Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Drops of milk dot the irritated skin, but he wipes it away as he examines her. He and I remain silent as Jessica continues to ask for her mother. It tears at my heart. I would give her the world, but I can’t give her that.

The only way her mother would be allowed on this planet is to be a cow. Jessica wouldn’t want that. Besides, older women don’t do as well. It would be a misery for both of them.

Time crawls by as Nagán draws vial after vial of blood. His face scrunches into a frown as he studies readouts I have no hope of understanding. The only good thing is the concoction he gives her lowers the heat in her body.

She’s still warm, but it no longer feels like a furnace drifting off of her skin. As her temperature lowers, so do the slurred words until she’s resting in my arms. I hold her close, looking at my brother for answers.

“I’m sorry,” he finally breathes out.

My entire existence stops at those two little words.

“What?” My voice is hoarse, raspy as my breathing quickens. “No. Please. You have to save her. Please. Anything. Name it. I’ll do it.”

“It’s not possible. She’s allergic to our serum. Something in it is causing this reaction. It’s what made her breasts grow impossibly large and what’s draining her, keeping her from healing.”

“Do something,” I scream, only quieting when Jessica jolts in my arms. “She cannot die. I won’t allow it.”

“Such dramatics,” he murmurs. “She’s not going to die. That is, if I reverse the serum. It’s what will save her.”

“I…” I trail off as the ramifications of what he says fully permeate my brain. “You mean to turn her back to fully human? Like when we take them back to Earth.”

“That’s exactly what I mean.” There’s a glint of sadness in my brother’s eyes, an emotion I never thought him capable of.

Holding Jessica close, I rock her back and forth. The only way to save her is to let her go. Humans are not allowed on Icora unless they are a cow. It’s a law no one can circumvent.

Sure, I could hide her away, but for how long? With Icorians like Jakroon and Ratainio looking to make trouble wherever they can, it would only be a matter of time before I was brought before the council. However, I would suffer anything, any punishment, if it meant keeping her by my side.

But it wouldn’t be fair to her. She clearly wants to go home and be with her family. Keeping her here would be the most selfish thing I can do.

I want to be selfish. I want to chain her to my side. As much as I can summon the emotion, I love her.

It’s because of that love, I have to do the most painful thing. I have to let her go. It tears me apart, ripping me from the inside out. My soul drips from my chest and splatters against the one person who will always own my heart.


I want to howl to the skies, to curse the Celestials for their cruelty. Clutching her close, I nod to my brother. The needle hovers over her skin, barely pricking it. I want to look away as he takes her from me, but I can’t. I refuse to show any weakness.

The transformation is gradual. First, her breasts begin to shrink, going back to the size they were when she first was taken on board the ship. Everything else follows until she’s human. Completely, irrevocably human. So weak, so fragile.

Nodding, Nagán pats my leg and leaves the room, giving us some time together. She remains asleep in my arms. Only now there’s not even a trace of discomfort on her face.

She’s serene, calm, beautiful. Running my lips over her hair, I murmur my affections. She can’t hear them, anyway. And once she’s back on the ship headed to Earth, they’ll take out the translator.

There’s no need for it. She’ll be branded in the system, never to be taken again. No doubt she’ll thrive once she’s back home, away from the constant demands I place on her body.

It will all be as if it were a dream. She’s only been here for fourteen cycles, only a handful of days on Earth. Not much should be amiss. I wish I could join her there, but there’s no place for me.

No amount of transformation will ever let me fit in on Earth. For her, I would endure it, but it’s just not possible. Cradling her in my arms, I allow a few tears to fall.



Milked for the Holidays - img_1



My eyes feel like lead as I try to pry them open. Warmth surrounds me, but it’s not the stifling heat from earlier. Vrokjan must have come home and taken care of me. Relief races down my spine as I take in a deep breath, unencumbered by milk-laden tits.

But there’s something different. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Stretching out my arms, my fingers brush against a solid wall of muscle. My pussy spasms as a smile curves my lips.

It’s enough to drive the lingering nightmares from my mind, making me forget them as if they hadn’t happened. Turning, I look up into Vrokjan’s face and note the tears staining his cheeks. Fear beats at my heart as I lean back.

“What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head and brings me back into the shelter of his arms, unwilling to speak. Something fundamental has shifted between us. I sink into his warmth and curl my arms around his, holding onto him as tightly as he holds me. When Nagán walks into the room, however, Vrokjan stiffens, his grip almost painful.

“A ship can be ready to take her within the hour. We have to get her prepared for the journey.”

I whip my head around, pinning my Master with a hurt stare. “You want me to leave? I- What did I do wrong?” Panic beats at my chest as desperation claws at my insides. “I don’t want to go. Please. Tell me what to do. Am I not mooing enough? Please. Master Rancher. Don’t make me go.”

Vrokjan jerks as if I had physically slapped him. His eyes shine with a fresh sheen of unshed tears. Nagán comes up behind us, his hand resting on my shoulder. I want to shove it off, to scream at him to never touch me, but I don’t want to make matters worse.

“Only cows are allowed on Icora. You’re no longer a cow.”

I drop my gaze down to my breasts, noting how much smaller they are. Even when fully milked, they were still much larger than this. I grip them, seeking out that discomfort that tells me I have milk, but it’s not there.

Even my nipples are back to being their dull selves. Tears spring to my eyes as I throw myself at Vrokjan. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tight.

“I’m sorry,” I sob. “Please don’t punish me like this.”

“My sweet, pretty little cow. This is not punishment. Well, not for you. For me, this is the worst agony I could ever face.”

I pull away from him and stare into his eyes, pleading. “Then reverse it. You don’t have to do this.”

“But I do. The serum was making you sick. I- I can’t watch you die. I can’t.”

I turn to Nagán, a desperate hope fluttering in my chest. “You can fix this. Right?”

“Only cows are allowed on Icora. I cannot allow you to stay without the serum.”


“No buts, little human. You have to come with me.”

Vrokjan’s hands clench by his side, as if it’s taking all his willpower not to drag me away. This isn’t right. This isn’t fair.

“So that’s it? You’re not going to fight this?”

The look he gives me steals my breath. Anger and sadness swirl in the dark depths of his eyes. “I would do anything to keep you here. But it’s the law.”

“So it’s about my milk then.” Despondency drips through my veins as I realize I’ll be forced to go back and face the aftermath that is my life.

“Fuck your milk,” he roars, leaping out of the bed to pace. “I don’t want you here just to make money off of your body. I want you because I crave you. I love you.”
