Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I’m not sure what expression is on my face, but whatever it is, it causes him to smirk and lean back. “If you’re obedient and docile, I could make it feel so good for you. I can make your body burn for me.” Taking the cloth, he slides his fingers across my lower lips, grazing my clit.

“Oh, God,” I groan, dropping my head back.

“I can make you feel so fucking good.” He squeezes my clit in between his fingers, drawing a gasp from my lips. “You like my hands on you. Don’t you?”

“I- I-”

“Don’t lie to me, cow. I see the proof of your arousal glistening on your skin. I feel you clench against me, your cunt desperate to be filled.”

He’s not wrong, but I’d rather die than admit that. Instead, I keep my mouth shut and turn my head, so he can’t see the indecision warring in my eyes. Unfortunately, it brings me face to face with Nagán, and the indifference and boredom etched on his face. It’s as if he’s done this hundreds of times before.

“Stop playing with her and get me the damn sample,” he grits out, fiddling with several odd vials.

“You heard the Medical Rancher. Pee for me, and I’ll pleasure you again.”

Shame floods my body, making my face burn and my extremities tingle. There’s no way I can pee in front of them. At this point, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Humiliation crawls over me as I feel him spread me open.

Cool liquid brushes across my fevered skin as he wipes me down, his movements efficient. Maybe I can pretend he’s a gynecologist, and I’m just preparing for an exam? The moment I look back over at him, I know I can’t lie to myself that well.

Just because he doesn’t seem to take advantage doesn’t mean he’s not enjoying this. I feel his ragged breath against me as he cleans me. His strong fingers drag the rag up and down, not missing any spot.

It feels far more intimate than it should. When he pauses at my opening, I clench, waiting to see what he’ll do. He runs the cloth over the small hole, locking eyes on me as he does so.

Granted, what he’s doing doesn’t feel pleasurable, thank goodness, but just the intensity of his gaze makes my insides flip. As I move my head to look away, he pulls back.

“No need to be shy, my pretty little cow. I’m going to see a lot more of you before this is done.” He brings the glass over and presses the rim into me. “Now be a good heifer and pee. Let’s get this part over with, shall we?”

Mortification climbs up my spine as I clench my jaw, willing myself to pee. It shouldn’t be this hard. I had to go earlier. Why not now?

“Oh, for the love of-” Reaching over, Nagán presses against the top of my mound, shoving the heel of his palm into my bladder.

Unable to hold back any longer, I cry out, the pee leaving me in a relieving gush. I hate that it feels so good. I despise how hearing Vrokjan's effusive words to me adds a layer of pleasure to this. Most of all, I detest how much I want to do whatever he demands just to continue hearing the praise dripping from his lips.



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I watch my pretty cow, studying her, relishing the moment she breaks. It crosses over her face, that shame and mortification that never fails to get me hard. I desperately want to stroke her cheek and tell her what a good little heifer she’s being for me, but even I know humans are weird about their bodily fluids.

And so, I watch as she empties her bladder, the relief edging out the humiliation as she grits her teeth and darts her eyes back and forth. Once the sample is taken, I hand the container back over to Nagán and take off my gloves. Her body trembles as I pull away and stand up.

“Before Nagán goes any further, I have a question I’d like to ask you,” I ask, doing my best to keep my tone neutral.

“I’m assuming I can’t refuse to answer?” Her tone is bitter and laced with venom.

“You can refuse to answer,” I reply, keeping the irritation out of my voice. “But you will not enjoy the consequences.”

She snorts and tosses her head like a wild animal. “What could possibly be worse than what you’ve already done to me?”

“Oh, the naivety of humans,” I purr, stepping closer. “You haven’t even begun your transformation yet. Are you sure you wish to test me now?”

She remains silent for a moment, her eyes darting between us. There’s a calculation in her gaze, as if she’s trying to go through all potential scenarios. However, there’s no way she’ll be able to prepare for this.

From the corner of my eye, I watch as my brother shakes his head, no doubt beyond exasperated with me for how much I’m coddling this human. When he finally decides to get his own cow, he’ll understand.

Until that moment, there’s no explaining it. Sure, he’s helped us on the ranch, but satisfying a communal cow is so different from owning your own. Granted, he’s never shown an interest in owning one, so I’m guessing that’s just not in his carefully laid plans. No doubt the whole idea is just far too messy for him.

He’s far too consumed with the science behind what we do and not the heart. It’s what makes him cold, calculated… the perfect Medical Rancher. He’d not even think to cater to her whims. But then, perhaps I am being too soft on her, as he claims.

Glancing back down at my pretty cow, I watch as she seems to make a decision. With a scowl, she turns her head. “What is it?” she snaps out.

I frown, my anger rising. “You will mind your tone with me. My generosity will only go so far. If you’d rather, I’ll leave you in my brother’s care. And trust me, he’s not as kind and gentle as I am.”

Jessica whips her head over to the Rancher in question, her eyes growing large before settling back on me. “Forgive me, Master Rancher,” she murmurs, her body slumping.

“Much better. Now then, can you tell me what that metal snake was that we found wrapped around your body? Does it serve some medical purpose?”

Her brows furrow for a moment. “Snake? There was a snake on me?”

Stepping over to the unit where the strange object is stored, I pull it out and show her. The instant it comes near, her fingers flare out as her arms fight against the straps. Pain zips across her face, morphing her expression into one of agony.

I move back closer to the door and rigid lines ease from her face a touch. She still squirms, but no longer do anguished sobs rip from her throat. Next to her, Nagán watches the affair with detached curiosity.

“What is the purpose of this?”

Again, a look of terror widens her eyes. “I can’t… What are you saying? Nothing makes sense. Please. Please help.”

Unwilling to put her through any more discomfort, I stuff the object back inside the lead container before striding back over to Jessica. Her body quivers under my hand as I rest it against her breastbone.

“Breathe with me.”

“I- I can understand you!” she cries out, relief making her sag against the medical table.

“Where does it hurt?” Nagán comes up next to her and looks over her body, searching for any sign of injury.

“The left side of my head. Behind my ear.”

“The translator,” he and I say in unison.

As I slide my hand through her hair, running my fingers along the nearly imperceptible incision, she leans into me. It’s not a massive shift of movement, but I can feel her melting against me, nonetheless. Does she even realize she’s doing it?

My heart pounds in my chest as she seeks comfort in my touch. None of the other cows sought me out in this way. They wanted only the pleasure I could provide them. Could this little heifer truly be different?
