Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Once, « engineers of human souls ». Have in vain played a trick, that «the beauty will rescue the world ». Alas, the pursuit of the beauty usually substituted prettiness and the reporting, withdraws people from their true applicability, and many " caricature" in «the monkey with glasses ». At the present active and responsible (crucial) smart-person other values -freedom, humanity, reason, the analysis and the creative beginning should be primary.

It people differ from peacocks and other beautiful animals who have rudiments of reason and memory. But animals do not have mechanisms of reverence of died ancestors, as well as the big information memory of experience of other generations (books). Is not present also fast learn ability. That is, even at the maximum (supreme) animals « systems of stratification of new knowledge » in brains, as at people are badly advanced. It, most likely, alsois that human « immortal spirit », than all is not allocated other alive. 

Moreover, present thirtieth anniversary of digitalization all and everything, Internet - services, cellular communication and modern management of technologies with use of software-processor systems and robots, already  in all spheres of life of people and technologies,are the most maximum (supreme) achievements of human reason for all his(its) previous hundred thousand-year history.

Today, to keep abreast from technical and political progress, cardinally it is necessary to change the present maintenance (contents) and structure of all formation (education) and to pass from formalized and dogmatic methods of training, to personal - group, evident and creative - interesting methods. 

Today it is enough to create all over the country 2-5 interesting colourful competitive virtual - interactive rates, different complexities, in all subjects and age, starting(beginning) from a kindergarten and further on all classes of high school and the basic specialities of high SCHOOLS. 

To create the automated test monitoring systems of knowledge of pupils. To create the EXPERT "Formation ("education") and let appendices automatically and it is incorruptible collect and analyze reports on quality of knowledge,releasing(exempting) teachers from « reporting-scheduled routine», giving time for an individual approach to each pupil, bringing the an on line and crowd-offers on modernization of subject rates and the personal help.

Good formation (education) today, is very expensive service and to not ruin the budget of the country and to extinguish corruption, all kindergartens, schools, colleges and HIGH SCHOOLS were"personally pseudo-paid" in the new country.

I.e. on the account of the child (till 18 years) where on shower the income of family was lower than norm, by automatic device EIPSS of the Ministry of Finance and it agrees RPC (the Register of Citizens of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where there are also numbers of accounts), from the state budget the automatic device (officials)it was monthly listed (transferred) the missing sum, the part from which went (notifying parents) on payment of accounts of teaching and educational institutions. 

Interest-free powerful credits (instead of grants) and comfortable residing at Technical Boarding schools, hostels and in hired habitation were given the best students (70 %). Including training of the best abroad under grants and under loans of the future employers, with obligatory improvement, in current 2-3-х years.

In the country there was a competitive market of paid private(individual) and state kindergartens, schools, colleges, HIGH SCHOOLS and other educational and creative institutions. But and to teachers the admission to such activity, developing of presence of the certificate of formation(education), annual testing of knowledge, medical examination (medical and with the help of auto tests) and the appropriate points from the open Register of reputations of public citizens of the country was necessary for owners.

Training of younger children in SDB was mainly game( geymerized) and interactive, with an individual approach, with wider design creativity in methodical approaches to trained. In the senior classes training in something reminded the Singapore schools, American summit - school, STEAM (with humid items) and the Russian - Chinese creative schools Olympiads.But softer and more based on interest and abilities of each pupil. 

With attraction renova models of the virtual and added reality, games and social networks. About creation of colourful dynamic presentations, reports and working models with use « clever completing from Arduino» and other designers, СКАДов and other systems of the automated designing and modelling. And the facts, formulas and figures now « always will be prompted by your personal assistant - Smart-phone».

Teachers in the senior classes not only learned(taught) and supervised the acquired knowledge of youth, but were instructors and navigators on qualitative reception of new knowledge, experience and creation of groups of the with - creators  having the best knowledge in different subjects more.

In the country there were also elite special schools and special courses in HIGH SCHOOLS where through competitions, subject Olympiads and competitions, there was a selection of the most quickly trained children well under standing and able to solve not trivial problems (tasks). Training went for powerful grants, from interested state structures, Business and physical persons.Training was individual - group, with the profound specializations on digitalization to economy, physics and mathematics to a cycle of sciences, meta-knowledge, nano-technology, neuro-cybernetics, microbiology, government and business to digital management. In view of last world (global) scientific achievements and with attraction of the best foreign experts and scientists. 

Part 6-2.   Schools and Library Digital Content

In the senior classes of schools and in HIGH SCHOOLS training of natural-science and technical subjects went in English. Skill correctly and expressively " oratory ", and at once in two languages - on native and on foreign was appreciated. Learned (taught) critically to comprehend all told or read, how to develop logic and the free creative approach (creativity) to all in life. Tried to install in each young man pride of the life, pleasure узнавания new and skills in independent overcoming and difficulties of life.

The cult of " the affair - business », new projects and search of the best realizations in this interesting world of people, ideas and works was appreciated. It let's ample opportunitiese very one go to the happiness of terrestrial applicability, not restraining freedom of others and strengthening public stability and safety. Blatar's elite overconsumption was considered as ancient animal wildness(absurdity).

Were appreciated not only technical knowledge, but also physical and psychological health, skill to stand itself, with a legal protection, with attraction of audio-video of fixings and the weapon. Hygiene and the critical attitude(relation) to the games, not developing intelligence, to malicious publications in mass media СМИ, to any one anonymous contentу and to "fried" fake-news of propagation, especially foreign took root the Internet. Skills took root how skilfully to resist to terrorism of the imposed services and advertising

In connection with explosive expansion of knowledge, it was necessary in SDB to shift all routine and directory work on « heads of clever machines »instead of to spend precious time of youth for dates, « division in a column », learning of formulas, rules of syntax and other. With what appendices of smart-phone-tablets already for a long time consult (cope) better the person. And calligraphy and drawing stylus on the screen of a tablet perfects touch skills of children not worse ancient перьевых ink handles and embroideries by a dagger.
