Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Pulling back, Vrokjan looks down at me, something akin to affection shining in his eyes. “Shhhh. It’s okay. Just let Nagán finish up and we’ll get you ready for the auction. I know what you need, little cow, and you will get it once I own you.”

As he disengages from me, I feel his loss keenly. It’s not just the heat radiating from his body dispelling the chill creeping back in. The weight of his body against mine felt so soothing, so… right. I hate it, but that’s the only word that seems to fit. Even then, it seems small somehow, inconsequential.

While he was on me, distracting me, I felt safe. Ridiculous, but accurate. Now that he’s away from me, I feel every inch of whatever device is inside me. I want the pain to stop. But more than that, I want the pleasure to peak, overwhelming me, consuming me.

Without any preamble, Nagán pulls it out and shows it to Vrokjan. I have no Earthly clue what I’m looking at, but it makes the nicer guy smile. Turning to me, he runs his thumb over my bottom lip, sending a shiver up my spine.

“Well, my little cow. Looks like I get to break you in when I buy you.”

My stomach drops at his words. I know what they mean individually, but put together in that sentence, along with the glinting metal, I have no comprehension. Vrokjan pulls it out of Nagán’s hand and stares me down as his long, bluish-pink, nearly purple tongue snakes out to lick it.

Until this moment, I allowed my brain to think I was just being pranked or kidnapped by some weird men. But I have no clue how someone could turn their tongue a different color. I’m sure there’s some sort of special effects trick, but right now, my brain can’t pull it up.

“Alien,” I manage to whisper.

He frowns. “Icorian.”

“I- I- You’re not human.” The words stutter from my lips as terror sinks in, dispelling all aroused feelings until I’m left with a hunk of dread lying heavy in my gut.

“What gave it away?” Nagán scoffs, putting his implements away.

Adjusting the table, he brings my thighs back together. Honestly, though to them it’s probably nothing, to me, it’s a small bit of comfort. It allows me to breathe just a touch better.

Vrokjan glances over at him, his brow furrowing. “Would it kill you not to be an ass?”

He shrugs before looking at me. “They’re cows. Only good for milk and fucking. What do you care?”

“I refuse to have this conversation with you.” Leaning down next to me, Vrokjan runs his hand over my hair.

Somehow, it helps a little, quelling the anxiety racing through me. It makes no sense. He’s an alien. The enemy. His touch shouldn’t make me want to curl up at his feet and let him do whatever he wants to me.

“Please don’t hurt me.” The words lodge in my throat, coming out in pathetic whimpers.

His expression never changes as he wipes the tears from my eyes. “My poor, sweet, little cow. We’re already far past that.” Standing, he nods over at Nagán. “Get her ready.”

He comes over to the head of the medical table and pushes, rolling me out of the room. “Wait!” I cry out, my adrenaline spiking.

I jerk against the restraints, whipping my head back to look at Vrokjan. He may be the enemy, but he’s at least the devil I know. But he just stands there, arms crossed as I’m wheeled away.

“Please!” I scream out, rocking my body back and forth.

For a moment, the medical table sways, and I fear I’ll be pitched down to the ground. But Nagán holds it steady, a growl flitting from his lips. “Calm the fuck down before you hurt yourself.”

“You don’t give a shit about me,” I fire back, anger and despair winding through until I don’t care what the consequences might be.

“No,” he calmly remarks. “I don’t. But I do give a shit about my brother. For some reason, he’s taken a liking to you. I have no clue why seeing as you just don’t shut up or stop whining. But if he likes you, then it’s my duty to make sure you get to the auction unharmed.”

He stops and starts talking with someone I’m unable to see. Despite how I crane my neck, they remain out of my peripheral vision. Before I can say another word, a set of blue fingers rests against my mouth for a moment before prying my lips apart.

Saliva pools as I twist and turn my head, desperate to be free of this new threat. Something firm and rubbery forces its way in, pinning my tongue down and filling my mouth. When the fingers let go, Nagán pulls the straps about my head and secures it.

I bite down, but find the odd object has very little give. It’s not painful, but it’s uncomfortable having my jaw remain open like this. The main concern, however, is the spit gathering on my tongue. The very last thing I want is to drool everywhere.

But these monsters even thought of that. As soon as it becomes too much, the odd device seems to absorb it. Guardrails pop up on either side as a few more pairs of hands grip it and force the medical table down the hallway.

There’s no escape now. Tears wet my cheeks as I rest my head against the gurney. If I’m being honest with myself, there was never really any chance to escape.

As much as it hurt being at home with my memories, I was, at least, safe. I’ve barely thought about my mother and the old house, but this isn’t how I wanted to get over the moroseness threatening to overwhelm me. I wanted something easy, gentle… Not this. Never this.

And yet, even as I mentally protest, my body clenches up. Arousal gathers at my lower lips. But it’s not from me. It can’t be. There’s no way I enjoy this degrading treatment.

Or do I?

My mind is a mess, completely in a jumble. Unable to think, I simply watch as we go down the hallway. I don’t even try to scream now. What’s the use? With this weird gag in place, no one will hear me. And even if they do, no one will come to my rescue.

Closing my eyes, I picture Vrokjan and the tender way he touched me. What I would give to feel it again. At least he pretends to care. So unlike his unfeeling brother, who doesn’t give a fuck about me.

To him, I’m just a human, an object… a cow.

My vision blurs as tears sting my eyes. If only this were a nightmare. I’d wake up, eventually. But it’s all too real. The pain and terror are far too much to simply be a nightmare. Any number of sensations should have woken me up.

Closing my eyes, I let myself drift, forcing my mind to calm. It won’t help to dissolve into hysterics. Instead, I take a mental inventory of my body.

The straps dig into my skin, abrading the flesh with every minute movement. I’m far more sensitive than I ever remember being. My chest aches and burns. Each breath feels more laborious somehow. My nipples sting as pressure begins to build. It’s as if I’m swelling, but how? Why?

Lower, however, my pussy throbs as air brushes over my mound. Though my legs are no longer spread out, I still feel vulnerable being so naked. I was so consumed with wanting to escape, that I didn’t contemplate the idea of other strangers—aliens—seeing me like this.

Shame burns through me as my throat clogs, choking me every time I swallow. Thankfully, no one else seems to be here. It’s oddly empty. Even the heavy tread of footsteps echoes off the glowing metal with nothing to muffle the sound.

He wheels me into a bare room, only comprising what looks like a bed, sink, and mirror. Once he has me all the way in, I listen as the others step out, leaving us alone. Terror skitters down my spine as he walks over to where I can see him.

“I’m going to unstrap you. Be a good cow for me, and I won’t have to hurt you.”

I believe him. There’s nothing about him that makes me think he’ll show me mercy. Lying as still as I can, I hold my breath as one by one the straps release. Moving to the front, he hits a button that lowers me to the floor.

“Go over to the cot. Your preparers will be here shortly.”

Pulling the table behind him, Nagán leaves the room. I go to wrap my arms around myself in a pitiful display of self-soothing, but find it difficult. My breath catches in my chest as I look down and see my breasts.
