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To problem show to stop and turn for the benefit of citizens these tendencies of universal shadowing, video - audio of fixing, auto-state control private (individual) life of people, impudent violation of rights приватности and sale of the personal data and this work, from the unit of new technological cyber-marxism, in the smart-automated electronic states is devoted.

The responsible(crucial) and «-advanced Citizens already up to were bothered with "savage" attitudes (relations) between people, « butting of power (force) heroes » between the countries and pitch-black  supervision of special services inside the country and from abroad.  pitch-black. Though all these Elite on tax salaries from people. And, all inhabitants are tax bearers, as taxes and directly (income НДФЛ) and through purchase of goods / services (НДС=15-25 %) pay. Including children, pensioners and students.Means, all officials should be under the digital control of people, as collective employer. Means, officials and siloviki can be dismissed from work, agrees dem-constitutions. Have lead(carried out) a territorial network gathering - referendum, have voted with smart-phone and have discharged / have left any official from city ​​administration, as the inefficient manager. Remotely, it is simple, clear and without massacre! 

There came other Technological times, new smart-people, worthy more democratic polit-formations, more humane laws and managers, attitudes (relations) between people and the countries have grown. 

Mechanisms (digitally platforms) of new technologies already allow this huge smart-crowd «obvious Reputation in figure » and multistage votings with smart-phone (not rising from a sofa)to force national both international political and financial elites to execute national requirements and to work for the blessing of all people of the country! It is necessary to study more humanely, cleverly and technologically to solve ripened civilizational  problems!

Instead of « to wave fists as savages on meetings or to bomb the sovereign countries drones, arranging the next bloody color revolutions and майданы. Where there is only a change of one ruling «neo-feudal lords» on others, and the working people again remains in fools, in poverty and damage of freedom.

Management of the new, so complicated and interconnected global world of people, MASS-MEDIA and Business, with so powerful weapons of mass destruction (ОМП), is impossible to trust the uncontrollable ruling elites not always understanding an objective reality new to " digital life » people more. The history has shown, that «noble estates » have not justified hopes of reasonable mankind, having untied two world wars and balancing today on a side unleashing the Third.

It Is not allowable such new-savages to uncontrolled authority!

The conclusion obvious -to operate such mankind, old neo-feudal lords ways it becomes more and more dangerous, illegal and is non-technological. Urgently it is necessary to create other, more modern polit-economic formation swhich are taking into account opinion and participation of broad masses of hard-working and knowing modern people, in management and in acceptance of decisions, in the territory of residing.

With the right rigid digital Reputation  the control and a response of all imperous officials and the deputies employed by people for qualitative management of territory.

About such new digital-way - «Technological cyber-marxism » it is in more detail stated in work - «Cyber-marx wanders on Europe! Lectures on the smart-automated state - « (IOSM - THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) and ТСИ», that on Youtube and as texts in network libraries.

Today, the compact advanced country, the first proclaimed and begun(started) to create texnocratic digital «the Informational-open Society of Direct National Self-management (IOSM- THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)) » will be and most конкурентно capable for the human capital, investments and technologies. Intensively developing systems of qualitative and free life of people, remotely and offline, involving the best state functions, fintech from all world under interesting projects of full smart-automation  Business.

Such country quickly will provide technological break and will be, as snow whom to acquire supporters and crowd-investments from all world. The nature of people is those, including among rich - just, responsible(crucial) and hard-working always the majority! Therefore finance and that - support (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) will be provided with all world of the most explanatory (sensible) experts, ecologists and human rights defenders.

In this work it is considered(examined), it is ideal and thesis as with help of new digital technologies such country as Bulgaria, creating (IOSM -THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) - SDB, can bypass on quality of life Slovakia, for five years, and for tenbe razed to the ground with Switzerland or Germany. Resource, naturally -climatic and geopolitic conditions in Bulgaria it is not worse, so people of such country worthy more the best prosperity and freedom. More high quality lifes, than in other countries of the Eurounion and the world.

As the future of Europe is decentralized Europe regions, that, certainly, should not resist to the national states but supplement them. It is Europe democracies, human rights, Europe social rights, Europe citizens opening the doors by that who suffers behind its (her) limits.

For this purpose it is necessary to turn modern info - connectivity of people, digital supervision, global markets, the finance, MASS-MEDIA, manufactures and technologies for the benefit of sharp increase of well-being of all citizens of Bulgaria. Instead of units from ruling elites, polit-oligarchical clans and swindlers that we have now. As millions experts - workers creating and accompanying this digital environment world(global) noosphere, for a long time already became not citizens sovereigns and is far any more «the creature shivering » the last century.

The present Youth has technologically far bypassed "old men - officials" in skill to study, use the Internet (WWW), smart-phone-appendices, messengers and social networks. Quickly gathers force young generation creative digital « decentralized managers » from responsible (crucial) people, with « horizontal submission », fast change of leaders and non-standard decisions.

The new smart-technological model ((IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)) obvious self-management of territories quickly will wake activity of weights. And when citizens will feel real equal in rights owners of places of life, Reputation-supervise for executors - party economic elite  then rough growth passionarity and the responsibility of the majority of simple people will begin. 

In the new country the paradigm really will start to correct- all citizens of the country are equal in rights proprietors of the state, his(its) structures, communications, the grounds and natural resources, and not just political oligarchy and them « clan approached ». 

Now it is necessa ryto not climb in authority and to study technologically and strictly her(it) to supervise. I.e.direct authority to people, not in sense of direct execution (performance), and through rigid and skilful national Reputation the control of all chain of executive, legislative both other authorities. And possession of officials - governors!
