Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Heydar’s hands worked their magic, spreading the oil down one leg all the way to the tips of her toes, then the other, stroking her tired muscles and working the oil into her skin as he did.

He grabbed her feet and squeezed, then slowly pressed his fingertips into her muscles as he slid them up her calves, lingering behind her knees for a moment before continuing up her thighs, his fingers splaying wide, those massive hands squeezing from the inside of her legs to the outside with ease.

Gliding higher still, Darla’s ass was pulled upward and kneaded as the alien moved his focus ever up, the tips of his fingers gentle on her sides while his thumbs and palms pressed harder up the middle of her back at the same time. It was unlike any sensation she had ever experienced, even at that Thai massage place she and Tammy had gone to a few times. This was on a whole other level.

Heydar rubbed all the way to her neck, pressing firmly just below her ears then sliding his hands down her arms until they slipped off her fingertips.

“Mmm. Nice,” Darla murmured. “Thank you.”

Heydar was moving but not touching her. She heard the rustling of fabric and raised her head to look. He was removing his shirt, his tattoos faintly pulsing along his skin. Was the massage making them do that?

“You are not nearly prepared,” he said, pouring more oil into his palms, his chest flexing in the most delicious way as he rubbed his hands together, coating them thoroughly. “You remain too much in your head. You need to release your mind. Let your body simply be. I will help show you the way. Place your head back down, and lay your belly flat,” he commanded, gently, but firmly.

Darla complied, positioning herself as he had directed.

“Now, close your eyes and breathe,” he said, his hands once again sharing their warmth with her skin.

He squeezed her shoulders, his fingers rippling with strength as they forced the knots to loosen and her blood to flow into them unobstructed. He worked there for a few minutes, his thumbs sliding upward toward the base of her skull as he did, loosening her neck and shoulders at the same time.

No ordinary man could manage the feat, but with his long, alien fingers, Heydar appeared to have a talent beyond human capability. Darla felt herself melting into the table as the tension released.

“Good. Go with it. Allow your body to relax.”

He slid his hands wider, cupping her shoulders, moving the muscles she hadn’t even realized were sore in ways that both hurt but also felt so good. A little moan escaped her lips as he slid down her arms, massaging her triceps and biceps, then passing down to her forearms and finally her hands.

Heydar spent some time on her hands, digging in deep, stretching her fingers and palms until her forearms tingled. She had always carried a lot of tension in her palms, and he had intuitively known just the right spots to press.

With a slow, sweeping movement, he slid back up her arms to her shoulders, then began working his way lower down her back, his fingers seeming to be drawn to every tense point on her body, finding them and working out their kinks without her needing to say a word. He was an attentive one, this strange alien, and very, very talented.

“Breathe,” he said quietly, leaning in close.

Darla felt the heat radiating off his chest as he drew near, the pressure from his hands pinning her to the table, stretching the muscles of her back in the most deliciously painful-good way while immobilizing her with his weight.

The warm glow in her belly had worked its way lower now. She was nude, and at this man’s mercy, but despite feeling his raw power Darla was strangely at ease. Vulnerable, but reveling in the sensation.

Heydar eased up the pressure, sliding his hands lower still, his palms gliding up the curves of her ass, his fingers kneading the muscles in a steady rhythm, working outward from the crack between her cheeks to her hips, all the tension from their trek releasing as her legs slowly let go, giving in to the feeling.

He rubbed and rubbed, the motions parting her as he did. She felt the wetness in the sensitive folds between her legs building as her lips slid against one another with every long stroke of his hands pulling her ass open.

She squirmed slightly, the sensation almost too much to stand.

“Relax and hold still,” he said, a hand sliding up to her lower back and pressing down firmly, controlling her body with ease.

Darla forced herself to comply, lying still as he told her to.

Pleased with her compliance, he continued, rubbing his hands lower now, his fingers digging into her inner thighs as the heels of his palms rubbed the backs of her legs. He squeezed and massaged, moving up and down her legs, slowly trailing to her calves and eventually her feet, pulling the tension from every muscle fiber.

Then, slowly, he worked his way back up, his hands cupping each leg, their massive size grabbing them from the inside to the outside in a single grip. He pressed upward with gentle pressure, making her muscles relax even further while her nerves felt aflame.

Heydar reached her upper thighs, his fingertips grazing her labia as he passed, moving up to her ass. It took everything Darla had not to jump at the sensation. His skin was so warm, and her every nerve ending was sensitive beyond belief.

He slid his hands to her hips, then, with as much effort as it might take to pick up a toddler, he lifted her up and flipped her onto her back, gently placing her where he wanted her. Darla tensed a little.

“Relax your body. I will move you.”

Even in the dim light, she could see the sheen of sweat that had spread across his chest and arms from the work he was putting in. Every line, every contour of his muscles was accentuated as he moved. She found herself unable to look away.

Heydar took a small towel and folded it, then rested it across her eyes.

“Allow your mind to let go. Be at one with your body.”

Her vision obscured, Darla really didn’t have any choice in the matter. But as he began massaging her again, this time from the fronts of her shoulders, she found this new experience to be quite thrilling. With no visual input she was forced to rely on sensation alone, and what sensations they were. The massage oil must have had some sort of stimulating properties, she was almost sure of it. And Heydar? His hands were talented beyond belief.

Strong fingers once more traced their way down her arms, her hands growing even more relaxed as he worked on them again. Heydar then worked back upward, his hands grazing the sides of her breasts as he moved. Darla’s nipples grew rock hard, tingling and straining outward, begging to be touched. The heat in her pussy was almost uncontrollable as she felt her labia swell and her clit pulsate with desire.

The alien did not alter his speed, continuing to move his hands over her body with the same precision. He was gentle with her breasts, careful not to hurt the tender flesh but also pressing his fingers into the muscles beneath, rubbing and loosening them in a circular motion.

His palms just barely grazed across her aching nipples and Darla felt a jolt of blissful electricity spread to her clit. Heydar pressed his hands to her chest, sliding them lower, his palm dragging over her nipples in an excruciatingly sexy way, tapering off to his fingers.

But that wasn’t all. His long fingers slid on either side of her nipples, gently pressing together as his hands moved lower on her torso. Darla almost thrashed her legs at that, the intensity of the sensation was so strong. But he had directed her to lie still, and she was going to do all she could to do as he said.

Her pulse was roaring in her veins, her body growing flush with heat. Muscular soreness was a thing of the past. She was in another place now, and Darla felt no pain. Heydar ran his fingers over her ribs, gently stroking her belly then back outward, slowly moving down her sides, lingering at her hips, rubbing out any lingering tension before transitioning to her thighs.
