Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Пример 5.

Предложение получить заочное бизнес-образование.

Dear Mrs Vancouver

Thank you for your interest in the World Open University Business School.

The Business School provides management development designed for people in full-time employment. In choosing this type of programme you will be able to focus on your own organisation and situation as a basis for practical assignment, whilst gaining insight into other organisations and industries from case studies and from interaction with your local study group.

The World Open University is the world’s leading university in «Supported Open Learning». It has more experience and expertise than any other university in providing effective, high quality education for adults in full-time employment.

Our programmes are relevant to your work and career, and guarantee flexibility, where you learn at a pace which fits in with your other commitments.

The World Open University is a recognised British state-university, and the Business Schooul’s MBA is acceredited by AMBA, which accredits only the top 30% of all Europeam MBA programmes.

Before deciding on your next step, take advantage of our local advisory service! We offer regular information evenings in Moscow and St.Peterburg or the choise of a personal appointment at a time convenient to you.

Your sincerely,

Vera Larina
World Open Unirsity

Пример 6. Ответ на газетное объявление о предложении представлять Российскую компанию в США.

Dear Mr Jones

Re: Your Advertisement in the Business Weekly

I learned from the Business Weekly that you are interested in representing Russian companies in the United States.

Our company is not yet represented in the USA. Last year we commissioned a market research institute to investigate the market there for sales of our products. The results of the study were very encouraging, and we are therefore now looking for a representative in this region.

The Business Weekly wrote very highly about your achievements as a new start– up company, so I think that we could cooperate successfully.

Therefore could you please let me have some references and a list of the companies which you represent?

Please mail or fax me the references, together with the name and telephone number of a contact with whom I can discuss the project in detail.

With hope for future cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Anna Smirnova
President and CEO

Упражнение 1. Предложение представлять зарубежную компанию в России.

Ниже приведен текст письма-предложения представительских услуг российской компанией для некоторой зарубежной компании. Текст письма разбит произвольным образом. Пользуясь приведенным выше планом составления таких писем, составьте буквенную формулу реального письма. Результат проверьте, нажав кнопку «Проверка».

Dear Mr Heathrow

d. If you are interested in being represented in Russia, I am confident that you would be satisfied with our services.

b. Our company «Soft-System» has been working in the software industry for more than 10 years, and we are very interested in representing you and selling your system software in Russia. Please let us know if you are interested in distributing your software in Russia.

a. We received your address from the Moscow branch of the American Chamber of Commerce.

e. We enclose a brochure and further details of our organization for your information.

f. I look forward to hearing from you soon,

c. We currently represent two American and one French company of great renown here in Russia. I would like to point out that we enjoy above average sales results. We employ a well-trained and efficient sales staff, and also have adequate facilities and means of transportation.

Sincerely yours,

M. Popov
President and CEO,
Soft– System

Правильный ответ: a, b, c, d, e, f.

Ниже приведен восстановленный текст письма.

Пример 7. Предложение представлять зарубежную компанию в России.

Dear Mr Heathrow

We received your address from the Moscow branch of the American Chamber of Commerce.

Our company «Soft-System» has been working in the software industry for more than 10 years, and we are very interested in representing you and selling your system software in Russia. Please let us know if you are interested in distributing your software in Russia.

We currently represent two American and one French company of great renown here in Russia. I would like to point out that we enjoy above average sales results. We employ a well-trained and efficient sales staff, and also have adequate facilities and means of transportation.

If you are interested in being represented in Russia, I am confident that you would be satisfied with our services.

We enclose a brochure and further details of our organization for your information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Sincerely yours,

M. Popov
President and CEO,
Soft– System

2.2. Ответ на письмо-предложение

Ответ на письмо с предложением о сотрудничестве может быть положительным, отрицательным или нейтральным, если получатель не вполне уверен в результате предполагаемого сотрудничества, однако хотел бы выяснить некоторые вопросы, которые помогут ему принять окончательное решение.

Позитивный ответ на письмо с предложением о сотрудничестве

Если Вы пишете положительный или нейтральный ответ на письмо– предложение, план письма должен быть таким.

План письма

1. Поблагодарите за письмо-предложение, указав продукты, товары, услуги и пр., которые были предложены Вашему вниманию.

Thank you for your letter of May 19 in which you

Спасибо (Благодарю Вас) за письмо от 19 мая, в котором Вы

Thank you for sending us your «Smart Styler» for evaluation.

Спасибо за отправку нам прибора «Smart Styler» для испытаний и оценки.

2. Сообщить о положительных результатах экспертизы предложенных товаров, проведенной в Вашей компании.

I am very glad to inform you about the positive referee report concerning.

Я очень рад сообщить Вам о положительном отзыве экспертов на

The appropriate specialists within our company positively reported about

Эксперты нашей компании в области дали положительную оценку
