Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“You cannot take her until you own her. You know the rules.”

The stranger simply grips the phallus in his hands and smiles at me. “I know the rules. I just want my little cow to know what awaits her. I want her to know exactly what she’s begging for.”

Unfortunately, any protest I have dies on my lips. It had been far too long since I’ve gotten off, and for a brief moment, I actually entertain the idea of this stranger stretching me out and taking me in hand.

God, but it would feel amazing. I just know it.



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Off to the side, I watch the mean one step forward, syringe held high in the air. He makes a great show of pressing the plunger to get the air out. His sharp thwacks against the glass ring out into the tight space.

Whoever put these men up to this must have a lot of money. Could it be one of my old bosses? No. They wouldn’t chance a sexual harassment lawsuit. I don’t think my coworkers would be that bold either.

Squirming, I stare at the enormous cock bobbing between the stranger’s thighs and lick my lips. What would it feel like to be stretched out by something that massive?

No, Jess, I chide myself. You’re not having sex with a stranger. It doesn’t matter how hot he is.

Unfortunately, I can’t deny the attraction between us. It sizzles and snaps as he steps forward, his hand gripping the base of the oddly shaped cock. His muscles ripple with each movement, reminding me of just how strong he must be.

Although he’s blue, I can’t help the tendril of need curling deep in my gut. Again, an odd sensation floods my system as he tips his nose in the air and smirks. Fear and arousal intermingle as the meaner one steps closer, his needle poised for my arm.

It looks real. And in my gut, I know this is no longer a game. These men truly mean to do what they say.

“What’s your name?” My voice is squeaky, weak, and utterly irritating to my ears.

Pausing, the kinder one shifts his gaze over to the other before resting a hand on his heart.

“My name is Vrokjan. But to you, I will only answer to Master Rancher. This is my brother, Nagán. You will refer to him as Master Nagán.”

“Vrokjan.” I try the name out, my cheeks heating up as it slides over my tongue.

It sounds exotic, masculine, and far too delicious. Master Rancher, though titillating for sure, is certainly far more mundane and, thus, safer.

“Master Rancher,” he reiterates, his voice dropping a few octaves as a growl vibrates on his lips.

“S- sorry. Master Rancher.”

“Good little cow,” he groans as he grips himself.

Oh, God. Does his voice have to sound that seductive while saying those words? It almost makes me not even mind the cow part so much. It’s ridiculous what a simple tone of voice can do to me.

This is bad. This is very, very bad. I need to escape before he turns my mind against me. I refuse to end up on those true crime shows where the woman gets brainwashed by a guy with a compelling voice and a god-like cock.

“I have to pee,” I blurt out, unsure of how else to break the tension. Thankfully, it’s the truth. If they let me go to the bathroom, they won’t have to wonder if I was lying to get away. “Please, let me go so I can relieve myself.”

It doesn’t matter that I don’t know my way around wherever it is they’ve taken me. It doesn’t matter that my pussy throbs with every move the stranger makes. And it sure as hell doesn’t matter that I’m so small compared to these monsters.

I’m not going to let them hurt me.

I can’t.

I refuse.

My gaze flits between the two men as they glance over at each other. This time, the sensations are far more intense. The need to pee threatens to undermine the strength I’m so desperate to show.

“I need a sample anyway,” Nagán mutters, setting down the syringe. “Do you want to do the honors? Or should I?”

“I’ll do it,” Vrokjan snaps out.

Tucking his cock into his suit, he zips it back up and turns to grab some gloves and a glass jar. My breath catches in my throat as my brain tries to comprehend what’s about to happen. He doesn’t mean to…

“Now then, my pretty little cow,” he croons, drawing up a chair to sit in between my splayed thighs. “Be a good little heifer and relieve yourself into this jar for me.”

Is it my imagination, or did his eyes somehow darken? It’s so drastically different from the rough rasp of his voice as he orders me about. Though I try to clench my legs shut, to prevent him from coming any closer, I find the straps refuse to budge.

Because of course they do.

Why the hell did I expect anything different?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. The immortal words of Einstein flit through my head as I puzzle through my thoughts and actions. It’s the best way I know how to disassociate, to drive my mind away from the inhuman man waiting for me to pee for him.

My breath stills as he leans forward even more, his hot breath scalding the tender skin. “Come now. Surely you don’t want me to force you to give me this sample.”

Nagán slides into view, handing Vrokjan what looks like a cloth. “Clean her down first. Who knows what those Earthlings carry on their bodies. I want a clean catch, an untainted sample.”

The words dripping from his lips sound professional enough, but between his lascivious tone and the maniacal gleam in Vrokjan’s eyes, I know this will be anything but clinical. What I don’t understand is the niggle of arousal cutting through the intensity. At this point, I can’t tell what’s urgency and what’s an unfettered need to have his fingers deep inside me.

Again, I strain against the straps, needing to protect my sanity, but my legs don’t close. Because that’s the definition of insanity. I am the definition of insanity. Screwing my eyes shut, I let my head fall back as my body and brain war with each other.

“Such pretty green eyes,” he murmurs, running his fingers along my inner thigh, pausing as he comes to each strap. “Open them. I want to see them as I touch you.”

I shake my head, not willing to obey the delicious command. Silence hangs in the air between us. Biting down on my lower lip, I listen for movement, waiting to hear what he’s going to do next. But nothing comes.

A flash of pain jolts through me, starting from my pussy and shooting up. Wrenching my eyes open, I watch as Vrokjan pulls his hand back and strikes me again. His long fingers smack the delicate skin between my thighs, making tears well up.

It’s uncomfortable, but underneath the pain is an odd warmth that spreads through my body. I want it to be agonizing. I don’t want to feel the hint of pleasure beneath the pain.

My mouth drops open as he pulls back and smirks. “There’s that pretty hint of green. Never had a cow with green eyes before. You’ll be my first.”

Everything in me goes numb. Cow. Auction. Injections. None of it makes sense, and yet it does.

“I- I have rights,” I stammer. “You’ll go to prison. My attorney friends-”

Vrokjan narrows his eyes as he leans forward again, his lips screwed up into a scowl. “You have no rights, my stubborn little heifer. And as of right now, you have no friends. Once you were brought on board this ship, you became property of Icora. Soon, you will be my property. I can make this easy for you, care for you, and tend to you like a ripe cow desperate to be pleasured. Or I can make you live out in the fields with the other stock, forcing orgasms from your body by machines.”
