Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I want to believe it. I want to hope that we can form a bond that goes beyond mere carnal pleasure. But then, as if she realizes what she’s doing, Jessica pulls away. So much for that.

“The snake?” I prod, needing to know just what we brought on board with us.

A hint of a smile passes across her lips as she shakes her head. “It’s not a snake. It’s not even metal. At least, I don’t think it is. I have no clue what tinsel is made out of. Mylar maybe? It’s for decoration. Typically it goes on a Christmas tree, but I was feeling silly, I guess, and dressed myself up as well.”

There’s a hint of sadness lacing her tone, and it calls to me. I want to scoop her into my arms and fuck the despair away until happiness shines in her eyes once more. As I reach out to comfort her, however, she recoils, dispelling the moment between us.

“There are no contaminants in her body, and nothing is reacting negatively with our genetic material. She’s a suitable candidate for transformation.”

The tight band eases around my heart. This is the last step to her becoming mine. Though rare, it has happened where the human wasn’t compatible with us and had to be sent back to Earth. Luckily, nothing else will stand in the way of me taking her as my own.

“It’s time,” Nagán murmurs, picking up the syringe. “If I don’t do it now, she won’t be ready to go to auction with the other cows.”

“Please,” she pleads with me, her eyes wide and wet with a sheen of tears.

“It has to be this way,” I reply, forcing my heart to disengage.

“No. No, it doesn’t,” she cries out. “You don’t have to do this to me.”

With a sigh, I pull away and sit between her open thighs. “Let’s get on with it, then.”

Jessica cries out as the metal slips into her skin, and I wait for the serums to take hold. The minutes crawl by like hours as both Nagán and I observe her, waiting to see her reaction. It’s subtle at first, a pinkening of her cheeks as heat infuses her body.

She squirms on the table, her body trembling as arousal drips from her pussy. Her lower lips are puffy and swollen and I want nothing more than to taste her. Glancing over at Nagán, I wait for his nod before donning another pair of gloves.

“Now then, my pretty little cow. Let’s make you more comfortable.”

Before she can respond, her body bows against the straps. Nagán removes the ones from around her breasts, giving them room to grow. She looks up at me, eyes wild as the transformation really takes hold. I’ve never been here for this part of it before and it guts me to see her so scared, in so much pain.

I was prepared to pleasure her, to distract her with my mouth and hands, but I wasn’t prepared to see her like this. More than that, I’m not prepared for the onslaught of feelings pouring into me. Despite being one of the kinder Ranchers, I’ve never really empathized with any of the cows.

Now, I have no choice but to bear witness to what they have to go through to become useful to us. Though they’re just humans, this one is my human. It pains me to see her like this.

I grind my teeth so hard the muscles in my jaw tic. A headache threatens to blossom as I look over at my brother. He seems unfazed by all of this. But regardless of if this is normal or not, the bastard could have some sympathy.

But no. He stands there watching her vitals, but not addressing any of the agony running through her veins. Eventually, he glances over, seemingly nonplussed about my reaction. He gives a shrug, a simple lift of his shoulders as he goes back to monitoring the readouts.

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” I finally demand, unwilling to listen to her sob.

“The worst part is almost over. Calm down.”

I seethe as I walk over to him. “Do not fucking tell me to calm down. She’s clearly in pain.”

“And she’ll clearly get over it. What is the matter with you? You know this is our process. You know what has to be done to make them compatible.”

“Knowing and seeing are two different things.”

With a sigh, he runs his hand over his face. “Look. By the time it's over, she’ll have far more sensations to worry about. And if you do your part of this correctly, any pain will be a thing of the past. Besides, she’s probably more scared than hurt.”

Forcing my gaze over to the readouts, I monitor her heart rate. Far faster than it should be. Turning to look at her face, I see the truth of his words. Her breaths come in panicked gulps as her fingers claw at the table.

Already her whimpered cries dull, giving way to hysterical wheezing. And that’s when I look down at her heaving chest. Somehow, the serum morphs her body, changing an already ample chest to breasts so large there’s no way they would fit in my massive hands.

I have no idea how the science works, and thankfully, I don’t have to. That’s more my brother’s job. My job is to make sure the HuCows are well-fed, well-milked, and well-fucked. And that’s something I can do with a precision that will leave little Jessica quivering as she begs for more.

Watching in fascination, I stare at her delicate skin as her nipples extend. Her breasts become swollen, no doubt filling with milk. As we journey to our planet, she will become even more engorged until she’ll have to be taken care of. My anger dissipates as I picture her first milking.

No doubt it will be traumatic for her, but it will be nothing short of erotic for me. I step away from my brother and study my pretty little cow, taking in the other changes. Though we don’t typically breed our heifers, her body accommodates any potential wish for offspring.

Her hips appear more rounded and spread apart. I can’t tell if her ass has any changes, but to me, it was fine the way it was before all of this. However, none of these modifications change the core of her body. She’s still pillowy-soft, luxurious. I can’t wait to run my hands over her body as I fuck her for the first time.

Stepping closer, Nagán studies his handiwork, a smile slashing across his face. “This is where you come in. You’ll need to test her sexual receptiveness. That is, unless you want me to do it. I am the more scientific one between the two of us.” There’s a licentious tinge to his voice, one that makes my hackles rise.

“Trust me. This is something I’m well-equipped to do.” Rolling up the sleeves of my suit, I pull the chair back between her thighs. “What do you need from me?”

“Check to see how sensitive her clit is.” He stands behind me, device in hand, ready to take notes.

Jessica peers at me from between her thighs. I’m almost unable to see her eyes due to how large her breasts are. But I can easily see how she quakes before me.

Easing my fingers up, I spread out her lower lips, my cock pulsing as I take in the arousal practically dripping from her body. This is yet another aspect of the transformation, one I enjoy most of all. Her breathing changes, tempering from harried gasps to needy whines.

Though I want to drag this out, I indulge her, tapping her clit before sliding the pads over and rubbing the insistent bundle of nerves. Her body goes taut as a decadent moan eases from her lips.

“Are you normally this responsive? Or is this different for you?” My voice takes on a harsh, raspy quality.

“I- I- Different!” she howls, trying her best to buck her hips up into the air.

I turn to Nagán, watching as he frowns and inputs the data. “Typically the serum enhances arousal, so that’s not out of the realm of normalcy. Next, check her vaginal walls.”

My balls draw up tight, sending frissons of discomfort up my shaft. Precum pearls at my slit as I drift my fingers lower. Sucking in a deep breath, I slide a finger into her tight pussy.

Her moans go straight to my dick, making it bob in anticipation. She grips my finger as I plunge it deep inside her. As I curl it up to hit that spot that seems to drive all cows wild, she spasms around my thick digit.
