Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

We all stare in rapt attention at the stage, waiting for the cows to come out. As far as I know, I’m the only one lucky enough to have seen a heifer before time. All the rest are going in blind. Turning to look behind me, I note the determination on the other Ranchers’ faces.

Milk production is down since many of the Earthlings want to go home. So, in a way, it’s good to have this auction when we are. It will let us replenish stock and keep up with the growing demand. Off to the side, one of the other Ranchers on my farm, Antroli, nods, his finger poised above the button.

He knows what type of cows I want, and so I trust him to make wise decisions with our money. The cows he chooses will be put in our worker herd, rounding out the dwindling numbers. But Jessica will be all mine.

The lights dim in the arena, plunging us into near darkness. It’s time. The energy rises as we all lean forward, waiting for a glimpse of the first cow on stage. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait long.

A handler waltzes out, her steps long and dainty. Behind her, she tugs along a slightly reluctant heifer. Red hair blazes in the bright illumination, making it look like she’s on fire. Antroli gasps, his audible intake of air nearly drowned out by the musical tones of people bidding.

He’s obviously smitten. High, firm, round breasts. Pale, creamy skin with a smattering of freckles. She’s just the type he likes to breed. Based on where she’s from, it seems as if we’re soon to have a little Highland cow gracing our farm.

The deep tone of his buzzer fills the air, competing with the others in attendance. Leaning back, I watch in amusement as his face screws up in concentration. Based on the number flying across the screen, this little heifer better be worth it.

She’s already worth two of a normal cow. Glancing back over, I watch as the handler puts her down on all fours, showing off the pale pink lips of her pussy. Physically, she looks as if she’ll produce good milk, and so I let the poor, besotted Rancher drive the numbers up.

Celestials know I’ll be doing the same when my cow crosses the stage. Besides, he’s an invaluable asset to the ranch and deserves a nice treat for himself. Antroli keeps his finger above the button as he waits for the announcement that he’s the winner. After several breaths, his button turns green, showing that he’s won.

He sags against the back of his chair and gives me a half-hearted shrug before showing me the total. At least triple what we normally pay, but if it keeps him happy, then I’m fine with it. The handler drags our little Highland off the stage and into the waiting pen, where hopefully more cows will follow.

For this to be a worthwhile auction, we need at least two more heifers to join her. Granted, with the way Antroli’s eyes trail after the red-headed cow, we might need to snag a third. After a few moments, everything is reset and prepped for the next cow.

It’s not Jessica. Nor is the one after. Several cows come out, each one beautiful in their own way, but they’re not the cow I’m looking for. Thankfully, now that Antroli is no longer thinking with his dick, we have another worker added to our herd.

My insides clench as other cows are trotted out and purchased. What is taking so long? Surely she should have been shown by now.

When she finally comes out from behind the curtain, I let my breath out in a whoosh. She’s even prettier than I remember. Her ebony hair hangs about her face in snarled tousles, causing a frown to turn down my lips.

“Seems this cow has caused a little bit of trouble,” the auctioneer jokes. “The mark on her rump will go away in a few days. Our enforcer had to bring her to heel.”

Anger fuzzes my vision as the handler turns her around, showing a bright red welt on her otherwise pristine skin. I understand their methods, but it doesn’t mean I like it. Antroli rests his hand against my shoulder, drawing my mind back to the present.

I must stay vigilant if I want to win her. Besides, it’s not as if I don’t have plans to mark her myself. I just hate the fact that I wasn’t the first one to do it. A smile tilts my lips as I note the defiant look on her face.

Knowing her, she has no remorse. She certainly caused trouble and has no problem doing it again. The defiance in her eyes is a refreshing change from the soulless cows who have been bought before her.

The problem is, she’s making herself a target. Thankfully, most Ranchers don’t want troublesome cows. But the ones who do will drive her price up. I’ll allow many things, but I can’t let her end up with the more sadistic of my species.

Glancing over my shoulder, I look at the two I’m most worried about. Jakroon and Ratainio lean forward, their eyes gleaming as they stare at my cow. Their fingers lay poised over their buttons.

I pull out my communicator and scroll through the folders until I find the one with how much money I have. Sliding over next to Antroli, we put our heads together, keeping our voices low so others won’t hear.

He knows I want this cow and will do anything in my power to get her. Right now, it’s a matter of money. Thankfully, our crop has produced a chunk of the milk that’s been distributed, and we’ve been fortunate to have a lot stored in our coffers.

However, I’m not just successful because I know how to handle cows. I’m successful because I’m smart in my business practices. Jessica might very well be the first impulse buy I’ve ever made.

Looking up at the stage, I watch as they put her down on all fours. Her massive breasts hang low, nearly brushing the floor. Agony is etched in every line of her face, tugging at my heart.

Milk beads up on her nipples as her breasts sway back and forth like an erotic pendulum. How I desperately wish to take them into my mouth and suck her dry. Even Antroli is transfixed as the auctioneer leans down to run his fingers over the swell.

Have we ever had a cow this engorged? She will certainly produce a lot of milk for us. Even though she’ll be kept as my pet, she’ll definitely be able to recoup any loss I take from buying her.

Again, we scroll through the figures, taking stock of what we’ve spent already. However, the number in my head is just arbitrary. I’ll spend my entire fortune if it means making her mine.

The buttons light up red, alerting us it’s nearly time to bid. He turns Jessica around and forces her legs to spread, showing everyone her dripping pussy. Is it the pain or the humiliation that makes her so wet?

The serum does a lot of things, arousal included, but the amount that glistens on her skin in the bright lights is far more than I was expecting. Several other Ranchers gasp, their sharp intake of breath mirroring the painful clench of my balls.

When the auctioneer turns her back around and starts the bidding, I watch her face. There’s a fear there that hadn’t been present before. Her eyes search out the darkness. Is she looking for me?

My fingers hover over the button, but I don’t press it. Not yet. I let some of the newer, weaker farms get their bids in. They’re quickly overshadowed. Next are the Ranchers who already spent a fortune on other cows waiting for them.

Still, I don’t make a move. Next to me, Antroli shifts about, his gaze bouncing between my button and the figure scrolling above. The amount is high, but not nearly out of the realm of possibility for me.

With each bid, the tone causes Jessica to jump. But she has no way of knowing who wants to buy her. I, however, have memorized each tone and know just who thinks they can afford a precious heifer like her.

Many are higher in pitch—the newer Ranchers—thus limited income. Scattered throughout are some lower tones, bids from ranches who surprise me. They didn’t seem to be the type to want a cow like her. Maybe they’re caught up in the frenzy?

But they don’t concern me. Those aren’t the tones I’m worried about. Soon, the steady plinks dwindle to a few beeps here and there until, finally, a low, strident honk fills the space.
