Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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V. Электронные ресурсы

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Honored figure of science of the Russian Federation,

Doctor of Law, Professor I. Y. Kozlihin (St. Petersburg State University,)

Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation,

Doctor of Law, Professor I. L. Chestnov (St. Petersburg legal institute (branch) of Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation)

Tonkov Evgeny

Statutory Interpretation in England: monograph. – St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2013. – 352 p.

In the monograph author considers history, structure, contents and application of the English statutory doctrine. The main attention is paid to modern judicial approaches to interpretation in England, to value of rules, presumptions, linguistic maxims of interpretation. The role of judicial precedents in practice of interpretation is analyzed, the developed characteristic of Interpretation Acts 1850, 1889, 1978 is given. In the review of English legal philosophy sources and evolution of ideas of appropriate interpretation of the law are described, impacts of thinkers on the theory and practice of interpretation come to light: St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, H. Bracton, F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, J. Locke, W. Blackstone, J. Bentham, J. Austin, B. Russell, L. Wittgenstein, J. Wisdom, J. L. Austin, J. Rawls, H. L. A. Hart, R. Dworkin, J. Finnis, L. Fuller, R. Cross, F. Bennion. Research contains modern approach to interpretation, acquaints with an English-speaking conceptual framework, represents domestic legal institutes in methodological parameters equal with the foreign doctrine. Studying of English experience can become the effective tool for a new view on the Russian conception of the statutory interpretation. In the book possibility of implementation of experience of the English doctrine of interpretation of the law is estimated at the Russian law, in comparative-historical aspect stages of formation of the Russian law interpretation doctrine are considered. The present monograph gives a complex research of the statutory interpretation in England for the first time in Russian-speaking literature.

The book is meant for executors of law, teachers, graduate students, students of the legal higher education institutions, all interested by the law theory and legal philosophy.

Tonkov Evgeny Nikandrovich[email protected]

© E. N. Tonkov, 2013

© International Humanitarian Fund “Prison”, 2013 © “Aletheia” Publishing House (St. Petersburg), 2013
