Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Are you okay?” The concern on his face is sweet.

“I- I have to go to the bathroom.”

He frowns for a moment. “There’s a patch of grass you can pee on and a water feature that will clean you. You don’t have to wait for me.”

My cheeks heat as I duck my head. “It’s not that one.”

“Ahh.” Taking the steps two at a time, he takes me into the bedroom and sets me on the bed.

He makes quick work of my tail and the orgasm machine before bringing me back into the bathroom. A soft whine claws at my throat as humiliation washes over me. Peeing was bad enough, but this?

This time, however, he presses his hand against the wall and a small cubical pops out. Thankfully, he allows me to do this part by myself. My hooves stay on, making me worried about how I’m going to clean up.

But once I’m finished, water sprays out, making me pristine. I sit there until it’s done, trusting it knows when I’m clean. When I walk back into the bedroom, another bowl of food waits for me at the bed.

Vrokjan hooks up the tubes to my breasts, draining me as I eat. Blessed relief runs through me as I bury my face in the bowl. While I eat, he inspects me before sliding in my tail and the machine once more.

I should be embarrassed, but I can’t even think as it whirs to life, forcing yet another orgasm out of me. Slumping over onto the bed, I allow it to take over, writhing as I cry out in pleasure.

He takes me back out to the field to rest with Fiona while he finishes up for the day. By the time he brings me back inside, I can barely crawl with how rubbery my legs feel. So many orgasms they blend into each other, creating a euphoric haze in my mind.

Normally, I’m the type to only get off maybe once a week. Double that if I’m extra horny. I wasn’t prepared for the constant bombardment of pleasure. I don’t mind it though. It keeps the pain and regret at bay.



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Two Earth weeks later.

The suns rise, casting their golden light over the fields. The beauty and splendor never cease to amaze me. However, it pales in comparison to the magnificent cow sleeping by my side.

My lips ease up into a soft smile as I study her, my gaze drifting over her bountiful curves. Soon, I’ll be able to fuck her, to hold her in my arms as I pound into her pussy. She fits my body so well already. Having her this way will be the very pinnacle of perfection.

Her breath hitches as I run my fingers down the swell of her hip, but she doesn’t wake up. In fact, the soft snores continue to pour from her lips in earnest. I’ve never fully understood how Earthlings can sleep so deeply. I envy that about them.

Pushing myself away from the warm bed, I start my daily routine. I allow her to continue sleeping, knowing every minute is precious to her. Even though it’s been fourteen daily cycles, Jessica still struggles with the early start of the day.

If milking her wasn’t a factor, I might be persuaded to indulge her, allowing her to sleep the day away. That right there is a testament to just how deeply she’s already burrowed her way into my heart. With other cows, I didn’t care.

The moment they were supposed to rise, I forced them awake. With Jessica, it almost hurts to disturb her in this way. I find so many things enchanting about her. Each sigh, every little quiver of her body as I bring her to another orgasm, and the soft moans flitting from her lips endear me to her further, entwining us.

I know from the beginning I said I’d never let her go, but the more time we spend together, the more painful the idea of losing her becomes. It’s irrational. I know. One of the benefits of our serums is that it all but eradicates normal human sickness. Still though…

Something doesn’t feel right. I can’t put my finger on it. By all accounts, she seems healthy and content. She’s not happy. I know that for sure. Unfortunately, she doesn’t confide in me the reason she sighs as she looks out over the lush Ovibrosia fields.

There’s no explanation for the tears I find wetting her cheeks. I could pry, but then, I don’t want to know the answer. If she’s unhappy being here with me, it would crush me. Doubly so, because I’m a selfish bastard who won’t let her leave despite the pain I might be causing her.

I’ve been the good Icorian for several cycles now, giving up my pet at the end of the year. It’s hurt every fucking time, but I’ve made myself content with each new auction. This time, however, the very idea of sending Jessica home causes my lungs to seize.

Walking into the bathroom, I step into the modular shower and clean off, making record time. I have far more important things planned today than taking my time with morning preparations. Once I ensure everything is set and ready to go, I wake my pet.

She moans in her sleep as I roll her over and gaze down at her engorged breasts. They’re so large and swollen, no doubt painful. I give one a gentle squeeze and watch the pain flit across her face.

Spreading her thighs, I remove the machine that stretches her out and study the diameter. It will be a stretch, but she should be able to accommodate me without injury. Normally, I give my pets about a week before using my cock to train them further.

With Jessica, it’s different. I want her to enjoy our first time together. I want her to crave my cock instead of being afraid of it. Stretching her arms out, I latch them to the headboard, chuckling as she remains fast asleep.

Most days, it takes an act of the Celestials to get her to stir, and today seems no different. Bending low, I lap at her nipple, sighing as I engulf the taut peak into my mouth. Her milk is so sweet and decadent.

It’s an addiction I cannot break myself from. Sucking deep, I draw more into my mouth and swallow before going to the other nipple. I only take enough to relieve some of the pressure, buying us time to have some fun before I take her downstairs to milk her for breakfast.

Spreading her thighs, I continue to lap at her, drinking far more than I normally do. She moans and tosses her head back and forth as if caught in some erotic dream. Curving my lips against her ample breast, I slide my fingers inside.

She’s definitely far more able to accommodate me. With four thick digits, I thrust in and out, pleasuring her as she sleeps. With a little more stretching, I might actually be able to drive my fist into her.

My cock bobs at that thought. I’ve never had such desires before. Spreading her hips even wider, I reach around to grab some lubricant. I coat my hand and drip some onto her lower lips.

In and out, I pump my fingers, keeping her in that lulled haze between sleeping and wakefulness. It’s far easier to do this while she’s relaxed. Part of me knows she'll freak out if she has even an inkling about what I plan to do.

I try to tell myself it’s to help accommodate my massive girth, but it’s a lie. There’s a perverse need to push her to see just how much her human body can take before it breaks. Watching her chest rise and fall, I time my thrusts to her breathing.

Her pussy clenches around me, rippling almost as I squeeze my way in. It drives me insane, nearly feral with the need to impale her on me. Arousal trickles out, mixing with the lubricant, further easing my passage. Her pale pink lips turn a dusky red as I play with her, showing me further proof of her arousal.

With both hands, I slide in two fingers from each and pull in opposition against her muscles, stretching them further. Once they relax, I let go and pull again until she’s gaping.
