Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Oh! Sorry,” I said, stopping short. I looked up at who I’d almost toppled.

Well, not like I’d be able to topple one of these guys. But still.

This alien wore a similar tunic to Rika and me. Large eyes and a soft mouth gave her face a pretty, in an alien sort of way, look. Definitely another female, though younger than Rika. Her hair was shining and black, her skin richly coloured and smooth. I smiled, and she gave me a small smile back. I squealed, then, when something latched onto my waist. The new alien made a distinctly maternal tsking sound, and yanked a small alien – a girl, I thought – from my torso.

I had no idea to gauge how old the child was. She was grinning, the shimmers of her eyes pulsing mischievously. Based on her behaviour and the youthfulness of her face, I would have guessed she was maybe the equivalent to an Earth six-year-old. But much, much bigger.

The adult alien said something to me quickly, and I had a feeling she was apologizing for the child. I noticed a similarity in the soft mouths smiling at me. It’s her daughter.

I smiled widely.

“Don’t worry about it! I’m Cece.”

The other woman looked confused, her eyes darting to Rika. Rika spoke quickly, gesturing towards me. I didn’t catch much of what she said besides, “Zeezee.” Then Rika gestured to the other two, looking at me. “Balia,” she said, pointing to the adult. “Zofra” was the child. I grinned.

“Nice to meet you, Balia and Zofra.”

They both smiled, then raised their tails in front of their eyes. I wonder what that means. I’d seen that gesture several times now. Maybe some kind of greeting.

“Sorry I don’t have a tail, or I’d do the same right back at you.”

Balia smiled vaguely at my unfamiliar words, but Zofra started chattering to me animatedly, not caring that I had no idea what she was saying. I nodded, grinning at her, trying to take in whatever she was saying. She took me by the hand and led me around the tent, showing me various items. I did my best to keep track of her rapid-fire dialogue, logging away whatever words I could catch onto for later analysis. I was pretty sure I’d learned at least a few more words, like the words for jar, bandage, and bed. As Zofra gave me the tour, Rika and Balia talked in hushed tones. A few moments later, Rika approached with a small bundle. My clothes.

After my sauna scrub, the filthy clothes seemed especially unappealing.

“Thanks,” I said with a half-hearted smile. I yanked my stiff, stained pants on, wincing at the feeling of the crunchy dried blood against my skin. Then went on the socks and the boots, followed by my solar protection jacket. I didn’t bother with my dirty tank top and underwear, instead balling them up and placing them down discreetly in a corner. Zofra bounded over to my discarded garments, looking like she was about to pick them up and examine them closely, but her mother swatted her away.

“Yeah, you should probably burn those.” I laughed awkwardly, but it wasn’t really a joke.

Once I was dressed, I felt a little more prepared to head back outside. Rika spent the rest of the day with me, showing me around and helping me get accustomed to how things worked in their tiny tent village. I didn’t get to talk to many of the men – after the morning meeting they all dispersed to their various tasks, many of them leaving for what looked like hunting or guard duties, others sharpening weapons. I did get to meet the women, of which there were only ten, plus their children. The women welcomed me with a shy sort of friendliness. One woman, whom Rika called Zanixia, seemed a little more reserved than the others, but in general they all seemed glad to meet me. The children were especially excited, many of them coming up to me and touching my skin and hair and nose while babbling enthusiastically.

As Rika led me around throughout the day, I found my eyes searching for Buroudei. I wondered what he was doing, where he was, and who he was talking to. As lovely as Rika had been, I kind of wished he was the one showing me around. OK, there was no “kind of” about it. I wished I was with him.

It may not have been rational or reasonable or sane. But I missed him. I missed him way, way more than I should have.

And it kind of scared the shit out of me.


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“She is very fragile. Very fragile.”

Rika’s voice was stern. We were standing outside of my tent. Zeezee was inside, and all I wanted to do was see her after not being near her for the entire day. Being apart from her was causing me physical pain.

“I know, Rika,” I said impatiently. “But I will protect her.”

Rika frowned, her tail thrashing.

“No, Gahn, you do not understand. She was not created for a place like this. Did you know even the sun hurts her skin? It burns her like fire. That is why she must wear her strange clothing.”

My heart sank. This was worse than I had thought. I had hoped that, after being healed by Rika, Zeezee would somehow permanently be alright. But that was clearly not the case. How was it possible that even the sun was harmful to her? A terrible helplessness clawed at me.

“I will not pretend to be wiser than you, Rika. Tell me what to do.”

I did not like the desperation in my voice. It made me feel weak. Zeezee was a vulnerability like no other. But I meant what I’d said. Whatever needed to be done, I would do it. I could not accept that my mate was not meant for my world. She would be strong. She would survive. I would make it so. Whether through blood or sweat or sheer force of will, I would make it so.

“I wish I knew what to tell you, my Gahn.” There was a pained sincerity to Rika’s voice. “Without being able to speak to her, it is hard to know what she needs.” She paused then, her eyes losing focus, staring out over the sands beyond the boulders. “I did notice that many times throughout the day she looked out across the sand. Towards the place you found her. Maybe she left something behind. Something she needs.”

I clenched my jaw. I had no interest in bringing Zeezee back over the open sands to the scene of the zeelk slaughter.

“It is too dangerous for her. You know that.”

Rika levelled her gaze at me.

“You may not have another choice.”

She said no more, leaving me to brood over her words under the star-pricked sky. I mulled over my options. I could go without her and scope out the site on my own. But then again, I wouldn’t even know what I was looking for there. Zeezee was the only one who knew what she needed. And she could not tell me. I sighed roughly, staring up at the sky. The zeelk were likely lured by the sound of the big flying creature landing. It would have sent vibrations down into the sand, calling them up. If we went quietly, just the two of us, it may not be too dangerous. And like Rika said, I may not have another choice. I did not like this. Not having choices. Not knowing which path to take. Grimly, I entered the tent.

Much of the tension I felt evaporated when I saw my mate’s small, lovely face. She had been seated on my hides, and she scrambled to her feet, speaking animatedly. Then, almost shyly, slowly, as if trying to get it just right, she said our word for “hello.”

My tail thumped the sand, warmth filling my chest. She must have learned that today with Rika. What a glorious thing, to have your mate waiting for you at your tent, ready to greet you like that. Such happiness was almost beyond comprehension. I went to her at once, cupping her jaw in my hands, before lowering my mouth to hers. Her lips parted quickly, welcoming me. But it didn’t last long. She pulled back quickly, saying something rapid in her language before switching to the tongue of the Sea Sands.
