Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Do not let her die.”

There was a dangerous note of warning in my growl, but she held my gaze steadily.

“I will do what I can do.”

I waited another moment before finally standing and turning to go, though everything in my body screamed at me to stay. But I could do nothing for my mate now. And that fact made me want to howl.

Galok was waiting for me outside of the tent. He was the tallest in our tribe, even taller than me. His long hair was unbound, flowing freely about his broad shoulders and back. He fell into step beside me as I stalked away from the healers’ tent. I thought about going to join the evening fire, but decided against it. I had no desire to be around others now. Though, it seemed Galok was not planning to leave my side anytime soon.

“Buroudei, tell me more. Tell me everything you know of these females.”

His voice was gruff with some unspoken desire. I could not blame him – with so few females, not just in our tribe, but all the surrounding ones, many warriors had resigned themselves to lives of companionless celibacy with no cubs. Suddenly, there was the chance that all of that could change.

I sighed, passing my hand roughly over my ears and hair. It was hard for me to converse with Galok now, hard for me to partake in his new hope when my own precious mate was listless on the healers’ mats.

“It is as I told Rika. I have no other information for you, Galok.”

“Come now, Buroudei. You are holding back. How many were there, and do they all look like her, your Zeezee?”

I cast my mind back to the chaotic scene on the sands.

“Maybe two dozen of them, though I’m not certain. And, from what I could see, only females. They are all somewhat similar but with wildly varying colouring. And different sizes.”

“Do they all have breasts?” There was a boyish reverence in Galok’s voice. We stopped walking at the outcropping of boulders, where the irkdu roamed. My own mount had joined its brethren and was chewing peet grass in the starlight.

“I do not know.” The women all wore the same shapeless cloaks, hiding their figures. I hadn’t even known my own mate had had such a feature.

“It is strange. A woman without a cub, but with breasts.”

I cast a warning glance at my friend. Galok was my closest man, and as such, he could press further in conversation than any other. But even now, he was testing my limits. His sight stars were blown open, swirling, and his mouth was relaxed into a faraway sort of grin. When he caught my eye, he swallowed quickly, looking away. He vaulted forward, bounding up the side of the largest boulder, settling himself into a sitting position at the top.

“Come, Buroudei. You can do nothing for your mate right now, and something tells me if you were to return to your tent you would not sleep.”

He was right about that. It had been a hard day of fighting and journeying over the sands. My body ached with exhaustion. And yet there was no chance that I’d be able to sleep now. I sprang up the craggy side of the boulder, sitting next to Galok, crossing my legs and placing my elbows on my knees. From here, we could see our spread of tents easily, and the fire with our kinsmen below. My eyes settled on the healers’ tent and stayed there.

“So, Gahn Fallo has the others?”


“And what do you plan to do about that?”

“I have no real plan yet. But I do not intend to let him keep them.”

I heard the grin in Galok’s voice when he answered.

“That is what I was hoping to hear, friend.”

He paused for a moment, his legs dangling over the side of the boulder, leaning back on his hands and looking up at the sky.

“You will have no trouble convincing the men to face Gahn Fallo if they are fighting for the chance at a potential mate.”

I snorted.

“When have I ever had to convince any man of our tribe to do anything?”

I gave commands. And those commands were always followed without question.

“You are right. But you understand my meaning. Men will jump at the chance for one of the new women, even if it means facing zeelk or krixel or the spears of Gahn Fallo, whose men outnumber ours two-to-one. Especially since we can mate with them. The fact the Lavrika has chosen this woman for you is a momentous thing, my friend. I wish you the happiest of all lives, with many cubs.”

A companionable warmth settled in my chest, and I placed one of my hands on Galok’s shoulder and squeezed.

“I wish for the same thing. Assuming she survives the night.”

The words were like poison in my mouth, but Galok just reached around and patted my back.

“I have no doubt that she will. Any mate of yours will have to have a will of ablik. She must be a strong one, to put up with you.”

I frowned.

“And your mate will have to have enough sense for the both of you, to make up for the dakrival dung between your ears.”

Galok’s laugh was hearty, and it lessened the weight in my chest. Just a little.

We hadn’t been there long, but my tail was beginning to twitch with impatient anxiety.

“I think I will return to the healers’ tent. I want to check on Zeezee.”

Galok clucked at me, the way a woman would cluck at a cub.

“Give Rika time. Your distractions will only hinder her.”

He was right. But still I stood, jumping down to the sand in one great leap. Galok followed immediately, landing with powerful grace beside me.

“I will not distract Rika. But I cannot be away from Zeezee any longer. It’s like this pull, Galok. This pull that will not let me rest in any one place without her.”

Galok was looking at me strangely, and I waved him off.

“Nevermind. You cannot understand without a mate.”

Galok’s face hardened.

“You are right. I have no mate and cannot understand.”

Curse me twenty thousand times. I was far more stupid than usual tonight. I placed my hand on his shoulder once again.

“I am sorry, friend. I did not mean it that way. I am sick with worry and longing. It is new and strange and it is making my head foggy. About you not having a mate – well, we will rectify that soon enough. You are the most deserving of men, strong and loyal and battle-hardened. I have no doubt the Lavrika will come to you soon. And we will take your precious mate, along with the others, back from Gahn Fallo.”

Galok watched me for a moment, his sight stars pulled tight, before they unspooled and he relaxed again. He clasped my elbow, his face resolute.

“Thank you, Buroudei.”

We began walking back towards the tents.

“May I tell the others what you’ve told me?”

I mulled on the question. Everyone would find out eventually when they caught a glimpse of Zeezee. There was no reason to hide it, now.

“Yes. Go head and share the news.” It would be good to give the people of the tribe something to celebrate. New women, new blood, new cubs to be born. The men would feast with renewed vigour tonight. But my smile at the thought was only a shadow. I was too consumed with worry for Zeezee to partake in the excitement.

Galok bounded towards the evening fire, and I turned back towards the healers’ tent. I did not go inside, though I longed to do so, instead crouching down on the sand outside.

I would station myself here for the night. And every other night, if needed. Still as a desert boulder, I waited, my heart the only thing moving.

And it did not just move.

It thundered.


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The first thing I became aware of was a dull throbbing in my head. Then a thick dryness in my mouth. I groaned, licking my lips with a heavy tongue, and opened my eyes. I was in some kind of large canopied area, or maybe a tent, but a big one with a flat roof, more like a fabric gazebo. I stared up at the light brown fabric of the roof, dazed, as firelight flickered from somewhere nearby. It took me a long moment to remember where I was.
