Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Пример 26. Письмо однокашнику.

Dear Alex,

I hope you are well

I finally got around to making copies of the pictures I took during the «Farewell Dinner». Here’s a copy for you to cherish! Although I interested to do this sooner I was somewhat incapacitated with an attack of flu followed by a bout of pneumonia (3weeks out of work). So my best intentions were hindered by the state of my health. I eventually recovered and the last two weekends I have been feeling strong again. Unfortunately, Mary never fully recovered from the flu and contracted bronchitis; also necessitating a course of antibiotics for two weeks. She is doing a lot better now although not yet 100% fit.

I will not be going to Paris for the meeting in April as my new job does not permit it. I was sideways «promoted» in the Ocean Organisation by being nominated «Scientific Expert in Organic Chemistry» and also made Programme Head for one of our projects.

Unfortunatelly neither of these position carries any management responsibility, the reason being that I was deemed too inexperienced to manage one of the new Ocean departments– although some of the other «managers» are contemporaries of mine, one of whom I worked with during a postdoc period! It turns out to be a blessing in disguise as I now have much more time to look for a job elsewhere. So life goes on. I’ve already had one interview and have several other active offers – the hard bit is choosing the right one. Strangely enough it seems that many companies are interested in my skills, what a shame– Ocean isn’t!

So that’s it for now. I wish you well for the New Year both in your private life and at work.

All the best!



Пример 27. Соболезнование.

Dear Charles

I was deeply distress to hear of your wife’s sudden death.

We new Diana as an outstanding member of our staff and a good friend. It was always a great pleasure working with her, not only for the efficient and businesslike way she worked, but particularly for her personal qualities. It is a great loss to all who knew her. She will be sorely missed.

All of us at Royal Associates would like to convey our sincere sympathies to you and your sons.

May we offer you our sincerest condolence?

Пример 28.

Я, как и многие пользователи Интернета, постоянно получаю горы всевозможного мусора. Однако среди плевел иногда встречаются зерна. Одно из таких, очень смешное, на мой взгляд, приведено ниже.

Письмо– шутка

Mother’s Letter

Dear Son,

Just a few lines to let you know that I am still alive. I am writing this slowly because I know that you can’t read fast.

You won’t know the house when you come home, we’ve moved.

About your father, he has got a lovely new job. He has 500 men under him, he cut grass at the cemetery. Your sister Mary had a baby this morning. I haven’t found out yet whether it’s a boy or a girl. So don’t know if you’re an aunt or an uncle.

I went to the doctor on Thursday and your father came with me. The doctor put a small tube in my mouth and told me not to talk for 10 minutes. Your father offered to buy it from him.

Your uncle Patrick drowned last week in a vat of Irish whiskey at the Dublin brewery. Some of his worksmates tried to save him but he fought them off bravely. They cremated him and it took 3 days to put the fire out.

It only rained twice this week, first for 3 days, then for 4 days. We had a letter from the undertaker. He said if the last payment on your grandmother’s plot wasn’t paid in 7 days, up she comes.

Your loving Mother.

P.S. I was going to send you 5 pounds but I have already sealed the envelope.

10. Сравнительная таблица мер и весов

Мало того, что в Великобритании руль в автомобиле не слева, а справа, так там еще и считают по-другому! Например, скорость там, как и в США, измеряется в милях, а молоко продают галлонами. Чтобы не попасть впросак, нужно заранее ознакомиться с принятой в англоязычных странах системой мер и весов, которая существенным образом отличается от метрической. Обратите внимание, что, несмотря на одинаковое название, некоторые единицы измерения в разных странах разные!

Меры длины

1 дюйм (inch, in) = 2.54 см

12 дюймов (inches) = 1 фут (foot, ft) = 30.48 см

3 фута (feet) = 1 ярд (yard, yd) =0.914 метра

1760 ярдов (yards) = 1 миле (mile) = 1.609 км

Соответственно наоборот:

1 см = 0.394 дюйма (inch)

1 м = 39.4 дюйма (inches) = 1.094 ярда (yards)

1 км = 0.6214 мили (mile)

Меры площади

1 кв. дюйм (square inch, sq inch ) = 6.452 кв. см

144 кв. дюйма (sq inches) = 1 кв.фут (sq foot) = 923 кв.см

9 кв. футов (sq feet) = 1 кв. ярд (sq yard ) = 0.836 кв.м

4840 кв. ярдов (sq yards) = 1 акр (acre) = 0.405 гектара

640 акров (acres) = 1 кв.миля (mile) = 259 гектаров = 2.59 кв. км

Соответственно наоборот:

100 кв.м. = 1 ар = 0.025 акра (acre)

100 ар = 1 гектар = 2.471 акра (acres)

1 кв.км = 100 гектаров = 0.386 кв.мили (sq mile)

Меры объема, принятые в США

1 пинта (pint) = 16 жидких унций (fluid ounces) = 0.473 литра

1 кварта (quart) = 2 пинты (pints) = 0.946 литра

1 галлон (gallon) = 8 пинт (pints) = 3.785 литра

Меры объема, принятые в Великобритании

1 пинта (pint, pt) = 20 жидких унций (fluid ounces, fl oz) =

= 0.568 литра

1 кварта (quart, qt) = 2 пинты (pints) = 1.136 литра

1 галлон (gallon) = 8 пинт (pints) = 4.564 литра

8 галлонов (gallons) = 1 бушель (bushel) = 36.51 литра

Меры веса

1 унция (ounce, oz) = 437 grains = 28.35 грамм

1 фунт (pound, lb) = 16 унций (ounces) = 0.454 кг

1 стоун (stone) = 14 фунтов (pounds) = 6.356 кг

Соответственно наоборот:

1 грамм = 15.43

1 кг = 2.205 фунтов (pounds)


Температура в США измеряется в градусах Фаренгейта. Поэтому не удивляйтесь, если вдруг услышите в прогнозе погоды на завтра, что температура поднимется до 68 градусов. На самом деле, это означает всего 20 градусов по шкале Цельсия.

Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски - i_017.png

Формула перевода температуры из шкалы Цельсия в шкалу Фаренгейта:

Т Фаренгейта = (Т Цельсия 00 × 9/5) + 32

Формула перевода температуры из шкалы Фаренгейта в шкалу Цельсия

Т Цельсия = (Т Фаренгейта – 32) × 5/9

11. Часто употребляемые сокращения


ac – alternating current – переменный ток

a/c – account – счет в банке

acc(t) – account – банковский счет

ack(n) – acknowledgement – признание, расписка

ad(vt) – advertisement – реклама

AD – Anno Domini лат. – В год Господа

add(r) – address – адрес

AGM – Annual General Meeting – ежегодное общее собрание

a m – ante meridiem лат. – до полудня
