Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Should I apologize now? Or should I just wait and see what happens? We both remain silent, our breaths intermingling. Somehow, it feels intimate… too intimate. Squirming, I move to pull my face away, but he holds onto my bottom lip, pinching it as he keeps my head in place.

“I have allowed you a leniency no other Rancher would tolerate. However, I seem to be the odd one out. I prefer my cows to be happy and content. But even I have my limits, and you’re coming very close to testing them.”

There was that fucking word again. Hostility rises in my chest as I forcibly yank my head away, willing the painful cry to stay in my throat where it belongs. Though I expect him to get mad, he seems sad, disappointed almost.

“If you’re not commenting on my size, then stop calling me a cow. I happen to like how I look and don’t want you criticizing me.”

He backs up, his eyes flashing with some unknown emotion. “You seem to have a massive misapprehension of your place here. It’s entirely my fault, and I take the blame. You are not in charge here. You are in no position to make demands. Even your requests are up to me to grant or deny. Now, try it again, little cow. This time, with the respect due me.”

Enough. I don’t care if this motherfucker is a hallucination or not. I refuse to allow my brain to keep saying I’m a cow.

“How about you fucking respect me? Huh? I’m not some little girl you can shove around. I happen to be in a position where I can slap a lawsuit on you. Sue your asses for all it’s worth. How about that? And if you really are doctors, I’ll have your licenses for this. No one should have to endure this horrendous bedside manner.”

Granted, I’d have to call up some of my old contacts, but there has to be a precedent where a doctor fat-shamed someone and was sued. Even so, the men don’t seem phased. In fact, if anything, they seem rather confused.

The somewhat kind one furrows his brows. “Sue? Bedside manner? I’m not familiar with these terms. Please explain.”

“I…” I falter as I search my brain.

How in the world do I explain this? It’s common knowledge. Unease drips down my spine as I study his face. Neither of them seems to be putting on a show.

“Ah,” the mean one remarks, slapping the other on the shoulder. “Sue. You know, Kajóy has a cow by that name. She was a mean heifer.” Turning, he spears me with a deadly glare. “How do you know she’s here? No humans are supposed to know anything about us.”

Again, that sinking feeling curls through my gut, making me nauseous. “Not the name,” I whisper. “Yes, Sue can be a name, but it’s also an action. It’s… Well… restitution of sorts?”

At their blank stares, a frisson of irritation runs up my spine. Are they just playing dumb?

“Restitution? To make something right? Basically, I’m threatening to extract money from you for your mean words to me.” Even as I say it, it doesn't feel enough. It’s silly somehow. “And I’ll make sure you never practice medicine again.” There. That should scare them.

The mean one steps up, his chest puffing up as he approaches. “I see. You dare threaten my position when you’re the one strapped down? I think not.” Turning to the other, he grits his teeth so hard the muscles in his jaw pop. “Take your damned heifer in hand before I do.”

I flinch at the anger in his tone, fear swamping my senses. Off in the distance, I hear a rapid beeping. Based on my time in and out of the hospital with Mom, I know that sound. I recognize it just like I would her voice. It has to be the heart monitor, and based on the frenetic sound, my heart rate is shooting off into the stratosphere. Something is wrong, and none of this makes sense.

Before I can open my mouth, the other steps closer to the mean one, his lips curling back in a feral snarl. “You will not touch her. She is mine.”

“Not until you win her in the auction,” he spits back.

Auction? Fuck. What is actually happening here? I’ve not been the type to watch scary movies or read horror novels. Hell, I don’t even watch true crime because I just can’t handle it. Why is my brain coming up with these scenarios?

“Please,” I murmur, desperate to touch the part of my head that still throbs. “What’s wrong with me?”

The kinder one pulls away and comes back to my side. “Nothing that we can tell. You seem to be in perfect health.”

I shake my head, hysteria threatening to rise in my throat. “No. I can’t be. People aren’t supposed to be blue. And I’m not supposed to be auctioned. This isn’t Halloween, so the only explanation is there’s something wrong with my head. God, it hurts.”

Tsking softly, he runs his hand over the side of my head, caressing me almost. “The implant usually doesn’t hurt, but there was interference earlier. I’m afraid it’s made things work harder than they should. It will pass soon.”

“I- implant? What? What the hell did you do to me?”

The mean one shakes his head, looking bored with the whole affair. “I don’t have time for this. She should have already started the preparation process.”

“Please,” I beg, looking at the one person who might prove to be an ally. “Don’t let him hurt me.”

“Oh, my pretty little cow. I do so love hearing you beg. I can’t wait for you to beg for my cock driving into you while my lips pull sweet milk from these breasts of yours.”

His words make no sense, and yet, my body responds. Heat floods my system as arousal drips through my veins. My body understands, even if my mind does not.

“Can I get on with it now?” the other intones, his gaze flitting between the two of us.

“Soon. I want her to understand what’s going to happen to her.”

Oh God. Do I really want to know? No. The answer is a decided, resounding no. I want to stay in my delusion as long as I can and not have it shattered, revealing what I don’t want to admit to myself.

With a soft, almost gentle touch, the large man runs his hand down my arm. “We are taking you to my planet, Icora. There, you will be put up for auction as a human cow. But don’t worry. I’ve got my sights set on you, and I’m not letting you go.”

“I- Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Relief floods my system as I take in their indulgent smiles. “Oh. Oh, I get it. This is a prank. Right? Some misguided attempt to cheer me up for the holidays? Whew. I was terrified there for a minute. Who put you up to this? Ralph?”

The two put their heads together for a moment. “We are unfamiliar with a human named Ralph—male or female.”

The mean one walks over to me, holding out an odd tube, and runs it down my body. “She’s not showing any signs of illness or increased temperature. This is odd. Normally the cows either go into hysterics or accept their fate. I’m not sure what this reaction is.”

“Yes,” the other replies, running his fingers across his chin. “But aren’t they already under the effects of the serum by now?”

“Ahh. You do have a point. That being said, we’re running out of time if we want her ready by the time we land. The other cows are already well on their way in their transformation.”

“Go ahead,” he nods, tugging on the zipper in the front of his suit.

He lowers it down, revealing a smooth chest, a touch lighter blue than his hands and face, as if those parts are tanned and the rest of his body is not. But that’s ridiculous. It must be the paint absorbed into the clothes.

It’s got to be. I demand this be the answer. My brain can’t handle anything else. Dumbstruck, I follow his motions down until he slips the shiny fabric off his shoulders. An enormous cock juts out from between his hips, but it looks nothing like the guys I’ve messed around with.

“Oh. My. God. You even bought a prosthetic? I hope what they’re paying you is worth it.”

Off to the side, the other preps a needle, but turns at my exclamation. He simply looks the other up and down and rolls his eyes.
