Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

For the next several minutes, we stand there as he points out his planet’s constellations, easing the fake tinsel from my body. The stories behind them are similar to those on Earth, making it feel familiar to me. I lean against him, soaking in his strength as I listen.

This is what I wanted, what I craved. This closeness with the man who strips me of who I am until I’m left raw and wanting. Dragging me over to the tub, he helps me in.

I watch, my mouth watering as he slides the zipper down, revealing his body to me. For some reason, I no longer seem to care that he’s blue. It’s no longer startling, but is, instead, erotic.

Reaching out, I trail my fingers over his skin, noting the shifting colors. Just like farmers on Earth, the areas exposed to the sun are darker, giving way to a lighter blue. But this isn’t a farmer’s tan I’m used to.

Like all the other Ranchers I’ve seen, they tend to stay pretty covered up, leaving just their neck, face, and hands darker than the rest. His nipples, however, are nearly black, a stark contrast to the paler skin surrounding it.

My fingers drift over his skin, memorizing the muscular planes. When I graze his nipple, he sucks in a breath as his cock bobs between us. So human-like, yet different.

With an indulgent smile, he pushes my hand away and continues to undress. Stretching my arms wide, I let the warm water lap over me, easing the discomfort in my muscles and joints. If anything, I can certainly get used to a bathtub this size.

The water continues to pour in a continuous cycle, yet the tub never overflows. Even when Vrokjan climbs in behind me, the water displaces but never spills out onto the floor. Archimedes would be quite puzzled indeed.

With a sigh, I rest against his broad chest, soaking in the silent comfort he offers me. We lie there in the water for what feels like an eternity, but I don’t want to move. I don’t want to break this spell.

It weaves around us, anchoring us together. Groaning, I let my eyes close as sleep threatens to overtake me. For the first time in a while, I feel safe and content.

Milked for the Holidays - img_2

Pleasure washes over me, forcing a soft moan past my lips. I’ve had erotic dreams before, but nothing like this. My inner walls flutter as I toss my head back and forth, desperate for release.

In the murky haze, I make out a blue shape as it hovers over me, thrusting in and out. I arch my hips, desperate for the release that eludes me. But just as I get near the point of orgasm, the sensations drift away, leaving me bereft.

Crying out, I beg this strange entity to let me come. My body is on fire, twisting, turning, and writhing as I try to find release. I go to move my hands, to get myself off since they’re not being accommodating, but I can’t move.

Somehow, that makes it even more erotic. Moans flit from my lips, sounding strange and foreign to my ears. Why does it sound like a cow mooing? I struggle to open my eyes, to end this weird dream.

But when I pry them open, reality sets in. Hard. Vrokjan hovers over me, his hands digging into my tender breasts. My cries reach a fever pitch as he drags the tip of his tongue over my nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

Again, I try to move my hands, to grip his head and pull him closer as each drag of his lips brings sweet relief washing over me, but they don’t move. I look up and see them chained to the headboard. My core clenches as I realize how helpless I am.

Between my thighs, the little machine continues to work, stretching and pulsing, fighting against the tight grip of my pussy. It’s too much, too overwhelming. Frantic cries drip from my lips as I rock my hips back and forth.

Vrokjan soon switches to the other breast, stopping before the other is completely drained. My breast still feels heavy and full, sending shards of discomfort through the tissue. However, the moment he draws milk out of me, my brain short-circuits for a few seconds.

My pussy spasms. Not quite an orgasm, but my inner walls throb and ache, pulsing against the machine. Vrokjan pulls back and wipes his lips, his eyes glittering with dark intent.

“Celestials,” he groans. “I’ll never tire of the way you taste.”

He climbs up my body and straddles me with his massive thighs. His cock hangs thick and erect in front of my face. Precum pearls at his slit, taunting me, daring me to taste him.

Cupping his hand around the back of my head, he lifts me up. “Open wide.”

I stretch my mouth out as far as I can go, but even then, he can’t quite make it past the first bulge. It smacks against my lips as he pumps in and out, smearing his cum across my tongue. My eyes roll back as I taste him again.

It’s undefinable, otherworldly, and definitely far tastier than a human’s cum. There’s that bitter earthiness, but it’s more like coffee than anything else. At least, that’s the closest I can think of.

What makes it so delicious to me, however, is that bit of icy sweetness. It almost tastes like a peppermint cream or crème de menthe. Groaning, I swipe my tongue over his slit, desperate for more.

Just like my morning addiction, I crave that coffee taste as it burns down my throat with each swallow. Though it might be psychosomatic, I can almost feel myself waking up a bit more.

Above me, Vrokjan hisses and slams his hand against the headboard. He grips the wood as he fucks my face, riding me just as hard as I rode him. I suck on the plump tip of his cock as I tease his entrance with my tongue.

Harsh words flow from his lips in a language I can’t understand. But I don’t need a translator to know lusty curse words when I hear them. Granted, none of the men I’d been with ever lost control like Vrokjan does.

It makes my insides clench to know I’m doing that to him. He’s just as desperate for me as I am for him. The knowledge is heady, dripping through my veins, flooding me with arousal.

The machine seems to pick up on this and chooses that moment to swell, stretching me impossibly tight. The burn is nothing compared to the pleasure I feel as it pulses and writhes, mimicking his cock. Moaning around his girth, I suck in earnest as the first flutters of my orgasm rock through me.

Normally, I can’t come from just internal stimulation, but the sensations are close enough that they take the hungry edge off me. Vrokjan groans as I writhe beneath him. His cock pistons in and out of my mouth as he drops his hands to my head and holds me still.

I let him fuck my face, desperate for more of him to fill me up. With a loud shout, he grips his shaft, keeping the first bulge away from my teeth as he pumps with his hand. Rope after rope of thick cum spurts into my mouth.

The burn slides down my throat as I gulp up his essence, drinking from him as if I’m sipping on a hot cup of spiked coffee. His hips rock back and forth, slower this time as the final drops land on my tongue. Not fully satisfied, I suck on his tip, getting every last bit.

After a few moments, he hisses and jerks away, chuckling as he runs his fingers down my cheek. “I’m glad you desire my cum, but I’m getting a bit sensitive.” His smile is soft, kind almost, as he reaches up and unhooks my arms. “Celestials, but you’re perfect.”

His praise thrums through me, sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. With a yawn, I roll over, groaning as my breasts ache. Sliding my arms underneath, I cradle them, stifling a whimper.

“Don’t worry, my sweet pet. Your milk will be depleted soon. It’s time to get you ready for breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” I shoot up in the bed, my eyes widening in shock. “How is it breakfast? I was just in the tub with you!”

“My sweet pet,” he murmurs, brushing his lips over mine. “You fell asleep. I milked you and put you to bed.”

Stunned, I sit there as he rummages around for his clothes. Deep inside, the machine seems to understand the gravitas of this moment and chooses to remain still. Perhaps it only activates when aroused?
