To keep him with me. Forever.
This was it. The reason for my existence. The purpose driving my entire life. The answer to every question I had ever had. Being with my mate, nestled in her soft body, was a pleasure so exquisite it almost did not seem real. And yet, it made everything more real. Every sensation was magnified, every sense sharpened. The scent of Zeezee’s arousal, the slick tightness of her cunt, the smooth milk of her skin – all of it was making and remaking me. I felt truly a Gahn, now. Built into a better sort of man. Because of Zeezee.
I was already stirring with desire again, even though I’d just spent myself so forcefully into Zeezee’s warmth. But we both needed to rest after our long journey and the trials we had endured tonight. And we had more trials ahead: the battle with Gahn Fallo. Regretfully, I pulled out of her, and she gave a wordless mew of disappointment. That one sound almost undid my will right then. I growled, low in my throat, laying down then pulling and turning her so that her back was against me. My half-hard cock was pressed beautifully between her thighs.
“This doesn’t feel close enough,” she complained, wiggling her rump, pressing against my cock. I gritted my fangs, bending my head to whisper in her hair.
“You must rest, my mate.”
“Don’t need to...” She said, even as her words trailed off in a tiny, adorable yawn. I pulled the dakrival hide up over the both of us and nuzzled closer, breathing deep the intoxicating scents coming from her hair and neck.
“Mmm.” She grabbed at the arm I’d slung over her torso, snuggling up to it. Curse me, she was irresistible. My cock pulsed. But I could already feel her drifting into sleep. I tried to quell the burning of my blood, taking long, slow breaths. Zeezee’s breath came rhythmically, a haunting melody to punctuate my dreams.
She had fallen asleep. I forced myself to relax and do the same. Because wherever Zeezee went, I would always follow.
ZEEZEE WAS STILL ASLEEP when I awoke the next morning to the sounds of new voices, shouts, and many irkdu. My blood rushed through me and I rose immediately, strapping my loincloth and weapons on with practiced ease. I was not expecting Gahn Irokai and his men to have gotten back this soon. But if it was not him, it would have to be Gahn Fallo. Black rage rose in me at the thought of Gahn Fallo threatening me here, among my tribe, where my precious mate slept. I would slay him on the spot for the insolence.
“Buroudei?” Zeezee was rising, sitting and rubbing her eyes sleepily, and the sight, though soft and lovely, pierced me like a spear. She was too beautiful for this world. I longed to dive back into the hides with her, to see what she tasted like when stained with sleep. But there was no time.
“I hear warriors. I must go. Stay here.”
Here eyes grew huge, her face turning white. I could not stand around and explain. I gave her a hard look, as if to reinforce my command that she not move. The last time I had told her to stay in a tent, she had not listened. But she could understand me now. Somehow, I was still worried she would not listen.
With one last, long look at her, I turned and jogged out of the tent, heading towards the sounds. About forty irkdu were approaching the tents, and my warriors were already gathering, weapons drawn. Galok sprinted to my side, squinting, then giving a wild cry.
“Gahn Irokai has returned!”
He was right. At the head of the pack of irkdu was a beast carrying Gahn Irokai. I grinned, raising my axe in greeting as they approached. They had made very good time. Such good time I would not have believed it. This was fortuitous. We could put our plan into motion even quicker than I’d anticipated. Then we would have all the human women, and Zeezee’s gratitude would forever drench my cock. My blood surged at the thought of the battle, and of claiming Zeezee afterwards, again and again. I was sure I looked half-crazed as I smiled widely at Gahn Irokai, who had dismounted and was stalking towards me, followed closely by Taliok.
He stopped before me, and we raised our tails. Taliok and Galok did the same.
“You have made very good time, Gahn Irokai.”
His tail thumped. Taliok’s gaze was intense upon me.
“My men were willing to push themselves beyond anything before. This cause is a noble one. I will not deny that many of my men hope for a mate from among the new women.”
I stiffened, some of my excitement abating. I’d ignored the fact that we hadn’t addressed what would happen after the battle with Gahn Fallo. I was not willing to let Gahn Irokai take all the women. My Zeezee would not be happy to be separated from them again.
“Has the Lavrika come to any other men in your tribe yet?” I asked, my gaze narrowing. Gahn Irokai watched me closely, then slashed his hand through the air.
“No. Only to Taliok.”
This was good. So far, we had equal claims to the women. I had a mate from among them, and so did one man from Gahn Irokai’s tribe. I wondered if, after battling Gahn Fallo, Gahn Irokai would turn on us, and try to take them all for himself. Clearly, he was thinking the same thing about me as his gaze bored into me. Wondering if I would betray him.
I was not sure what would happen. I knew that Zeezee wanted to be reunited with her friends, and that I would do anything to make her happy. And if that meant fighting with two Gahns, then, so be it. But for now, Gahn Irokai was my ally. I needed him, just as much as he needed me.
To dispel the tension in the air, I smiled, relaxing my stance.
“We are glad to have you here as allies. Come, set up your tents. You will need rest after your journey. We will leave at dawn tomorrow.”
“This is acceptable,” Gahn Irokai grunted. Then he and Taliok turned to relay their orders to the other warriors. With Gahn Irokai’s numbers, our forces were more than doubled. We had more men than Gahn Fallo, now. Yes, I was sure we would be victorious. This would work.

GAHN IROKAI AND HIS men spent much of the day sleeping in the tents they’d brought. They truly must have ridden almost endlessly to get here so quickly. But with the potential of finding a fated mate driving their desires, I could not blame them. I did not get to spend any time with Zeezee that day. Galok and I joined the hunters. With so many extra mouths to feed, we would need to bring down more dakrival than usual. We were lucky to find a large herd, though, and killed eight of the great horned beasts, dragging them back behind our irkdu. The women and children got to work skinning and butchering the animals, and by the time Gahn Irokai and his men emerged, the sun was dipping, and the evening fire was blazing, meat sizzling on huge bone skewers.
I stood, raising my tail to Gahn Irokai, gesturing that he and Taliok to join me at the fire. They and their men approached warily, but soon enough everyone had settled in and was eating. Gahn Irokai sat on my right hand side, Taliok to his right. Galok was seated on my left, but he leaped up, raising his tail to his eyes and moving, when Zeezee appeared with Rika for the evening meal. My heart was a clenched fist in my chest. Though it had only been one day, I ached for her already.
Rika sat with Balia on the other side of the fire, and Zeezee looked between the healers and me, as if unsure. She was likely unsure if she should be next to me when I was conversing with another Gahn. But no Gahn’s presence would keep my mate from my side. With a quick word to Gahn Irokai, I rose, jogging to her and taking her hand.