Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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LANCE St. J. BUTLER (ed.) Critical Thought. Series IV. Critical Essays on Samuel Beckett. Hants: Scolar Press, 1993.

LEVENTHAL A.J. Samuel Beckett. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1965.

MARISSEL A. Samuel Beckett. Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1963.

M EGGED M. Dialogue in the Void: Beckett and Giacometti. New York: Lumen Books, 1985.

MÉLÈSE P. Samuel Beckett. Paris: Seghers, 1966.

MERCIER V. Beckett / Beckett. New York: Oxford University press, 1978.

MÖLLER H. - M. Adorno, Proust, Beckett: zur Analisierung einer alternden Theorie. Frankfurt am Main: Haag und Hercleen, 1981.

MOORJANI A. Abysmal Games in the Novels of Samuel Beckett. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina press, 1982.

MORICONI B. Beckett e altro «assurdo». Napoli: Guida, 1990.

MORRISON K. Canters and Chronicles: The Use of Narrative in the Plays of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1983.

MURPHY P.J. Reconstructing Beckett. Language for Being in Samuel Beckett’s Fiction. Toronto: University of Toronto press, 1990.

NORES D. (ed.) Les Critiques de notre temps et Beckett. Paris: Gamier, 1971.

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PERCHE L. Beckett, l’enfer à notre portée. Paris: Le Centurion, 1969.

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RABATÉ J.-M. (ed.) Beckett avant Beckett: Essais sur les premières œuvres. Paris: P.E.N.S., 1984.

RABINOVITZ R. The Development of Samuel Beckett’s Fiction. Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois press, 1984.

REID A. All I can Manage More than I Could. Dublin: Dolmen press, 1968.

RICKS Ch. Beckett’s Dying Words. Oxford, G.B.: Clarendon press, 1993.

ROBINSON M. The Long Sonata of the Dead. A Study of Samuel Beckett. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1969.

ROJTMAN B. Forme et Signification dans le théâtre de Beckett. Paris: Nizet, 1976.

ROSEN S. Samuel Beckett and the Pessimistic Tradition. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University press, 1976.

SCOTT N. Samuel Beckett. London: Bowes and Bowes, 1965.

SIMON A. Samuel Beckett. Paris: Belfond, 1983.

TAGLIAFERRI A. Beckett et la surdetermination littéraire. Paris: Payot, 1977.

WEBB E. Samuel Beckett: A Study of His Novels. London: Peter Owen, 1970.

WEBB E. The Plays of Samuel Beckett. Seattle: University of Washington press, 1972.

ZURBRUGG N. Beckett and Proust. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smithe, 1988.

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