Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

A year? I’m stuck here for a year? But then, her words actually permeate my brain. As much as I want to go back, I’d love to negotiate keeping this aspect. To live the rest of my life without hair might make the rest of this humiliation worth it.

However, my thoughts scatter as she spreads open my thighs. Eyes wild, I look down at her, not wanting yet another intimate encounter. But she simply smiles and holds up another bottle.

Right. Hair everywhere. Of course, that would include down there as well. Dragging a deep breath into my nose, I force myself to calm. I’ve been waxed before, so this should feel similar.

Just like with my breasts, her movements are clinical, not touching anything inappropriate unless she’s moving something out of the way. Once she’s done with my front, she turns me over to drag the same tingling goo up my ass crack. But since I now know what to expect, it’s not nearly as uncomfortable.

Before too long, she’s scraping those areas down, leaving me bare and tingling. Cool air kisses my exposed skin, sending a shiver through my body. Again, she turns me back over and heads up to my face.

This time, only small strips are applied, leaving my eyebrows. By the time she’s done, I just know I’ll be glowing from head to toe. After cleaning up her workstation, she grabs a bottle of something that looks like oil.

She rubs it into my skin, her movements perfunctory and quick. It makes me wonder if this is what she meant about not being able to pamper me. My heart thumps in my chest as she skims up my body. This is the one thing that could have felt nice.

Once I’m how she wants me, she stands and helps me to my feet. No more words are exchanged between us as she grabs some straps from the bottom area of the cart. She winds them around my body, hoisting my massive breasts up.

The relief is immense, causing me to sag against her. Enook gives a soft chuckle before standing me back up. “Once you’re properly milked, you’ll feel much better. I promise.”

Tears prick my eyes as I blink at her. I wish I could speak, to tell her how grateful I am for her small amount of kindness. She didn’t have to be nice. She could have been cruel, like Nagán.

Again, my mind turns to his brother, Vrokjan. Just picturing his muscular body scatters all other thoughts. The way he touched me, treated me… He was different, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make my body burn.

Arousal gathers at my lower lips, drawing my attention back to that needy part of me. It has to be the serum. I’ve been turned on before, but nothing like this. My inner walls flutter in desperation as my body begs to be filled.

Sex was never such an all-consuming emotion for me. It was nice. Something to pass the time and bring me closer to the man in question. But it was never a need. If it was ever that bad, I just took care of business myself.

My fingers twitch by my side as I do my best not to touch myself. I’ve already been tackled before, and I don’t wish to experience an encore. When she leads me out into the hallway, I freeze.

Though she turns and gives me a sympathetic smile, she clips a leash to the front of the harness and tugs. Just like a damned animal. The obstinate, self-preservation part of my brain freezes as I dig in my heels.

I was lucky the first time to go through these halls with no one seeing me, but who knows what will happen as we go further. Though I’m not ashamed of how I look, I don’t relish the idea of perfect strangers, alien or otherwise, seeing me like this.

And that’s when everything crashes in on me. Logically, I knew about the auction. It was spoken of enough that I knew it was coming. But now that I’m actually faced with the inevitable, I find I can’t go through with it.

Fear tears through me as I buck against her, flailing about as I grip the lead in my hands. If only I can get away. And then what? Where will I go? What will I do?

I shove those thoughts to the side for now. That’s a problem for later, to be solved when I get to it. Right now, I have to run. I have to save myself. Tugging with all my might, I do my best to yank the lead away, but Enook holds firm.

Her lips turn down into a disappointed frown as she shakes her head. Fuck her emotional manipulation. It doesn’t matter that she was nice to me, she’s still the enemy.

Winding the lead around my hand, I tug again, but she doesn’t budge. With an exasperated sigh, she lifts one graceful hand in the air and motions to someone or something I can’t see. She keeps me grounded there with only one hand and not a lot of effort.

Fuck, but these aliens are strong. That or the serum they gave me also makes me weaker. Desperation beats at my chest as I try again, to no avail—the very definition of insanity. I’m crazy for doing this, plain and simple.

Using both hands, I plant my feet onto the smooth floor and heave with all my might. And still, she doesn’t so much as twitch. I keep my eyes trained on her as I grunt and groan, biting down on the gag as I use every bit of strength I have.

“Resistance is futile, little cow,” she murmurs, her eyes taking on a hint of sadness.

Moments before I feel any sensation, I hear the crackling of electricity behind me. I’m unable to turn and confront this new threat before the weapon touches my skin. Pain explodes through my body as a knife-like sensation, almost like a punch to the muscle, slams into me.

Everything tenses up as my body seizes, going rigid. I let go of the lead and fall to the floor, unable to keep myself upright. My muscles twitch hard, each jerk causing me to writhe on the cool tile.

Eventually, the stranger removes the tortuous device, allowing me to lie there unmolested. Breaths come in uneven gasps through my nose. It’s not nearly enough oxygen. If only my mouth was free.

A large blue being walks over in front of me, a long rod in his hand. He’s not as dark blue as the Ranchers, but his eyes are nearly pitch black. They glare down at me in a menacing stare.

Arcs of electricity sizzle from the tip as he kneels down and grabs my jaw. “You will behave,” he growls out, the icy sound sending shards of terror into my very soul.

Handing off his staff to another, he pulls out another set of straps. Off to the side, Enook wheels over an odd contraption and stops it at my head. Without any preamble, the male lifts me up and lays me on it face down.

He spreads my thighs open, arranging my legs on either side of the protrusion in the middle, and straps them down. Next are my arms. He secures them down on the flat part on the base and steps back once I’m as he wants me. All I can see is the shiny black of his shoes as he walks away.

With a soft whir, the furniture comes to life. The part under my chest raises up, showing off my engorged breasts. They push into my throat, making it even harder to breathe.

Fear slithers through my body as I suck in as much air as possible. My pulse races, thudding in my head with every rapid beat. But after what feels like an eternity, it lowers, allowing me precious oxygen.

“She’s ready.” The raspy voice fills the space, flooding my ears.

Once more, Enook tugs on the lead and wheels me down the hall. With my face down like it is, all I can see is a shiny expanse of tile. Luckily, it’s reflective enough that I can see everything around me without craning my neck.

However, I soon scrunch my eyes closed as motion sickness threatens to overwhelm me. When we stop, I stare down at the floor, my breath seizing in my lungs. From the reflection, I see several women in varying shapes, sizes, and nationalities.

At least it’s good these aliens don’t discriminate? Honestly, that’s the only positive I can see. That, and I’m not alone in this. Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one strapped down while the others can mill about.
