Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Jakroon. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist for long. I let him play up the others, putting them out of the race. Just as he thinks he’s won, I finally touch the button.

Jessica’s eyes fly over to my table, but I know she can’t see me. I wonder if she instinctively knows I’m the one who pressed the button. Behind me, Jakroon quickly taps his, bringing the bid up higher.

Over and over we volley, the beeps almost concordant as we battle it out. No other tones fill the space. It’s just him and me. If I take the time to look, I’m sure the other Ranchers stare at us, watching our battle play out.

However, I know something not many else do. The money he thinks he’s playing with is finite. He’s already spent far more than he should on cows, leaving his coffers a bit dry. Even now, I sense the hesitation in the way he taps the button.

Harsh whispers fly back and forth between him and Ratainio, confirming my suspicions. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but I don’t need to understand the words to comprehend the feelings behind them. Glancing over at Antroli, I give him a victorious smile.

The end is near.

After a few more volleys between Jakroon and me, the room goes silent. I strain in the darkness, listening for anything that might alert me that a new player is about to take the field. But there’s nothing.

When my button turns green, I sag against my chair as sweet relief flows through me. If it were any other cow, I’d let the brothers have her, but not Jessica. Never Jessica.

Though it’s customary to wait until after the auction to see to the heifers, I slap Antroli on the shoulder and head out. He knows the rest of our budget, and since we came under what I estimated for Jessica, he has enough funds for another cow or two.

I leave the future herd in his hands as I make my way through the tables to the back. Other Ranchers congratulate me on my new acquisition, but their well wishes fall on deaf ears.

They mean nothing to me. I won’t be able to think or even breathe until I have Jessica back in my arms and under my exacting thumb. The first thing I’ll need to do though is figure out what exactly she did that caused an enforcer to punish her.

Knowing her, it would probably be that smart mouth. My lips curve into a smile as I remember her scathing remarks toward me. But knowing the handler, she should have already had the gag in place.

As much as need propels me forward, I pull the enforcer off to the side. His words are sparse, delivering the basics. She did fight, after all. I really can’t blame her for trying. Seeing as she’s already been punished, I’ll let it stay and not bring it up again.

I make my way to the pens and look at the many cows gathered there. They’re separated into pens allocated to the various ranches. Those with multiple heifers huddle together, their heads bent toward each other in solidarity.

It’s the pens containing only one cow that really touches that nerve in my heart. They stand there looking pitiful, tears dotting their eyes as they look at the others. I wish I could be heartless and cruel, but I was never able to figure out how to become callous toward them.

Stepping over to a new Rancher’s pen, I motion for the cow to come over to me. Her eyes widen as she looks at me and shakes her head. Soft sobs drift from around her gag as she stands there, trembling.

With a sigh, I snap my fingers and motion toward the gate. Eventually, she comes over. Just like a skittish animal, she makes her way over to me, stopping and starting every few moments.

It takes forever, but she’s eventually close enough for me to pat her head. “I know your Rancher,” I murmur, rubbing the tears off her cheeks. “He’s a good man. You will be well-fed and well-fucked. I trained the man myself. So don’t cry.”

For a moment, she stands there, still as a statue, but then she nuzzles my hand. I’m not sure if she even realizes she’s doing it. With another pat to the top of her head, I pull away, heading to my own cow.

Thankfully, since Antroli and I both share the ranch, Jessica will not be alone. Our pen is further in the back, where the larger sections are allocated. Normally, when we go to auction, we get at least five or more cows, so it just makes sense. The smaller ranches don’t need as much room as we do.

The cows huddle together, the soft sounds around their gags sounding more like mooing than actual communication. My cock pulses as I picture Jessica on all fours in front of the milking machine, mooing her pleasure as the milk drains from her breasts. Gritting my teeth, I will my ardor to flag.

There’s a lot to be done before I can sink myself into her wet pussy. Stepping inside the gate, I watch as the cows shrink in on themselves, as if huddling together even tighter will protect them. I put my fingers to my lips and whistle, bringing their wide gazes over to me.

Jessica stands in front, her fingers entwined with the Highland cow Antroli purchased. How fortuitous that both our cows are friends. It will certainly make life easier in the Ranch House.

Walking up to my prize, I grab the lead dangling between her breasts. Her nipples are swollen, pearling with milk. Misery lines her tired gaze as she sways toward me.

Without another thought, I scoop her up into my arms, not willing to force her to walk another step. Holding her close, I look over at the other cows. They all look exhausted and scared.

“You may lie down. You don’t have to keep standing. The hay is soft, designed for your delicate skin. Rest now, because you will have little chance when you get to the farm.”

The Highland cow is the first to respond. Sinking down into the hay, she shuffles about, making a small nest for herself. It’s adorable, really. I can’t help the smile tilting my lips. She certainly will be a great match for my right-hand man.

Running my lips over the top of Jessica’s head, I take her out of the pen and lock the gate behind me. Antroli strides over, his lips set into a thin line. This can’t be good news.

“Jakroon wants the Highland. He’s offering far more than we paid for her.”

I shift Jessica higher in my arms, ignoring her squeal of discomfort. I’ll have to milk her soon.

“He should have bid on her when he had the chance. She’s ours now. Or rather, she’s yours. Don’t let him bully you into giving her up.”

Antroli’s expression clears as happiness lights up his face. “Oh, thank the Celestials. I was worried you’d make me give her to them.”

“We discussed it. We have the money. She’s yours. I fully expect recompense from your income. Now go take care of your cow. Just have the workers here get the others settled into the transport.”

Clutching my cow closer to my chest, I weave my way through the crowd of Ranchers looking over their new stock. Jakroon glares at me as we go past, but it doesn’t cause any concern. We won our herd fair and square. In the eyes of the law, he has no claim.

Jessica, however, shudders in my arms as she takes in his stern appearance. “Easy now,” I croon. “He will not touch you. You are mine, and no one will take you away from me.”



Milked for the Holidays - img_1



I huddle deeper into Vrokjan’s chest, my heart pounding as I sneak glances over at the other alien. It doesn’t matter that my Rancher whispers to me in soothing tones, it does nothing to quell the terror flowing through my limbs. The other alien glares at me, his dark blue eyes boring deep into my soul.

There’s such hatred and anger there, and I have no idea why. He’s unfamiliar to me. Certainly not the guy who jabbed at my ass with that cattle prod on steroids.
