you?” Niala persisted.

“Space diseases, for one. And pregnancy. I didn’t think to bring condoms with on my abduction. And from what I’ve seen, they probably wouldn’t fit anyway.”

Niala looked at her funny. “I do not know what a condom is, but I do know that reproduction between diverse races cannot occur until the Infala has been formed, recognized, and the couple’s bond formed. And even then, it is not guaranteed.”

Darla did a double take. “Hang on. You’re saying that there’s no need for a pill or an IUD? And none of that nasty rubber chafing my lady bits?”

“I am unfamiliar with those things, but they do not sound pleasant.”

“I’ll say,” Darla replied, gears turning in her mind. “But there’s still the space cooties thing.”

Niala chuckled. “I do not know if that translated correctly, but if I understood you, the answer to your dilemma is that only those from the same species can become infected with any contagion. It is one of the functions of our runes, protecting our bodies from that sort of illness.”

“You’re telling me there’s no unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections are limited to the same species?”

“Yes. But to be fair, nearly all illnesses of that nature have been eradicated across the systems, thanks in part to the Dotharian Conglomerate’s leadership.”

Darla’s mind was racing. This was news to her, and of the most interesting variety.

Safe, risk-free boot-knocking? Oh, the possibilities.

Niala saw the look on her face and grinned wide. “His residence is just around the corner there. The wooden one with the blue door.”

Darla was on her feet in a flash. “Thanks, Niala. I really appreciate it.”

“Have fun, girl,” she called after her. “You are only young once.”

Darla hurried around the corner at a fast walk. “There it is,” she said, the excitement in her growing. “Am I seriously doing this?” She forced her doubts aside and knocked on his door. “Hell yes, I am.”

Zepharos opened the door, shirtless and wearing a mischievous grin on his lips. “I had hoped to see you soon,” he said, stepping aside. “Please, come in.”

Darla passed through the doorway into the humble but remarkably clean home. It was small and primitive by most standards, but Zepharos did have some high-tech bits of gear spread about here and there. It seemed he was not quite so out of touch as the rest of his tribe appeared to be.

“Wow, this is a really nice—” Darla began to say when he abruptly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, mashing his lips to hers, his cock hard in his trousers, pressing against her.

His tongue darted forward, tickling hers, tasting her. Darla’s clit felt a rush of blood flow, tingling and throbbing as endorphins flooded her system so hard she couldn’t help but shimmy her thighs together, weak in the knees.

Then she felt something else.


Her body had just been jabbed thousands of times, and while the tattoo pigment had soothed the discomfort to the point that she had almost forgotten about it, being grabbed hard and rough had proven a very painful reminder.

“Ow! Fuck!” she blurted.

Zepharos loosened his grip and stepped back. “Of course. How foolish of me. You will be tender until the pigments have activated fully and your body healed.”

“Thanks for understanding. I’m sorry about that. I really wanted—”

Zepharos spun her around and bent her over, pulling her bottoms down in one fluid motion, rubbing up against her from behind, only a thin layer of fabric keeping his cock restrained.

“This part is not tender,” he said huskily, pressing with his hips, his hand firm on her ass.

Darla was almost tempted to give it a go. Almost. But the pain in the rest of her body was still throbbing, and to be honest, while dominance games were fun and sexy as hell with someone she trusted, this wasn’t the way to start out with someone new, especially not a man from another planet.

She turned and pushed him back. “Hang on there, sport,” she said, pulling her bottoms up. “This is not the time.”

The bulge in his trousers was straining for freedom and his pupils were dilated with desire. But Zepharos managed to put his passion in check, taking a deep breath and stepping aside.

“Yes, yes. You should rest. There will be time for you and I later. Come, I will walk you to your accommodations.”

“I’ve got it,” she replied, opening the door and stepping outside. “I’ll see you later.”

With that she turned and walked away, the ache in her body fading by the second while the one between her legs persisted, as strong as ever.

She was tingling all over as she hurried to the tent she’d been given, her thighs brushing her engorged clit as she walked, driving her closer to the edge with every step. Darla pulled the flap aside and hurried in, securing it behind her before carefully lying down on her soft bedroll her hands immediately sliding between her legs.
