Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

It is necessary to remember, that tourist business, it is one of basic clauses(articles) of the direct and indirect income for many millions citizens of the country. Therefore to the tourist - visitor it is necessary and concerns accordingly, forgiving arising excesses misunderstandings problems of other education and a way of life.

Good nature and ecology - a pledge of attraction of tourists. When « superfluous hands » and power will appear, in each area it is possible to construct the enterprises for sorting and deep harmless processing of waste products. It is necessary to do(make) dams of inert waste products to fall asleep and reclaim ravines, from old furniture and utensils to create in zones of rest new design, numerous simple benches and tables. And of bio-waste products to do(make) gas, pellets and fertilizers. From shops and a public catering, fake and counterfeit it is necessary to hand over the delayed products  in fur farms for beast tokens which then can be exchanged for fur products and other goods in shops. All other waste products it is necessary to collect, sort and process especially numerous packing cardboard, plastic, accumulators, trunks and glass in new products - fillers.

Bulgarians , are not the biggest consumers of water. On the average per day cons umption of potable water домохозяйствами in 2018 was 99 litres on the person. Most of all waters consume софийцы - 126 л/чел.дн. And inhabitants of Blagoevgrad - 117 л/чел.дн. Last place borrow (occupy) city of Tyrgovishte (69 л/чел.дн.) and Sliven (70 л/чел.дн.). For comparison. in France this consumption exceeds 170 litres on a man-day, in Switzerland it is equaled to 160 litres per day, in United Kingdom this quantity(amount) − 149 litres. The prime minister Briskly Borisov which has offered, at first sight, rather exotic idea. to nationalize all societies of water supply and to create one national state-owned firm which would supply the population in all country with potable water.


Lecture 6.

Public health services,

 Formation (education) and

Library Digital Contentа (LDC).

« Psycho-technological

The conflict of generations

And island, Anglo-Saxon

The world of consumption

« services on the house » and pleasures,

So seductive for youth,

Has won in development

of civilizations ».

 (From the Internet).

Part 6-1.   Public health services.

Sick operatively receives consultation of free attendants an on line of doctors of the city / country, in mode Skype, Zoom or other teleconference, with smart-phone. Takes temperature, pressure, does(makes) a body – phonendoscope , the cardiogram, the analysis of blood, urine etc. if there were for an ill house appropriate gauges for smart-phone and appendices.

Further, the ill or doctor causes First aid, the doctor on the house or the patient herself enters the name on reception to the doctor - expert or goes on additional researches. And any binding to policies medical insurance ОМС, doctors, polyclinics or to hospitals should not be - the adult person himself defines (determines), where when and at what doctor it is more convenient to it (him) to be treated, let even in the other city. Quickly, simply and without turns, according to open tariffs of treatment and the exposed accounts! Since powerful personal medical insurance the account was almost at each citizen SDB.

For children till 18 years and for idle invalids medical services were personal - are free-of-charge (if the income, less the specification), with transfer on the fact of treatment. For the others - paid, from personal inherited insurance medical accounts (standard tax=5-10% that the person or his(its) employer pays). Payment of treatment two-level, for reception (under the tariff) also is postponed, by results of. Payment - only cashless-transfers, directly, on the account of the attending physician or for researches, it is simple and without intermediaries.

But the Patient himself had the right to solve, what sum to it (him) to pay, proceeding from results of treatment and the exposed account. Only at such payment"by results of", it is possible отсечь inept doctors and « non conventional specialists»from the doctors, able to cure. Using automated - documented system of public health Services, Reputation and the payment - account through UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС).

The Doctor treated the patient, and the basic accounting work was conducted with software - automatic devices medical statistics, giving out to its (her) doctors, sisters, supervising services and on a site of the Gorzdrava country or area.

Then skilful Doctors quickly will grow rich, will open the studies, will buy the good equipment, and having united with others спецами, will create also modern clinics. They become"main" in medical process, instead of head physicians and the bookkeeper of hospitals / polyclinics, as nowadays.

So in the country STSB the powerful uniform automated system - platform treatment people was created, agrees real, not edited results / analyses and authentic healing people reputations from the treated patients.  

On the basis of such system the wide market medical services, adjustable by a feedback on quality of treatment is quickly formed. I.e. any treatment is the auto-contract of payment of results, instead of attempts of treatment by "sorcerers" or for accounting bullshit was. In  SDB the uniform genuine system / card file of all patients of the country, with their analyses, results of researches, histories of illnesses and results of treatments precisely worked. 

I.e. you, your doctor and Supervising bodies could see all yours «a painful(unhealthy) history of life » from birth, to death, and independent automatic devices Big-date and people - specialist constantly could carry out(spend) various and authentic analyses of the Big-data and collect true, instead of the garbled statistics. Precisely revealing, what doctors are able to cure and what techniques of treatment for today are most effective.

                       Education system.

Today, skill to bring up and qualitatively to train children and youth, innovatively to develop applied science, technologies and on their base to build

Remote-global digital new business and manufactures is, in many respects, also skill to operate the future of the country. Its (her) place in the modern high - competitive and scientific - technological global world. Taking into account, that the Person,especially young, not borrowed (occupied) with productive work or creativity, becomes socially dangerous marginalized.

What to do (make), « the island, Anglo-Saxon world of super-consumption of pleasures, egoism and freedom », so seductive for youth, has won the majority of the countries of the world. The former military and resource colonizations were replaced by financial and technological and legal ent hralment of weaker countries. Driving them in information, credit and technological servitude, sucking away the most explanatory (sensible) experts and recruiting in the networks polit-financial elite of the country and Judas - propagandists.  

In SDB have understood that  intelligence to raise and convert inside the country, involving invest ments more favourably, patenting and selling the Found fault - flew, the products and services on trading platforms worldwide. Otherwise the country decline and inevitable new colonization waits. Therefore it is necessary to be put in health and formation (education) of children and adults, from birth up to old age. To learn (teach) qualitative knowledge, to impart to all citizens skills of constant training new and to skills to transfer the knowledge - experience to other people. Instead of « to powder brains » with telecasts about myths and histories of the superiority. Thus « expanding resources of each person » for better life of all in the country.Brains at all people about identical, only assiduity different. Means and creativity  will be higher.
