Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“You really must be from another world.” His voice was husky and low. “Because there is nothing here so beautiful as you. So beautiful it becomes a kind of pain.”

I stared at him, breath shuddering in and out of my body, every part of me clenching and aching with need.

“Pain?” I breathed.

Buroudei slipped the pad of a finger against my soaking folds, and I moaned, bucking my hips upward.

“Yes. You are so beautiful it hurts.”

Oh, God. What the hell was a girl even supposed to say to that?

Buroudei stroked his finger over me, slowly, exploring every part. When he brushed my clitoris I cried out, and tried to grind against his hand.

“Your cunt is beautiful. It is so wet for me. And so soft.” One more long stroke almost had me coming undone. “It goes against every instinct, but I want to blunt my claws, just so I can feel you more.”

Oh, right. That’s why he was being so slow and careful. I was already forgetting how different we were.

“Don’t,” I choked out, even as my body screamed for him to touch me more, touch me now. “You’re perfect.” I didn’t want him to change a thing. He was my perfect alien warrior. My mate. I almost laughed at the thought, and chided myself for drinking the alien Koolaid. But I didn’t care anymore. All I cared about was him and this moment and the building waves of need, deep inside. My legs were shaking, my breath coming in little gasps. I was about to sit up and beg this gorgeous alien to fuck me, but I didn’t need to.

With a broken growl, he descended, burying his face between my legs.

The way Buroudei went down on me, like my body was slaking a terrible, lifelong thirst, was almost more arousing than the actual physical sensations. And the physical sensations were pretty damn good. The longest, centre part of his tongue circled my aching entrance, while the outer parts slicked up and down, brushing my clit teasingly with each pass. It wasn’t long before I was clutching at his head, grinding my hips, pressing myself harder against his face. I’d never been this free of inhibitions when a human guy had been down there before, and sometimes I got so self-conscious I couldn’t even come. But this, with Buroudei? The alien who was worshiping my pussy like it was saving his fucking life? Yeah. It was pretty easy to let go and just feel.

The waves were growing bigger and bigger. Coming hotter and harder. Buroudei didn’t let up for a moment. And when that centre part of his tongue entered me, thrusting in and out, his fingers tightening like iron at my thighs, I came. I came and came, until I felt as crystallized and shattered as the shards in Buroudei’s eyes. And still he did not stop, until I was pushing against his head with my hands, pulling at his ears, crying out in sensitized agony.

He rose, his face tense with need, my wetness on his mouth and chin shining in the flickering light of the candle. Fuck. That was an image that would be burned into my brain forever. The image of my huge warrior, every muscle pulled tight with longing, right before he took me for the first time.

My mouth went dry, and I rose up on my elbows, spreading my legs wider. His eyes roamed over every part of my exposed form. As he took me in, he removed every leather strap from his body, yanking the knives from his back. Then, with a quick, fluid movement, he removed his loincloth, and I sucked in a breath at the sight of him.

Even on his knees he towered, a wall of alien muscle, his cock like thick, dark stone. I reached a hand towards it, but he gripped my wrist, grunting. He didn’t need to say a word for me to understand that he was already close to coming. The thought inflamed me, and I clenched in anticipation, lying back.

Buroudei moved over me, his expression ravenous, and I felt his hardness settle between my legs. Even though my blood was running hot, his skin felt hotter. He dragged his tip experimentally along my wetness, up and down. His movements were precise, almost stiff. As if he were trying not to lose all control. But I kind of wanted to see what he looked like when he lost control. I arched my hips up, pressing my wet entrance against his tip, and he shuddered before plunging inside.

He was huge, and there was a moment of heat as I stretched for him. But I was so wet, so ready, that before I knew it all I could feel was the overwhelming pleasure of being so filled with him. Buroudei made an inhuman sound against my ear as he pulled back and thrusted once more. I whimpered as the two flexible but firm spears of flesh along side his cock got pressed upward under Buroudei’s weight, rubbing against my clit. Every time he pulled out, that pressure on my clit lessened, And when he plunged back in, the pressure surged to an Earth-shattering, or should I say Zaphrinax-shattering, point.

He was going slowly, still holding back, trying not to hurt me. But there was no pain. Only the need for him to drive in faster, harder. My hands scrabbled against his muscled back, nails scratching as I breathlessly bucked against him, urging him with my body.

Despite our differences, despite the fact that we weren’t the same species and came from different corners of the sprawling universe, he understood me perfectly in that moment. He rose up and back on his knees, pulling my legs up. He was so big that my legs didn’t quite reach to comfortably go over his shoulders, my ankles instead landing just above his pecs. He gripped the front of my thighs against his torso, breathing harshly, bending and running his nose along my foot and down the inside of my calf. He nipped at the side of my knee, and I cried out, tightening around his cock. He groaned, his dark eyes meeting mine, and I felt him pulse inside me in response. Then he straightened again, and guided my legs to fall and spread.

Hell yes. I locked my ankles around his back, barely able to reach, as he planted his hands on either side of my torso and began thrusting, slow and firm at first, then harder and faster. It was overwhelming in the best possible way. Like my entire body, entire being, was filled with him. There was something so animal and primal in how I responded to him, wanting him to rut me harder. Wanting him to claim me. His tail thrashed on the sand as his movements grew erratic. I reached up, gripping his elbows, needing something to hold on to. Otherwise I thought I might get shot out somewhere into the galaxy with the force of the hot pulses building inside me. Those spears were crushed against my clit, rubbing in the most maddening way as Buroudei hammered into me.

His gaze seemed somehow both hard and unfocused as his eyes bored into me, lips drawn back, fangs bared. I didn’t turn away, didn’t close my eyes. I wanted to see all of him when he came. The thought of him coming, brought to that brink of pleasure because of my body, pushed me over the edge, and I screamed, everything tightening around him as my orgasm tore through me. I’m pretty sure I slipped into English, or maybe even gibberish, as words I didn’t even know I was saying tumbled out of my mouth.

Buroudei kept on thrusting through my pleasure, driving me to the edge of insanity. He lowered himself onto one elbow, moving his free hand up to grip my breast.  His breath was hot against my throat, and when I felt the touch of his fangs, in my ecstasy I almost wanted him to bite down as hard as he could. But he didn’t, instead snarling against my skin as I moved my hands down his back to his ass, feeling the way his powerful glutes clenched as he drove into me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, that the sensations would completely overthrow me, I felt every muscle in Buroudei bristle then clench. Then his head reared back and he roared, so powerfully that it sent reverberations through his body and mine. I felt that roar, deep in my pussy as he came, pulsing and spurting inside me. He gave a few more thrusts, wringing the pleasure out, and I just held tight to him. Because that was all I could do. My body was reacting based on pure instinct now, my lizard brain taking over. And it wanted to hold on fucking tight. As if to keep Buroudei at my side. To keep him inside.
