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Rate of lectures on cyber-marxism.

Smart-digital Bulgaria.


For searching for on key wordses.

cyber-marxism, Manifesto cyber-marxism , Cyber-Marks strolls on Europe ,  Smart-digital Bulgaria , «cyber-марксизм», «МанифестКибер-марксизма» , «Кибер-МарксбродитпоЕвропе» ,  «Смарт-цифроваяБолгария» .

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АГ    (AS) -   the automated state

LDC   (LDK)-  library digital contentа

ГОВД  (CD) -   a city department of internal affairs

ГТЦ,   (SCC)  - the state test centre of the country

ЕИПСС(UIPC) - Uniform inf-payment system of the country

ИООПНС(IOSM)- The inf-open society of direct national self-management

ИЛ     (SILT) -  the identifier of the person (a ring with the chip, hend the passport)

ИИ,    (AIS) -   an artificial intellect, system 

MINIMUM WAGE (MSP)  - the minimal size of a payment

WMD - the weapon of mass defeat

OS -   operational system of the device

РРГС(RRC) – reputation  the register of citizens of the country

РРИ  (RRF)-  reputation the register of foreigners

РГС  (RCC)-  the register of citizens of the country

РРБ (RB)  -  the register business

РИ   (RVC)-   the register of voters (city)

СКТС(MSV) -  the monitoring System of vehicles

СЦБ (SDB) -  Smart-digital Bulgaria

ICO -  System of national donations on development of new devices or a software

NFC-  The module for payment with smart-phone  а or other device

The note. 

IOSM (ИОО ПНС)- the inf-open society of direct national self-management) is an ideal example of functioning of the smart-automated state. It not utopia, and fast real life of people in the advanced  dem-countries, in 21-st century.


The citation.

57 % interrogated have declared, that authorities serve interests of few, and only 30 % trusts, that it not so. Thus, the myth that the state is such piece which operates in interests of everything, instead of in interests of ruling class, on the sly развеивается, and is accident.

From the Forum in Davos, 2020.


Lecture 1.

1.  About Smart-digital  

About what and what for all this.

« Of us do(make) fools,

And you resist ».

Майя Плисецкая, The ballerina.

In the given work attempt of judge ment -why the modern world of such advanced, humane and explanatory (sensible) people is undertaken, so copes policies (politics), Oligarch, security officials and swindlers. And, even in the advanced democratic countries of the Eurounion where the roll in the imperous - power and total - digital control too was designated, deprivation privacy all and everyone. Absence constraining civil counterweights has unreasonably strengthened influence of special services and security officials, not only on a policy (politics), but also on all sphere of life of people and Business, as at old class feudalism.

Therefore, imperous - financial clans, having terrified from « copper pipes » fake, hype and euphorias of impudent permissiveness and the national control, can cast billions people into new World (global) accident. Urgently it is necessary to stop slipping of Democracy in « the export goods globalism », in the tool on management of the world in interests of the large international capital and geopolitics of force. democratic countries should serve interests of all society, and not just exclusive layers.

The history has shown, that any angel - populist having come to authority with a command (team), without counter weighton the part of dem-institutes, without the rigid national control, in 5-10 years of board,degenerates democracy in totalitarian - power authoritarianism. Having received authority a new clan elit any does not want to leave (abandon) administrative Olympus voluntary. In « a wild antiquity » when feudal lords drove people on robberies of neigh bours, «the bloody bail » was generated such. But today «tax voivods » nobody win, and only protect the imperous functions, from civil oppositions and heterodoxy therefore the imperous official today can not use old « feudal privileges » sincebe came the routine hired budgetary manager!

Be those owe the basic polit-law of management of life in society 21-st centuries. Otherwise, in economy there are favourites - monopolists, which spread rot fine and average businessmen, using security officials, gangsters and MASS-MEDIA. Both stagnation began, and there was «a veiled constitutional revolution ».

Butin 21-st century there are new mechanisms of the civil control and compulsion of permanent masters and monopolists toob servance of the Constitution and principles of Democracy. These are smart-votings and open Reputation the register of managers.

The advanced Mankind has entered epoch of the « over intellectual power ». Due to new-technologies, mass роботизации manufactures, remote selling of the goods and the services, the new global markets, instant info - communication of all and everyone. Using Big Data, automatic devices of the analysis in real time of the data, the control and management, a digital-platform of sales of services and the goods. Powerful Internet - systems remote trainings, the crowd-help and advice (councils) for all people have appeared. Boom« amplifications (streng thenings) of brains and personal communication (connection) of all », accumulation and digital processing  « and all » - necessarily shoul dgive alland new kinds of a social order. (From Manifest Cyber-Marks).

Paradox of the modernity (present) - new Technologies of supervision and tracking distances huge advantages "supervisors", and systems of protection of rights of the person and the  -legislation have very much lagged behind and are specially braked by authority. Began «the uncontrolled state of officials » that is fraught with slipping of the countries in «supervising digital prison », in defeat of rights and freedom of people in civil societies and deprivation too much. The socialism on – soviet  where all was under the control of school desks - authorities and special services are already widely realized terrible " Huxley Orwellian" the imaginations similar on was (former) .

Now tracking citizens and their punishment becomes almost automatic. Has left on meeting or has stayed near protest a meeting, video-systems identified you (or similar to you), have compared to the Register of citizens and you a SMS call in police. Further, fast inquiry with threats, tortures and jugglings, court at 24-48 and stamped a verdict of guilt » in extremism.

But with today's young smart-people in the dem-countries so to actal ready unconstitutionally, illegally and even it is silly! Present generation sociologists define (determine), how the informational-incorporated advanced humane society of " higher bible values », than it was ever early in a history of mankind.

And now, with «the digital help », has appeared real, instead of the ostentatious opportunity to make fellow citizens supervising for authorities and massively voting-electing  this imperous managing elite and local officials - executors. audio of fixing, auto-state control/
